

Monday 23 January 2017

I Need Help Buying Food for My Family

I need help buying food is a frequently asked question on the Millionaires Giving Money Blog. If you're facing financial difficulty buying food for your family then this guide will help you to reduce your food bills, eat better food. This guide will also look at all the programs available for low-income families and individuals as well as hunger programs in the USA that will help you feed your family for free. 

This will be a very comprehensive guide which I will constantly add to help as many people as I can, I've experienced hunger myself and I know how unpleasant it can feel (I seriously sympathize); please bookmark this article and forward it to as many people experiencing hunger, leave a comment if you know of any tips or programs that can help people experience food poverty. 

#1: Budget Your Money Better

Effective budgeting can make your grocery bill much more manageable, sometimes people are surprised to find out how much they spend on a particular area in their life. If you need help with food then smart budgeting is essential to curb your spending on groceries. When I was facing difficulties feeding my family I started budgeting, to my absolute horror I found that I was spending more money on entertainment and hobbies that I was on food. 
Budgeting will help you to get things into perspective and will help you prioritize what is most important which is to feed your family healthy and nutritious food. You should create your income and expenses statement so that you can see where all your money is going, you might be surprised. The most important exercise is to try to cut needless spending and then use that money for the things that matter like feeding your family.

#2: Get Groceries for Cheap Using Coupons and Vouchers

Another great way to stretch the amount you can buy is with coupons and special offers. You can get groceries for cheap using these strategies. When I need help with food the first thing I did was to downscale on the food supermarket I use and go to a budget supermarket, this helped me to drastically reduce my food bills. 

I also looked for coupons on the internet on the foods I needed and every time I found something it was like finding free money, I also looked at supermarket comparison sites to find half price offers or buy one get one free. The bottom line was I always looked for a cheaper alternative or ways I could cut the cost of buying foods. A search on the internet will reveal excellent sites which offer advice to people who want to stretch their money using special offers and coupons.

#3: Learn to Love Leftovers

One of the best ways of Feeding Hunger is to learn to love leftovers. If everyone embraced and shared their leftovers no one would need help with food. When I need help with food the first thing I do is embrace leftovers and make meals stretch as far as possible. This is a great strategy to help with food and bills! Make your food last as long as possible, learn to make your energy last as long as possible. Small changes to make the best of resources will help to save you money so you can allocate more money towards food.

For me personally, there were times when we chucked everything that we didn't want to eat when I look back I think to myself what a waste of money, throwing food away was like throwing money away. What really helped with lowering our food bill was cooking less food and leaving leftovers for another day. If you're struggling with your food bill I would urge you to take this challenge and cook less food and lower your portion size, if you find that you're chucking away 1/3 of your food then cook a third less, instead of cooking 7 days worth of meals cook only 5 days and then use the leftovers for days 6 and 7. 

#4: Find Inexpensive Food Items

Whenever I need help with money I find inexpensive food items to slash my grocery bills. This is like taking groceries for cheap to the next level. This tip was mentioned quickly on #1 but deserves more attention, if you're struggling with your food bills you need to downshift a brand, rather than buying Coca Cola you need to buy budget cola, rather than buying Branded chocolate you need to switch to generic brands. If you can do this with every item you buy you can slash your bill by half! Take the challenge for a month, make the switch and then see how much you save, also see if you notice a big difference.

#5: Apply for Food Stamps Help

You can get help from the government by applying for food stamps. Food Stamps help low-income families and individuals who are experiencing hunger. Whenever I need help with food I look for government programs that help low-income families and individuals. If I need financial help I also turn to the government who offer welfare benefits to get you back on your feet. You can apply for food stamps if you're experiencing hunger and have no income or savings. If you're on a very low income or have lost your job, are facing financial despair, disaster or crisis then you might be eligible for food stamps from the Government. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program helps people to feed their families, the public assistance comes in the form of vouchers which can be redeemed for food at stores that accept the vouchers. This program is invaluable for those who are having difficulties and you should apply right now if you're in this position, swallow your pride and get help. You can apply for help from the USDA Food & Nutrition Service.

