In this article, I will reveal ways that you can contact charitable organizations for money. Remember that money giveaways are generally available if you are experiencing hardship and false statements could lead to money giveaways being recalled. If you want to take charge of your own finances then check out the following posts on making money quickly. These posts give ideas on how to make money legally and if you put a concerted amount of effort you could generate a nice passive monthly income.
Money Making Guides
Who is Eligible for Free Money Giveaway?
The first thing that I would like to mention is that there are lots of scam sites out there who just want to make money off of you, there are sites that want you to leave a comment on your hardship in an attempt to increase their views so that they can make more money from advertising, this site is different, I genuinely want to help people and anything that I find worth sharing will be posted here. There are lots of free money giveaway sites and programs which are completely genuine.If you're looking for a free money giveaway in 2017 then you need to have a genuine hardship, sometimes people get confused over their circumstances and send requests for money everywhere never to get a response. A Genuine hardship would be someone who is experiencing the following:
#1: Financial Despair - Have no money or have lost all your money and have nowhere to turn to
#2: Homelessness - Have no shelter and no one who can accommodate you
#3: Poverty - Are in debt, have no future prospect, stuck in a low-income job where you need more income
#4: Medical Bills with No Insurance
#5: Medical Treatment with No Insurance
#6: Disaster Recovery - Have experienced a disaster and require assistance to get back on your feet
If you do have a genuine hardship then people are willing to give money with no strings attached. The first step that you need to take is to reflect on whether you really have a real hardship, if your circumstance is within your control then it's better you do something about it and help yourself.
Help From the Government Public Assistance
The first free giveaway money organization to consider is government assistance. If through your reflection you've found that you need external intervention then take a moment to think about public assistance, if you're unemployed and on a low income then you could probably qualify for the following benefits which are offered by US Government.
#1: Unemployment Benefits
#2: Food Stamps
#3: Rental Assistance
#4: Weatherization Programs
Millionaires Giving Money
The next money giveaway option you should consider is asking rich millionaires, billionaires, and philanthropists for help. If you've tried public assistance and have nowhere to turn to then it's worth contacting rich people for money, you could contact millionaires, billionaires, celebrities and even corporate foundations for money. I have started to add the contact details of all the people that can help on the pages above where you can ask millionaires, philanthropists, corporate foundations, and celebrities for help. You can also get millionaire help by contacting the foundations run by these rich people, I have shared some contact details below for millionaires giving money.
If you're looking for more people to contact then you could try the following lists which have excellent profiles on rich people giving money away with no strings attached. Once you find a millionaire who supports your cause you can research further into their charitable foundation and then contact them directly for help.
#1: The Giving Pledge
#2: Forbes Philanthropy List
#3: Business Week Top 50 American Philanthropists
How to Get Money for Free (Genuine)
Once you have a handful of rich people that are likely to support your cause it's best to contact them with a hardship letter, the hardship letter should contain details of your present circumstances, how much you need and how you plan to use the money, you should finish the letter by describing how much difference a donation would make to your life.
You should also find the charitable foundation run by these rich people. These organizations will have programs to help people who are experiencing hardship. If you look hard enough you will find a program for absolutely every hardship that's conceivable. If you're looking to make a quick buck through deceiving these organizations then the chances of receiving donations are low.

George Lucas Edutopia Foundation
PO Box 3494
San Rafael
California 94912-3494
Susan Thomson Buffett Foundation
222 Kiewit Plaza Omaha
Nebraska 68131
Telephone: (402) 943-1383
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
East Coast Office
PO Box 6176
Ben Franklin Station
Washington, DC 20044
Telephone: (202) 662-8130
Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation
1635 Market Street
17th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Email: info@JBJSoulFoundation.Org
Telephone: (215) 636-0420
Free Money Giveaway No Strings Attached
Free money is available for people who are experiencing genuine hardship. Most requests for money are turned down because there is no genuine need - most of these fraudsters are looking for places where to get free cash and they spoil the system for real hardship cases.
If you're still not convinced and need help for the money you should know that In 2013 alone donations in the US reached more than $50 billion dollars. You can get some of this free money by pro-actively looking for programs to help you. You should definitely try contacting some of the millionaires giving money listed above.
If you're experiencing financial hardship look for all the foundations which offer financial assistance. If you're looking to improve your prospects look for organizations that offer scholarship programs. If you're looking to start a business check out some of the corporate philanthropy organization which helps business start-ups. Free money giveaway is available if you have a true need and are pro-actively seeking help.
If you're planning on contacting these rich people leave a comment below to support this site so it can reach more people, if you've already contacted rich people with free money giveaway with no strings attached then please leave a comment to share your story.
To Whom it may concern'' i wish i could get a t start. All my life i been giving and i can not get a break..i know it hard for everyone.But if you can please help me with a start up contact so i give you more info and again thank you and God bless everyone'' Amen.
ReplyDeleteI have bad health and no money for my child qnd I just a 200 would help for my son for clothes etc if anyone can help please contact me at thanks
ReplyDeleteI need what lots or some people might take for granted. A home. This past christmas was awful. I been around the clock just looking for a decent place to live where I can feel safe showered and feed. Awful past four months or so. Everything that can go wrong in a persons life thats spirals out of control and scary, has happened to me. I just need a security deposit at this point because rejection is my middle name. I don't believe in my 40 years of life that I have suffered so much mental emotional pain and anguish as I struggled to do right. I just need a small break from this suffering. I raised two kids. There off to college. I have my son that just ain't doing good in highschool for just starting off because he watches his mama his only parent that's been there as a single mom for all 3 of my kids lives start to crumble and fall. Can someone just throw me a financial life jacket. I promise I will pay back asap. Shannon. Apartment wants 8 to 1,600 but I can talk them to just 8 for security if its not to late once again.
ReplyDeleteI am a 59 year old female and disabled living on a fixed income, I have been driving the same car for over 7 years, last year I spent over $8oo in repairs to keep it on the road. Now its dinging, gauges go up and down, break light, battery light flash on and off, took it to the dealership, they say $700 for a BCM and another $700 for a fuse block. I am done with this car, I need about $3 – $5 grand to buy another good car. I need to get to my doctor appointment monthly and to the store and back. I have no one to help me, my income just covers my expenses, I worked my entire life with back pain due to an accident I was in at the age of 21, dumb and stupid and the hospital let us walk out in shock, because I said I was ok, I was not ok. Finally in 2008 I won my disability. Can you see your way to possibly help me? Go here PLEASE:
ReplyDeleteplease help with this indiegogo campaign . Any help is greatly appreciated . Also there are rewards for contributers. Any money past what is needed will be used to help others in need . Please share this indiegogo link with anyone and everyone you can.
ReplyDeleteIm a single mother with a son who has bad health problems since birth I've been bouncing from house to house for two years now I've tried all governments sources but had no luck in that department i make $300 a month workin under the table takin care of the elderly i want some bad to be in my own place but with my son's expenses and paying for bus cab fare that leave me left with nothing I've applied for several jobs but no luck i applied for unemployment but got denied i have no money for child care so my son is constantly with i just need some type of break through I've been on very bad times with my son for two years
ReplyDeletehi i feel weird about asking someone for money could you help me make that kind of money im staying at my dads driving my daughters car i would like to become financial stable and purchase my own home and my kids a home if your interested please contact im not hard to locate
ReplyDeleteDear Sir / Madam. my name is syafruddin 59 year,my wife 50 and four my children 13,15,17,19.Please help me,now i need $5000 for pay off my debts and education my children.My email you so much.God Bless You.
ReplyDeleteI am the youngest of 3. My father passed away coming up on 5 years ago, my mother passed away in December of 2013. I do not have family of friends to help with my financial hardship. I am 27 and my fiancee and I do all we can for our 2 young kids. I pay child support for our 3rd my daughter. I dont lie, cheat, or steal. I work hard for everything and can never get ahead. Please email @ so someone can help me from losing our home, car and positive position in life.
ReplyDeleteThis is great to see, I hope this is true. We all need help sometimes. Now I guess its my turn to be desperate to ask fofr help. I am a single mom who has lost her job. Now all my bills are behind and I just got a 3 day notice on electric and gas bill. So if anyone with a humungous heart could help me. I would be so blessed. The bills come to $1970.. And Thank You for reading and helping those who are in need!!! Teresa.
ReplyDeleteHi I am having multiple problems. I am a full time 24/7 caregiver for my grandmother. I have no car and no home of my own. I would like to have these things but not being able to pay for a caregiver for my grandmother or get family members to help out I can't find a job because of taking care of my grandmother. She can't walk, get in bed, or go to the bathroom by herself. Having a car would ensure that I have a way to get her medicine and breathing treatments to help her health. If you could the only money I would need to help us out would be $8,000 for a house of my own and $3,000 for a decent car to help my grandmother. If you could, would you please send me an email at thank you so much for being a blessing to me and my grandmother.
ReplyDeleteHello, I am struggling bad but I would like ask if you would look into your heart and soul in well donation. Very little income students and others. As of no job but I am working in bettering myself as a business woman in starting mine own nonprofit christian retreat the Lord had showed me as I search for donation had become a full time job. I am christian who Loves the Lord very much. What ask here is from my heart and truth. I do ask from my heart if you would humbly help me. When you do make contact with me. I will give out more privately. May the bless you. I will being praying for blessing here. Read this vere in the bible: Philippians 2:4 and Galation 5:6 the fruit of the spirit. God Less You Sue
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Janet W. of Baltimore Ms I am in need of help with my rent I am a single parent with two wonderful. Children ages 26 she has leukemia. And a 14 year old boy that is 6 3 wearing a size 14 shoe I am always the giver and Boeing need help my SELF MY EMAIL is my bill is 5000 dollars please help me
ReplyDeleteI present my project a board game invent am the inventor and developer of the game I look for donors to produce it and put it on the market'm campaigning through this platform fundraising for my account Please click on the image or the link between the page and see my project
ReplyDeleteHi I am a 47 year old male who has been out of work for 3 years looking after my wife as she is disabled I have been put on jsa and wanting to start my own business in wedding car I have been wanting to do this for a few years now and wanting to start up buying a wedding car and hopefully to inherit to family to keep it going on I have high expectations on myself and life please please can someone help me achieve my goal to be someone proud in life my email thankyou I am a nice guy and very friendly please help
ReplyDeleteThank you for angels amongst us.....each and every one
ReplyDeleteHello I'm in a huge financial crises, I have been jobless from April-Dec 2014 and I've been playing catch up ever since. I'm about to loose my truck due to late payments, I'm paying 900 dollars in child support and whatever money I do make goes straight toward the kids before anything else. I'm not a dead beat dad I do my part in taking care of my kids, I just have to neglect the other bills because I don't make as much. I'm asking for any sort of donations please I need help. I wish I could get out from under this mess and be debt free from my student loan, truck payment and past credit card debt. Please anything will be a blessing Thomas Wiley P.O.Box 373 Valley Mills, Texas 76689 Thank You
ReplyDeleteThis message is to the author of this website.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I find the success stories from the people that have come to your site for help? I ask because I don't really want to share my downfalls publicly if there isn't any help out there somewhere.
Thank you.
*3rd try to comment on this site*
ReplyDeleteMessage to author/owner of this website.