#6: Emergency Food Help From Food Banks

Another option that you could explore is food banks, these programs are for families and individuals who have nowhere to turn to and need immediate assistance. These food banks are sometimes also referred to as Emergency Food Help programs dedicated to helping people overcome hunger. Food banks are spread all across America and are one of the greatest programs available in the world today. Being hungry feels terrible seeing your family experience hunger is even worse, these nonprofit organizations helps people all across America with food. I have bookmarked as many Food Bank Programs that I could find, I will add more as and when I find them. 

If you know anyone who is experiencing hunger then forward this guide to them, if you know more hunger food banks then leave a comment below for people to share. You should also do some research on the internet to find churches that help with food. Go to Google Maps and then find all the churches in your area and contact them individually to inquire about churches that help with food. Nearly all churches have a program to help hungry people. Search for the following if you need emergency food help.

Search 1: Feeding America Food Banks
Search 2: North Carolina Feeding America Food Banks
Search 3: Food Pantries America Food Banks

#7: Grow Your Own Food

If you've got a garden you have to grow your own food or at least try, if you can become a better gardener every year then the less you'll have to spend on your grocery. When I was experiencing hardship my garden became a respite from the depression of not having money, I grew tomatoes, potatoes, apples, pears, plums and used every inch of my garden to get some food, leaving a patch empty was like saying no to money. If you've got a garden start growing things and see how much you can save, start small and then build your produce. If you're thinking about where to get help with food always consider your garden or allotment because it could contribute towards 50% of your food requirements which is just amazing.

#8: Eat Less

If you're overweight then try to eat less, if you've been putting off that diet or are thinking about losing some pounds from around the waist then do it now. Buy less food and start your diet, if you eat less you'll lose weight and have enough money to feed your family, stop spending on takeouts, on expensive beverages and foods with high fat and sugars, replace them with cheaper healthier alternatives, if you can lose weight, save money and become healthy in one go then your life will improve in three dimensions.

#9: Buy Low GI Foods 

The reason I ate too frequently was because I was eating foods high in fat and sugars, this habit was also picked up by my children, the high from the taste of fat, sugar wore off quickly so we visited the fridge more often which increased our food bills. By switching to foods with low GI I was able to feel fuller for longer, foods like Weetabix mixed Low Fat Yogurt and fruits. The less we ate the less we spent on food so our food bill became more manageable. 

I  Need Financial Help

If you're desperate and have nowhere to turn to and need urgent financial assistance you should visit the USA.Gov website to find financial help from the Government. You could get help with mortgage assistance programs, military financial assistance, financial help for self-employed, and financial assistance for pensioners. All these programs are designed for people who need financial help.

I Need Help Buying Food Summary

If you need help buying food for your family then try some of the tips mentioned above, the more attention you put into the advice the more money you could save which will help you to put healthy nourishing food on the table for your family. Please feel free to comment and add more tips to this guide, the more tips there are the more people we can help. Also please forward this guide to anyone who is experiencing hunger, by using social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, and G+ we can reach a much wider audience. I really hope this guide helps. Be sure to read my other Millionaires Giving Money guides if you need financial help, these guides will help you save and make money in every area of your life.

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  1. If your experiencing hunger please leave a comment below for someone to help, leave your name and email so they can contact you.

    If you have any tips for people experiencing huger then please share with everyone. I will add more and more resources to this guide so please bookmark it or share it with others.

    1. I need food, I'm not asking for a lot just enough to feed me and my two boys during the holidays. reach me at mammajoojoo @ aol . com

    2. I am 29 years old with 5 children all under the age of 11, I work full time and all of money goes to bills and student loans, I live pay check to pay check, I tried applying for assitace from the state but if you are not a lazy woman or a stay at home mom they will not assist you, I am so depressed because I am trying so hard to provide for my kids but financially I am suffucated please help me any help is greatly appreciatted.. My email address is weil458@gmail.com..
      Have a blessed Day!