Where are the success stories from people that have come to you and your website for help? I'm asking because I am not willing to share my downfalls if there really isn't any help for those of us in a financial struggle.
Thank you for your time.
Desperately need a helping hand. You can see our story here...
Thank You
ReplyDeleteMy name is Ayesha Khan ,am 24 year old female from India,am a single mother.I am writing to ask for financial assistance. My ten -year-old son , Ashu, was diagnosed with a kidney condition.Am a single mother i lost my Husband a year ago,I have no job, We stay in a one small on rent of $ 20 dollars per month, Before my husband died we had a little savings that is what we have been depending on,now is finished.Due to this i can not afford to give treatment to my son but only to see him die. I wish i could have the courage to write down all my sad life to you,its so worst than i can write to you. Despite all of these problems , Ashu still manages to carry a positive attitude and make every attempt to make others laugh. He loves playing soccer and basketball.
I am attempting to raise funds for Ashu'a treament. The funds received will go on his treatment,it cost us $ 4000 dollars
I am requesting any assistance that you may be capable of giving, whether it is monetary support, publicity surrounding his condition, or a donation. I understand that you may receive many letters, like this one, requesting for financial support, and I honestly understand if you are not able to assist at this point in time.
Thank you so much for time and consideration,
Im 17 years old, i have a two and a half month old daughter. I have tried for the last year to get a job, but no one will hire me. The father of my child are together, he lost his job for leaving work when our lil girl was born. He has also is trying to get a job. But since he lost his job and i have no income also, we have got a car thats going to be repoed if we dont pay,something on it, we have been jumping from house to house for the last month, plus just having a baby is expensive. I have sold everything i possibly can to survive. I hate asking people for money, but im in desperate need. All im asking for is a 100 bucks so i can get my daughter diapers and wipes and etc and so i dont have to worry about being a terrible mother. But if you could help it would be greatly appreciated! God bless!
ReplyDeleteTo anyone who has the means, and would like to truly "pay it forward". I would like to tell my story. I understand there are many deserving people out there. But, I have struggled much of my life starting with my parents dying when I was very young. Then, after going through years of drug dependency and bouncing around from home to home and city to city, I finally got myself a job. But, then due to debilitating illness, had to stop working and go on disability, which does not even cover my basic needs. I have a good heart, and have tried to help other people in my life, when I could. My dream is to be able to move back to Cape Cod, where I spent some time as a child. I am in my 60's, and may not too many more years to live. But, after a tough life and no family alive, I was hoping someone who had a kind heart might like to pay it forward, and either purchase a small condo or cottage for me on Cape Cod, or give me the money to be able to do that. Allowing me to live out the remaining years with a little bit of dignity. The ocean and the beach have always given me peace and serenity. If you would like to help and older man, in not too good of health. There's also my 5 yo Yorkie mix, as my companion. It would be much appreciated. send emails to:
ReplyDeleteI am in need of assistance for a place to live, furniture, kitchen supplies, and household needs. I am also way behind in my car payments and currently have no car insurance. I have lost my job last September and have yet to find a new one. I am currently living with a disable women helping her but she wants me to move out the end of this month. I am getting ready to start working on my 2nd Master's in Pastoral Counseling in 3 weeks and I have federal loans paying for this. I am praying that this degree will open more doors for me. The total amount in am in need of is $10000. This will help me find a place to live, furniture, household item needs, and pay the past due for my car and insurance so I can get to job interviews and doctor appts. The only assistance i am currently receiving is Food Stamps every month. Being that I am a single women with no children many doors have been shut for help. I am 57 years old and I feel that my age and health is closing the doors to the jobs I am looking for. If you can help me get back on my feet I would deeply appreciate it. You can contact me through my email at
ReplyDeleteBismillah Rahmaanir-Raheem
ReplyDeleteAssallamu aleikum
May Allah the Al-might,The Creator,The Exalted and the Preserver
His blessing and peace be upon you in this worldly life and the Here After life..How Beautiful is Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala? Our minds cannot comprehend His Beauty. How Perfect is He? How Kind? How Loving? How Generous? How so extremely Merciful? There is noway we can ever understand. It is simply beyond our small and meagre capabilities.My dear brother let me hope this letter finds you in a good and healthy condition.My name is kayondo swaliki am in India but a from Uganda. Am writing to you with a heavy heart and with tears gushing from my eyes due to the sadness i carry with me always. My life is filled with sadness but i hope with Allah's blessing and your support i will be able to put a smile on my face once again. My troubles started when i lost my father,since then life turned up side down in terms of financial support. i know its not appropriate to address to you in this manner.But I have a broken heart and a painful sad life.Am suffering from multiple problems in my life ,sickness ,debts ,food.clothes,shelter am leaving with my friends who have supported in food and sleeping but they are going leaving,I do not have anyone in my life to help me,am jobless and my education stopped ,i was pursuing my MBA degree final year but due to my father's lose i stopped because of fees.My pain is increasing day after day.Am also suffering from stomach complications but i do not have money for check ups.I can not explain well my life its so bad,.I wish i could show you the clear picture of it.This is in short of it but is more worse than i can express it.I only ask God and you to help me over come my problems. I need to complete my MBA and get a job so that i can help my mother who is sick.I need $4000 dollars to complete my MBA degree,to pay for my debts and pay treatment for my mother.I have no place where to stay,i beg for your support.I know am asking for too much help from you since you barely know me or believe if am telling the truth.But in God's name am telling the truth.Am asking for your forgiveness is my letter makes you feel uncomfortable.I wish i had a way to share with you the true picture of my life.I pray to God that you doing fine.Thank you for reading my letter.