    3. We (my family) has no extra money (just the donated money so far) and 9 days to figure out how to come up with the money
      for a place to stay( Ronald Mcdonald house isnt going to be suitable due to our daughters issues)to pay for our food and gas. It is myself, my boyfriend and our daughter needing a place to stay while our son has his surgery 1st of two surgeries.

      Damion’s real fathers insurance will cover some of the test and appointments but has a $200 deductible but not all and not his medication or hospital stay.

      They will not allow us to stay with him as siblings are not allowed to stay there and his sister has severe AD/HD & Autism which makes it very difficult to even do anything, this is affecting her severely and is going to make is very difficult on her.

      Please help us pay for his operation, his medicine, our food & a place to sleep if you can?

      My son is and has been violently sick since July 2014, and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with him until Thursday 1/15/15, he has hydroureteronephrosis.

      His procedure is Jan. 27, 2015, a Laparoscopic Robotic Pyeloplasty. During the procedure they will find out what is wrong exactly meaning they are not exactly 100% sure what it is but will fix it while they are in there.

      He has either Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction (UPJ obstruction) or a Congenital (Hereditary) abnormality that produces a narrow ureter & causes a nearby blood vessel to strangle the ureter.

      He will stay for at least 3 days and during that time we can’t drive 1.5 hours one way back and forth to home (besides he is scared and doesn't want to be alone) we needs money for food, shelter and medical costs.

      The link for people to share this or donate to help us is at
      Please Help Us Pay Damion’s Medical Bill’s

      I am afraid that because of his congenital heart disease he will not make it through the surgery, this fear could be unfounded but I am his mom and it is normal to worry. The doctor did say there are several things that go wrong besides
      the heart issue, such as throwing a clot because I have a history and they dont know why, he could get infections, the kidney could fail and a few other less serious things.

      We have raised $200 ($190 after Paypal fees) and its going to cost about or over $50,000 total but I didn't want to be greedy . It has already cost over $7200 for the tests he has had to date.
      I dont dare to ask for that much money from people I don’t know. So I am only trying to raise $4000,..I have 8 days to get as much as possible, the money raised after his surgery will be used for follow up appointments and medications, plus he will have a second procedure about 4 weeks after to remove a stent (tube from his ureter) which he will be put under again so it is another surgery.
      I have spoke to friends and family and they will see what if anything they can afford to do.
      What I am asking for doesn't cover the cost of our bills we are getting behind in because of all of this.

      Plumfund sends the money to Paypal and I am having any money raised outside the fund also sent to Paypal.

      If your not comfortable sending money through a website you are welcome to send it directly to us; only cash or money orders made out to me because he has no ID yet and cant cash it otherwise,..
      For get well cards mail too';
      Damion Johnson
      C/O Margo Johnson
      42 Carey Road
      Hardwick, Vermont

      For donations mail too:
      Margo Johnson
      42 Carey Road
      Hardwick, Vermont
      Feel free to call me also 802-473-2521
      Or send directly to Paypal (Which is where the payments are sent to anyway) at napfuture4u@yahoo.com <<<Paypal email

      I do not know how to thank people for helping my son get through this but know please that I will always have a special place in my heart for you; as will Damion and the rest of my family.

      With Love,
      Margo, Damion, James & Arianna

      ~God Bless You All~

    4. Hello, I am currently struggling. I'm trying my best to not see me and my children be homeless. I'm trying to get help through charity with rent, Because I am already three weeks behind. My landlord is being patient with me, thank God. Also, we are on our last meal. I have been looking for food banks, and I came across this site. I'm going to pray that I receive some help. I don't know what to do from this point. I feel horrible to have my children I'm this position.
      Thank you....