Have you ever wondered why in the world we thrive all of our lives to make and have "money"? We leave this earth and take nothing with us. why in the world would the rich be willing to help us who have nothing/ I feel like the last person,i see no responses of the rich helping no one. is this site a scam? I refuse as well to air my misfortunes and have no one even respond. I wonder about this site.
ReplyDeleteHello friend,i know its not appropriate to address to you in this manner,it would have been more better if i had contacted you by phone but i do not have your number or by your email but i do not have your email.I have a broken heart and a painful and sad life.Am suffering from multiple problems in my life ,disease ,debts ,depression,recently i got electric shock where my hands and face were burnt and more worse to that i do not have anyone in my life to help me,am jobless,no where to sleep ,no food,no money.My pain is increasing day after day,due to pressure from people i have to pay,the money i got from them was for my treatment ,they threaten to hurt me.On addition that i have kidney stones of which i need treatment.I can not explain well my life its so bad,.I wish i could show you the clear picture of it.This is in short of it but is more worse than i can express it.I only ask God and you to help me over come my problems,I need $ 4000 dollars to solve my problems .i feel ashamed to ask since am a man.I just need to have a happy life.I hope and pray that you will help me,but my friend my life is truly is bad,it feels like
ReplyDeleteGood Afternoon. I am looking for someone trustworthy that might help out someone that could use a fresh look on life.
ReplyDeleteI am 44 years old married and have 3 children, College, High School, and Middle school. I own a, one man operation lawn care company. I have been in the Golf and Landscape business for 32 years. I started my own business in 2006 to allow myself to spend more time with my kids extremely busy sports schedule. This worked out great for us until recently.
Its not a secret that I have not done a very good job managing my finances. I have chased debt with debt for many years and I need to fix this now. All I am hoping for is someone that would be willing to help me out. Currently I pay 20 payments per month totaling $3,885.24!!!
I am looking for a 7 or 10 year loan in the amount of - $93,000 @ 4% to 8%. This will allow me to pay only 7 bills per month instead of 20 and reducing my monthly payments from the above amount down to $2,361.01, saving me per month, $1,273.57.
I am very stressed right now because of all this and I don't want it to effect my life. I tried another company and they didn't work. they tried to rip me off. I put myself in this position and I am taking full blame for it. I want, and will pay every penny back guaranteed. I just need someone that believes me. I also have proof of all my debt down to the penny so please if you truly can help and want to make some easy money on my payments please contact me @
My Dear,
ReplyDeleteAre you in need of loan?? you can get your problems solve when you run to her, am Jurgen Gerhard Barth from germany , there was a time, I was looking for loan to pay for my bills,so i get myself into the hand of different scams and i was scams by different lender, If not for Sandra who is my good friend introduce me to Mrs. Favour Elena the (C.E.O) FAVOUR ELENA LOANS , and she help me with a loan of 35,000 euro without any difficulties So My good people of germany, you can contact him via Email: And don't forget to tell him,that i introduce you to his Company
Kind Regards,
Jurgen Gerhard Barth
My Dear,
ReplyDeleteAre you in need of loan?? you can get your problems solve when you run to her, am Jurgen Gerhard Barth from germany , there was a time, I was looking for loan to pay for my bills,so i get myself into the hand of different scams and i was scams by different lender, If not for Sandra who is my good friend introduce me to Mrs. Favour Elena the (C.E.O) FAVOUR ELENA LOANS , and she help me with a loan of 35,000 euro without any difficulties So My good people of germany, you can contact him via Email: And don't forget to tell him,that i introduce you to his Company
Kind Regards,
Jurgen Gerhard Barth
I was wondering about your comment about someone in germany can get you a loan on Germany. I am looking for way to aquire funds to start a business. My credit is tied up in student loans and need to make some options, I am educated and experience in different fields but my goal is to share my talents to the world trying to find some different route to make this happen. Can this company favour elena loans help me . Can you email at
Deletethis seems like a scam but who knows someone might hear my cry
ReplyDeletehi im Ray and im in need of cash to help my wife , she has copd and throat cancer. The cancer is eating her vocal cords up and soon she will not be able to talk to me. There is an operation she can get but it cost a lot of money and her insurance wont pay for it. Not hearing my angel speak to me would be devastating. $10,000 would cover the operation. then some how i would take care of the hospital bill. Well i better go and take care of her but if someone wants to contact me just E-mail me at ty. TC and god bless you all..
ReplyDeleteaparte de necesitar dinero por el tratamiento, necesito medicos que sepan realmnete que tiene mi papa.
ReplyDeletelo han desauciado, pero se que tiene cura mi papa, pero no se quieren arriesgar los doctores, actualmente el se encuentra en peru, lima, hospital ribagliati, esta grave. gracias
Hello I'm going through a difficult time and I don't know who to turn to for help to take care of my financial Problems I'm suffering from setbacks due to non payments of bills and rent for $9000+ Utilities for $1,089 and not to mention unpaid Parking Tickets For $1300 to get my Car out the Auction since they Towed the Car in front of where lived in Canarsie Brooklyn NY 11236 that's why I need your help very badly before its too late to get. Out of the poverty whole I'm in now. Please help me and my family don't let me down Thank you Guys.
ReplyDeleteDo you need a loan??
ReplyDeleteAre you looking for financial assistance, Are you desperately in need of financial help? Hammers Finance Charter is here to grant you your requested loan amount provided you will be able to pay back the loan. We give out loan at the rate of 3% interest, to apply email us on ,
You can contact us for any kind of loan like school loan,car loan,house loans,business loans,health/medical loan,e.t.c.
For more details or to apply, email us on
Do you need a loan??
ReplyDeleteAre you looking for financial assistance, Are you desperately in need of financial help? Hammers Finance Charter is here to grant you your requested loan amount provided you will be able to pay back the loan. We give out loan at the rate of 3% interest, to apply email us on ,
You can contact us for any kind of loan like school loan,car loan,house loans,business loans,health/medical loan,e.t.c.
For more details or to apply, email us on
I am 70 years old and disabled. I was scammed on a dating site last your of over $20,000 I know I will never get that money back. My problem is my fiance works part time out of the country as a coffee bean distributor the partner that he was working with won't help him with a buyer in the USA because he told him that last year was his last year doing this type of work. Our situation is that he needs $2500 to come home and pay his expenses there. He is willing to pay you back when he gets back to the states his name is Terry Miller/company name is Healthy Coffee in the past he has gotten coffee beans for Community Coffee out of Louisiana and Barista Coffee of Washington state. Please help us.
DeleteHello I am not sure if this works or not but am going to give it a try. I need a loan for the amount of $25,000 to consolidate my bills and to buy a new car. The car I am driving at this time is 22yrs old. Nobody will give me a loan because I have to much debt, lost my job and will start receiving social security in January ($569). I can pay $250 a month starting Feb. 1st. thanks for your help. contact
ReplyDeletedear Sir or Madam I am a single mom of 4 children and a grandchild we are living in poverty and I am trying to stay afloat. I am in need of a job but at 56 years young it's hard to get one. I have been a daycare provider for 16 years but with budget cuts this is forcing me to return to work with no success. If I could get enough money to pay on my mortgage I files bankruptcy to save my home now my income is declining need $19,000 to get me out of a hole as not getting paid for 3 months threw me behind in my payments help please if you can just trying to get back on track and keep a home for my kids and granddaughter. You can contact me at Sincerely Phyllis Jones
ReplyDeleteI am looking to borrow $25,000 to pay off my bills. I can start making payments the first of Feb. I am unemployed at this time and will start getting my retirement then and can pay $250 a month until paid off. Thank you for you time.
ReplyDeleteI hope all the previous posts above were able to get some form of help as they all seem very deserving cases.
Here is my case i an not in such hardship Thank God struggling all the time but i am at least able to pay my monthly bills and have enough left over for food but not much else so my budget is extremely tight, anyway i am not complaining there.
But it so happens i came across what i would consider a wonderful life changing business opportunity and i would give anything to better my life and be in a position to help others.
Now as with most opportunities they need capital funds to get started funds which i do not have and after exploring all my available options no access to any kind of funds or loans even though i have tried.
So if anybody would be in a position to give me any amount of funds to go towards this opportunity the exact amount i need truly is $6000 but any amount toward that effort would just be so wonderful.
I will be very honest if and when this opportunity pays off and it is projected to do just that around 5 Months from now provided i can get involved real soon as the window of opportunity is closing fast so time is of the essence.
Anyway once it pays off i will truly commit to helping as many deserving cases as i possible can cause i look at it if i am been blessed by this i want to bless others as well and pass along the gift as there are so many people hurting out there these days despite what the Government tells us that the economy is getting stronger.
I truly can not say too much about this opportunity right now as it is private and i have to obey rules and terms, etc, but i never seen or came across such a great opportunity ever in my past and i am around quite a while so once this does it thing i sincerely promise i will come back here and help as many other people as i can.
If anyone can help me with this right now you would be doing me a huge favor and one that i would never ever forget and i could never thank you enough you will be richly blessed.
If you want to get in touch directly with me my email address is,..
I Thank you and God bless you
My name is Michael Bailor I am looking to secure 1 Million dollar donation I have a number of inventions on kick starter but have come to a conclusion that with out paying someone to promote your pretty much dead in the water I would use the money to take care of my self while I continue to brainstorm my inventions and formulate new was to make Other peoples life better my goals include helping those in my pair group being on hardship and really in the need of a break you can be that break I am praying for you can contact me at
ReplyDeleteIn need of a 1 million USD I could say my life has not been fair, and that I have been dealt a bad hand. But I am not going to do that its true but not what I want to do. Instead I want to make a plea for a donation for me to be all I can be. They say money cant buy happiness, I intend to be care free which way would free me to enjoy my life. All the spinning of the wheels in the world never made any on happy either I wish to have my cake and eat it too. with all hope this would make my dream a reality. I have multiple inventions on hold that would also be brought to reality. contact me for the full story at
ReplyDeleteHI...I am in dire straits and need to start a business. I cannot list all my problems (too many)! Please email me @
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I have contacted Ellen Degeneras and President Obama's charity. I am 43 years old, I was diagnosed with progressive relapsing MS in 2014, the symptoms that go with the MS keep me from working they have for over a year. I applied for Social Security Disability, I was denied, I appealed that decision, hired an attorney, and have been waiting for a hearing since February of this Year. In March of 2015 I applied for Michigan's State disability assistance and paperwork was shuffled around and around so where you should get a decision in 60 days I didn't get one for 5 months...denied, so I appealed that I am waiting for a hearing on that also. My fiance is a US Navy Veteran who had PTSD he gets Michigan's State disability assistance,$200.00 a month. With this we have to pay co-pays on my medicines which sometimes I may have to go without for a week until we get the money and one of my medicines isn't even covered so we have to pay $25.46 every month for that. We do receive food stamps the VA paid our rent for 6 months in August but we still have to pay for gas to get to the doctors, buy groceries, do laundry, yeah we have to pay for that because no hook up here at our apartment for our washer and dryer, pay our phone bill and still try and get household necessities. Some months(more often than not) if it wasn't for my mom we wouldn't have soap shampoo razorstoilet paper things a lot of people take for granted but those are things that my fiancee,Brad and I are grateful for. We owe $2600.00 to our past landlords who were great in letting us stay there until they decided to sell the house.I am really hoping we can get some help.