    5. Hello, I am currently struggling. I'm trying my best to not see me and my children be homeless. I'm trying to get help through charity with rent, Because I am already three weeks behind. My landlord is being patient with me, thank God. Also, we are on our last meal. I have been looking for food banks, and I came across this site. I'm going to pray that I receive some help. I don't know what to do from this point. I feel horrible to have my children I'm this position.
      Thank you....

    6. My freezer is empty, fridge has just condiments, ramen noodles in cupboard, little bit of rice in there too. Lost food stamps in February, I have pushed what i,ve been saving this far. It won't last much longer. Things are so tough, if you could find it in your hearts to help with food or better yet a livable wage please send me a message. thx for reading this, David Bailey

    7. I forgot my e-mail- dmb022077@gmail.com

    8. hi my name is Julia I cant work doctor order because of my health im on disability and I only get 50.00 in food stamps a month for me and my son the food don't last maybe 3 or 4 days the I go to center of hope they give 2 or 3 days worth of food then the rest of the month hurt so I feed my son and I go with out food I just drink lost of water .im scared when I worked I never had this problem the disability I get each month pay the bills im lucky if I got 20.00 dollar left for food please help god bless you my name is Julia my phone is 330-235-9485

    9. hi my name is Julia I have kids and my doctors don't want me to work do to my medical problems so I get disability each moth and only get 50.00 in food stamps it don't last me and my son I get my grandbaby on weekends now with not having money for food only for bills and the two place I go to get help only help with a couple of days and the fifty dollar I get in food stamps only last 4 days im scared need help with food and help with other stuff I hope someone can help if you can please call or email me flowerangels1212@gmail.com phone 330 235 9485

    10. This is hard for me but we are in need of help. We are a family of 8. My husband works hard but we just can not catch up to all the bills. Any help would be appreciated and in time paid forward. dorotheaparmenter@gmail.com

    11. i need food 45.00 dont get much me and my wife is disable my husband is in hospital 3 times month his asthma and heart problems tazwoodshop@att.net

    12. i need food 45.00 dont get much me and my wife is disable my husband is in hospital 3 times month his asthma and heart problems tazwoodshop@att.net

    13. I need help getting food for my family for the next week. I've been out of work because of a major injury and my fiancee has an illness that prevents work. We live with her disabled mother and money is tight, as in we won't have enough to eat for the rest of the month, let alone Thanksgiving. Please any help is better than nothing. My email is asylu_warcraft@yahoo.com

    14. I'm Zeporah Thomas, my email address is zeporah_thomas@yahoo.com. I really need help in getting daily meals. :(

    15. I'm Tenecia House, my email address is teneciahouse@gmail.com. my paypal address is teneciahouse@yahoo.com


      3785 S Dixie RD lot 2
      Dalton, GA, 30721

      Any assistance will help.

    16. I don't know if anybody is even doing this anymore but I'm 3 days from being evicted and we haven't eaten in 3 days. I'm just ask for $100 to get some groceries in the house. My name is Ashley and my email is ashleyspendlove83@icloud.com THANK YOU

    17. Hello my name is Ricardo and my wife is 8 months pregnant n we have to nothing to eat on this Sunday morning my email is rickwest385@gmail.com my telephone number (415)-279-8566 we are homless but we stay by a target parking lot outside.

    18. Hello my name is Ricardo and my wife is 8 months pregnant n we have to nothing to eat on this Sunday morning my email is rickwest385@gmail.com my telephone number (415)-279-8566 we are homless but we stay by a target parking lot outside.