ReplyDeleteIt very painful to write to someone you not even sure they will respond to your request but I'm doing it because I need help, my name is Nosipho Molefe from South Africa, I have tried every where for help, I'm 23years of age left school in 2010, I'm a child of povarty but not wishing die poor, my request to these site are lot because i wrote long time and had no respond from anyone and im writing again, though i gave up knowing that i will just waist my effort on writing to people who will not do anything to help me, but now i cant stop trying because i think one day God will hear me out. My story was about me being raped at my childhood times, i grew up with my mother who is married to a malawien man who is abusing us, i said i didnt pass my matric due to the couse of my step father, i request $50 000 to go back to school and start a pre primary school in my area, I'm a business minded person and like to work and I hate the fact that when i plan something is not happening though i tell my self that this time is the time but still i fail, please with this money im asking for it will change my life and other people around my area, i dont have anything to give in return but good recomends from people in my community i would like any rich person to contact me on my email or cell phone number, any rich man who has a heart of helping the world of God i will apprciate any money he/she will provide but it must be the amount of starting something for my self. Thank, +27746847352.
ReplyDeleteHi I'm Erika
ReplyDeleteI need some help for christmas for my kids. My water well went out and I had to replace it with a new one it cost me 7000 and now I don't have money for my rent and bills. Can't give my children nothing this holidays. I have 5 kids and a grand baby. If anyone can please help me email me.
Miracles do happen and I need yet another one. My whole life is a story of one major thing after another. In 2000, I was no longer able to work. I had been suffering from some unknown thing that made me feel like I was losing my mind. It has a name now...fibromyalgia. I have many other medical issues as well.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping to be able to replace it soon as possible.
I was married until my husband committed suicide Nov 24, 2011...he was very sick and on dialysis. I have three daughters...ages almost 27 and she has 2 babies under age of 3, 22 and pregnant and almost 19. The two youngest live at home and the oldest needs my help to get her children to daycare.
My van's transmission went out. It had been leaking along with the oil and radiator. The air conditioning and heater didn't work either. I really need this van to help get to my doctor appointments, help with my daughters and grandchildren, also I help transport friends to work, store and dr appointments as well.
I do not need a brand new van, but I need a van that has 4 doors, vents all the way to the back with working heat and air conditioning, cruise control and automatic windows due to my limitations I may need it to convert for an electric wheelchair in the future.
I do have a gofundme @ to see the van I did have.It has went to the junk yard already.
Abe, here,I took a bank loan and a savings society loan to start a business and also pay for my university fees. I began the business, ran it for a while, but unfortunately it did not work out well and I had to close it down temporarily. I also began my university course and successfully completed it, but due to my financial situation I was not able to complete my university fees and so I am remaining with an outstanding balance. I will not be allowed to graduate and get my degree unless I clear this balance. Meanwhile I still have to pay back the bank loan and the savings loan, these have weighed heavily on my finances and I have incurred several debts which are pressing including my monthly house rent and electricity bill. I am therefore kindly requesting you for $20,000 to clear all my outstanding debts. This is an urgent request and so I'll appreciate your prompt response. You can contact me on
ReplyDeleteAbe, here,I took a bank loan and a savings society loan to start a business and also pay for my university fees. I began the business, ran it for a while, but unfortunately it did not work out well and I had to close it down temporarily. I also began my university course and successfully completed it, but due to my financial situation I was not able to complete my university fees and so I am remaining with an outstanding balance. I will not be allowed to graduate and get my degree unless I clear this balance. Meanwhile I still have to pay back the bank loan and the savings loan, these have weighed heavily on my finances and I have incurred several debts which are pressing including my monthly house rent and electricity bill. I am therefore kindly requesting you for $20,000 to clear all my outstanding debts. This is an urgent request and so I'll appreciate your prompt response. You can contact me on
ReplyDeleteApply for Christmas loans Or any Kind of loan 2% today contact us:
Contact Information:
Whats app Number: +918197990381
Thanks for your patronage/trust and understanding our most valuable customer.
Kind Regards.
hai, i am sriram..
ReplyDeletei need money to pay my college fees as well as to pay my room rent... i am doing part time job as a customer care executive... but that money is enough fr my food & traveling expenses.. i already dropped my college education due to financial reasons... now i am doing engineering but cant write exams because i didnt paid my college fees... my parents are working in agriculture..they cant afford my college fee...if u some one helps means its better to complete my education...i need $32,000 to pay my three years college fee..if u need details means i will send my college info..u can check about my status. you can contact me on
My name is Amber and I'm nobody I have nothing no job no car no life of happiness. I need money keep trying to get a job in native America so I live in the rez there no as many jobs. I'm hubbling asking for some help with money I know the Lord as a plan for me but I need a few jump steps and this might help me. I believe I can get though life in God I know there good people out there that love to help. Brothers and sisters stay blessed and have a great day. Amen. -amber
ReplyDeleteMy name is ben maddox i am in financial crisis and praying for go to help out during christmas . I have psoriasis and it has been robbing me financially and of joy. Im a christian and am waiting to god to bless me with 2000 to get my children and me thru christmas without overspending and paying rent.
ReplyDeletei lost my job i live in the poorest county in harlan ky i need help please help all i really want to dois give my sonsa decent christmas the first in2 years ive got no help it seems when i really need so someone pleasehelp soon is my email mailing is p.o. box 540 evarts ky 40828
ReplyDeleteineed help me and my husband arnt doing well i lost my job he barley gets 15 hours a week at his to pay what bills we got all we want to do is give our kids a nice christmas please help soon its almost christmas please
ReplyDeleteI stumbled upon this site when looking for overseas stockist or health conscious individual rich people to like to test our amazing Teviron health clothing that gives you good health. For that I would not need a donation I like to work for it. You can buy health by changing your clothes. Email me: jennylinse[at] for more information.
ReplyDeleteHallo All,
ReplyDeleteMy Self Tingku chang and i am from india and i need finincal help to run my business.
so any one who can help me then please please please. call me at +91-9678675388
Hello, I am Mark Scott, am a Millionaire, am willing to Help people in need financially, if you are in need Financially, i am willing to Help you if you are an Honest person, if you don't have any criminal record, if you have a US bank account or you know someone that has and you trust, and you must give a reasonable reason why i should help you financially, you can TEXT ME ON +12026978833
ReplyDeletei don't pick calls just text and you will be replied immediatly. i believe givers never lack.
ReplyDeleteMy name is kaya from South Africa.I am writing this on behalf of my church MERCY INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES, I need help from anyone who is touched with my story more especial if you are a child of God (born again Christian) even if you not you are more than welcome to help.
ReplyDeleteWe are suffering to worship God because we have no instruments even if we have revival we borrow from other churches and sometimes we do even get when we ask them because they also do not have spare ones.
My Pastors contact detail 0781836431
Email Address : on 0631815783
Any one who is touched is welcome to buy it for us...
Thank you so much and hope you will do something immediately you see this massage.
do not hesitate to contact me should you have any query.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Adam Johnson. I'm a truck driver/warehouse worker, the work I do is extremely physically demanding. I had an accident last month, I fell out of a tree stand and separated my left shoulder, broke 2 ribs and sprained my other shoulder. Where I work there's no such thing as light duty so I can't go back yet. My fiance has a job but it's not nearly enough to cover everything with our 2 young daughters. I also now have medical debt rolling in, my ER bill was over $10,000 and my insurance sucks. I've already cashed out my investments in preparation but I'm not sure how long I'll need to be off. If anyone could help my family and I would be extremely grateful especially with the Christmas season upon us. I don't like taking handouts but I have to swallow my pride for my family's sake. My email address is
ReplyDeleteMy name is Adam Johnson. I'm a truck driver/warehouse worker, the work I do is extremely physically demanding. I had an accident last month, I fell out of a tree stand and separated my left shoulder, broke 2 ribs and sprained my other shoulder. Where I work there's no such thing as light duty so I can't go back yet. My fiance has a job but it's not nearly enough to cover everything with our 2 young daughters. I also now have medical debt rolling in, my ER bill was over $10,000 and my insurance sucks. I've already cashed out my investments in preparation but I'm not sure how long I'll need to be off. If anyone could help my family and I would be extremely grateful especially with the Christmas season upon us. I don't like taking handouts but I have to swallow my pride for my family's sake. My email address is
ReplyDeleteI got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mrs Alison is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on
ReplyDeleteI got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mrs Alison is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on
ReplyDeleteI got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mrs Alison is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on
ReplyDeleteI got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mrs Alison is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on
ReplyDeleteHello, my name is Taylor. I am in need of $1,500, strictly because I want to help my family have a nice Christmas. I just lost my job and my car is broken down so I'm not able to get another job at this time. I am the oldest of seven children and as of right now I live with my grandparents and two of my younger siblings. My grandparents are great people, when my siblings and I were younger our parents were addicts, they never really took care of us. I was looking after and taking care of my three oldest brothers at a very young age, changing their diapers, feeding them, bathing them, making sure they didn't get hurt. My grandparents stepped in and took us away from my parents when I was about ten years old, they took us into their home and raised us all as their own. My grandma works at a little convenience store and my grandpa works as a mechanic at his own shop and neither of them get paid very well. Because of this they have to pay all the bills and expenses of living so they are struggling with being able to buy Christmas presents for my siblings. I'm not looking for a hand out, I'm looking for a loan. I would pay the money back and interest if you could help me out. Please contact me at Any help would be appreciated so I can try to help them buy presents or pay the bills for our house until I am able to get a car and a job. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteApply for a quick and convenient loan to pay off bills and start a new business or re-finance their projects at a cheaper rate of interest of 3%. Do contact us today with the loan amount needed as our minimum loan offer is $5,000.00to any choice of the loan amount. We are a legitimate registered and certified lender. You can contact us today via email for quick response : Telephone Number: +1(303) 749 0667
I need an honest job paying $ 5000 a week! I am in college!My major is music! I have a dream that is no where near complete.treat others the way you want to be treated!just believe
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, thank you for even reading my email. I got this information off of Millionaires Giving Money website, I hope this information is accurate, but if not I am truly sorry for disturbing you. My name is Andre, I am 51yrs old, and I have gotten myself in some serious debt. I can’t blame anybody but myself. I got all these credit cards and store cards and just spent unwisely. Before I know it I had max out all my cards. I have a job and pay my bills on time, but by the time I pay my mortgage, car note, car insurance, credit cards, utilities, and get groceries, the rest I have left over, I use for gas and to help out my mother. I make at least the minimum payment on credit cards so it won’t affect my credit. I tried to get a loan but I have so many credit cards with revolving accounts nobody will give me a loan. The ones that did say yes the APR was between 23-27%. The interest earned on credit cards is what’s killing me. My family (Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister) etc., are in no position to help. I understand that you receive many letters, like this one, requesting for financial support, and I honestly understand if you are not able to assist at this point in time. But if you did it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and patience. You can contact me at Have a blessed Day.