    19. Someone please help I'm diabetic and need help with food all my money goes to rent bills meds and I have a 9 year old who sometimes can't eat because my sugar is low it really bad please help I hope this ain't a scam I'd really like to eat a decent meal for once it sucks at work during lunch and everybody has food and you can't afford it and have to smell and watch other people eat and you swallow spit and my tummy is growLing

    20. Somone please help I'm diabetic all my money goes to rent bills and meds and I have a 9 year old who can't eat sometimes because my sugar is low please help we would love to have a decent meal once in awhile other than ramen n chips it really sucks at work and everybody has lunch and you can't afford it and have to swallow your own spit because it smells good and your belly is growling someone please help msbhaven.mt@gmail.com

  2. Hello. Do you only help with families in the UK? We have family in the US that needs help; however we've exhausted all our savings (minus 401K) to help family.

  3. I lived happy family, helping out where they could. But one of problem and the economic crisis, it all went wrong. Presently I live in great poverty. I can not pay for things. I has long been looking for help. Only was promise. And always asked for money in advance. Sometimes I feel like giving up already. I need help fast. It would be help for some little money. I'd like to work to get out as quickly as possible from this bad period. There would two very good jobs. I need get started loan. I beg you who can help. This solution would be for me. Would be more money every month. I can pay your bills and live normally. It would not be a problem to repay. remeny28@gmail.com

  4. I Studia teologiczne w Instytucie Teologii Systematycznej w Katedrze Teologii Biblijnej we Wrocławiu (http://www.pwt.wroc.pl/). JESTEM studentem. Byłem bezrobotny przez ostatnie 10 lat (w latach 2007, 2010, 2011 pracował JAKO katecheta w Szkole Podstawowej w Wałbrzychu). JESTEM przeżywa trudności Finansowe.
    NIE JESTEM oszustem i złodziejem. Mówię prawdę. WIEM przykazań. Jednym z Nich żart NIE kradnij. Moge wysłać nie CIEBIE Mój dyplom mistrza teologii na e-mail JAKO dowód. I NIE wyrzucać pieniadze w błoto
    Telefon: +48 79 664 40 49
    E-mail: NiemasG@gmail.com

  5. I am a GOD fearing person and very sincerely narrating my story.To be short, my husband used to be a businessman. We used to be the happiest families with 5 children. My elder two daughters finished their studies but 3 others are still studying .Since last three years our business did not run well and my husband is in great debts and very difficult to support the family and children education and right now he is in great depression. My husband is desperately in need of some money to pay back the debts and give education to our children. My husband owes about US$ 850000 (interest is increasing every day) to Bank and private lenders. Initially, he took some loans from Bank and private lenders to do some business and build our house but for last three years his business didn't run well and in great debts. Bank Authority and private lenders are pressing him to pay back the loan with interest and threaten to take him to Court. It is really devastating! Your small donation of US$ 850000 will uplift us and bring back the happiness in our family. Right now my family is in great tension and great trouble. Our family is also a very religious persons and love to do charity works. When we were financially sound we used to do charity works. We will continue to do so if GOD HELP us ! Please kindly help us. Please contact us at email - twang349@gmail.com

  6. Im just looking for someone to help me to get rid of all the debts my family has to have a better life. Contact me at se_gas16@yahoo.com if you wanna hear my story. Thank you!

  7. My husband and I are doing our best to take care of our daughter. He works, but I have to stay home to take care of our daughter. We also receive foodstamps, but they are not helping at all. We are doing our best, but down to nickles and dimes. We really just need help to be able to buy more groceries to feed ourselves and our daughter. Please try to help us in any way possible. My name is Heather, please contact me at htrichell@gmail.com. Thank you

  8. We help both the old and young with our financial offer with structured and customized facilities to satisfy our costumers need. so if you are interested in our financial help, contact us vial email: jessewarrenloans@gmail.com

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    bills? apply now via Email queenwilliam001@gmail.com apply with Name:
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    Company E-mail: queenwilliam001@gmail.com