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Belinda Juett, my mom was diagnosed with stage three uterine cancer and after chemo treatment and radiation therapy she has neuropathy in both her hands and feet severe pain,but now she is going to lose her house in April, we received a letter for the sheriff sale. Please please Please Help Us! We tried to get help from homekeepers from the government but they waited to reply back a year later when we no longer qualified because we were over the amount then. My sister lost her job at the insurance company she worked for over 20 years,now she's a bus aid making not even half of would she did make and I worked for a store and did private duty nursing but had three surgeries on my hands so I work part-time now at the store. My sister and I are my mom's caregivers and would like your help please to keep our mother in her home in her last days. Your help would be a blessing. Please Help Us!. Our address is 134 Elmwood Ave. Long Branch, New Jersey 07740 and phone # 732-912-6193 if you want more information or verify this. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read this. Belinda Juett
ReplyDeleteTo whom it may concern: Hello my name is Darlene Antrim I have been struggling off and on with homelessness for over three years now, a number of changes transpired which seriously jeopardized my continued ability to maintain the rental obligations, and so I am contacting today in hope of receiving assistance to deal with the resulting significant negative impact to my financial position. Of the changes, the most significant are that, I have developed so debilitating symptoms of a medical condition, and although hopefully a short term problem, it is having a serious impact on my ability to earn income. Please note that I have made a number of attempts at resolving or stabilizing my financial situation prior to posting this message. In an effort to help myself, I have asked both family and friends if anyone has funds for me to borrow until I resolve my situation, but no one is able to help me in this way. Clearly, I can no longer afford to continue on my current path without some assistance. It is very important to me to find a resolution to my financial situation as quickly as possible I would be so grateful. Thank you for your time and for reading my message. Respectfully Darlene Antrim feel free to email me at
ReplyDeleteHello,Do you need a loan? If yes,contact us via Email:
ReplyDeleteWhatsapp number: +27710616739
I am a semi-retired Vietnam Era Veteran who desperately needs financial assistance.
ReplyDeleteThe following is a list of my financial burdens: (1) My own medical expenses that my workman's comp refuses to pay = $500. (2) My wife's self-pay medical expenses
= $255. (3) Repairs to the foundation of our house = $3300. If you are able to be an angle of mercy and send us any financial assistance to us, please E mail - In In the topic Heading, put Nagel of Mercy. God bless you!
Please I need money give me $10.000 for buy a house and for my daughters to study in University I really urgently that's money...... My name Kristiyono ( a Man ) from Indonesia, Age 57 years old, my email facebook : and my gmail you your attention Mr/Mrs God bless
ReplyDeleteWir bieten Darlehen zu einem niedrigen Zinssatz von 3%. Bewerben Sie sich für eine schnelle und bequeme Darlehen zu bezahlen Rechnungen und starten Sie ein neues Geschäft oder refinanzieren ihre Projekte zu einem günstigeren Zinssatz von 3%, Sie haben eine niedrige Kredit-Score und Sie finden es schwer, Kapital Darlehen von lokalen zu erhalten Banken und andere Finanzinstitute? Hier ist Ihre Chance, ein Darlehen von unserer Organisation zu bekommen. Wir bieten Darlehen an Einzelpersonen für die folgenden Zwecke und vieles mehr. Persönliche Darlehen, Business Expansion, Business Start-up, Bildung, Schuldenkonsolidierung, Hard Money Darlehen. Kontaktieren Sie uns heute per E-Mail:
ReplyDeleteWir bieten Darlehen zu einem niedrigen Zinssatz von 3%. Bewerben Sie sich für eine schnelle und bequeme Darlehen zu bezahlen Rechnungen und starten Sie ein neues Geschäft oder refinanzieren ihre Projekte zu einem günstigeren Zinssatz von 3%, Sie haben eine niedrige Kredit-Score und Sie finden es schwer, Kapital Darlehen von lokalen zu erhalten Banken und andere Finanzinstitute? Hier ist Ihre Chance, ein Darlehen von unserer Organisation zu bekommen. Wir bieten Darlehen an Einzelpersonen für die folgenden Zwecke und vieles mehr. Persönliche Darlehen, Business Expansion, Business Start-up, Bildung, Schuldenkonsolidierung, Hard Money Darlehen. Kontaktieren Sie uns heute per E-Mail:
ReplyDeleteBrauchen Sie einen Kredit ? Wir sind ein privates Darlehen Kreditgeber Rendering Darlehen bei 3%, kontaktieren Sie uns heute für weitere Informationen.
ReplyDeleteDo you need a loan? Are you in need of any kind of loan? Apply now via email: and get the best out of the loan. We offer all types of loans in the long term and short term at a low interest rate of 4%. Apply now and you will be sharing the testimony of another.
Yes Jones Wood, I really do need an emergency loan to be paid in a long term like 8-9 years or a monthly payment of $500. I'm about to lose my 2017 CR-V, I'm 2 months behind, the dealership and the Honda Financial services will not help me by them modifying nor extending the loan , so I may end up voluntary surrendering the vehicle to the dealership and will still owe 25-30 thousand after the vehicle is sold. Please, I need to borrow $50,000 so I and my family can keep this vehicle, should you loan me this money, I can start paying you back this June 2017, thank you so much, hope to hear from you soon, God bless
DeleteHello Everyone,
ReplyDeleteDo you need an urgent loan to pay off your existing bills or you need a loan to start up a business buy a car here is a company that offer loan of all kinds. Interested person should reply to this E-mail: for more informations.
Good morning/afternoon to each and everyone, thank you for all the inputs, I and my family is in real financial hardship, living beyond our means, hopefully, it'll last only for 8-9 years with your blessings. I don't want the free money, what is given to me will be treated as loan and must be repaid at the lowest rate possible, a 5% or better in a long term, I'm going to start with Jones Wood, thank you and God bless you