    My name is Laszlo Jr Bone , I Am from Canada , but my family , my fiance Mercedes , and my daughters Grace , Apple , and Rency lives in the Philippines !
    After Typhoon Haiyan swept through the Philippines, countless people were left without shelter and food , including my fiance and my daughters and the rest of there family's and friends. About a week ago we where still talking about our first Christmas together in December, and setting up our and the girls first Christmas tree , but now we don't even know what the tomorrow will brings to them !!
    Finding food and clean water, a place , a shelter or where they can sleep and call it home is there first priority , but we had run out of money because there is not only them who needed help the rest of there family's to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please consider helping out my family who will directly benefit from your contribution. Any little bit helps, and if you cant, just please
    pray for us !!!!!!!!!
    Thank you for your support and God bless!!

    our goal is to rebuild there home and buy food and medication !
    we will try do as much as we can and as much is we could handle with our financial support !!!!!!!!
    We have lost a few friends , and some of them was my good friends to . We had so many plans and now all I can do is light a candle for them , and say my final good by to them as I get there !!!!!!!!!!!!

    So please help us if you can , it will make our life a little easier and safer and give us some hope , that everything is going to be fine !!!!!!!

    I will post more pictures and videos when I get there and how we will progress with rebuilding our and our relatives life !!!!!!!!!!

    I am eternally grateful to you for your donation. Please send this link to your friends, coworkers, and family if you think they would be interested in donating. Thanks so much and please please please continue to pray for all the people who are affected by this disaster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for your support and God bless!!


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    Woode Financial Services is a Register/Accredited Financial Company which provides a high standard of financial (LOAN) services to private and corporate clients. Do you need funds as investors? Are you in financial mess? Do you need a loan? We offer loan from the range of $2,000 to $5,000,000 (USD, EUR, GBP,) OR its EQUIVALENT IN OTHER CURRENCIES. We offer loan at an annual basic interest rate of 3% from a duration of 1 to 35 years to serious and trustworthy clients! Clients are require to pay back our loan by monthly installment repayment after 1 year of receiving his/her loan funds. Interested borrower is advice to forward their request to us via e-mail: woodefinancialservices@gmail.com

    1. Yes I'm this is Nancy Evans and I was in Need for food if there was any way possible if someone could help me and my granddaughter the food I ran short this month and I live in the my apartment number is A5 hurburt house


    Woode Financial Services is a Register/Accredited Financial Company which provides a high standard of financial (LOAN) services to private and corporate clients. Do you need funds as investors? Are you in financial mess? Do you need a loan? We offer loan from the range of $2,000 to $5,000,000 (USD, EUR, GBP,) OR its EQUIVALENT IN OTHER CURRENCIES. We offer loan at an annual basic interest rate of 3% from a duration of 1 to 35 years to serious and trustworthy clients! Clients are require to pay back our loan by monthly installment repayment after 1 year of receiving his/her loan funds. Interested borrower is advice to forward their request to us via e-mail: woodefinancialservices@gmail.com

  15. Am looking for something to eat for the HIV/AIDS orphaned children my project already helping in our community.The organisation which have been giving them food stopped to give us because they are phasing out this program and now tackling a new program. The children are 50 in total and at least each child needs $5 a day to have a good nutritious meal a day.
    The community project helping these children is called Kalambi Community Outreach Project [KACOP]. it is a not for profit project found in central Uganda. providing Health care, education, food and psycho- social support.

    if you are interested please contact us on: kacopcommunity@gmail.com

  16. I would be grateful to have something to eat this Christmas and to have some money to buy timber because it is very cold. In my country we don't have food banks, or any help from the government. I cant work because of my illness. Thank you if you decide to help. kstardust7@gmail.com

  17. I am a primary healthcare giver to my elderly disabled dad who has low vision, poor hearing, broken hip (hip replacement) and has a hard time walking, bouts with cancer, and diabetes, and is 70. We could use some food for the next month to two months. We could use some help with food. My email address is gunittheory@aol.com .

  18. hello, good evning....ma'am/sir Please help me to solve my credit in my auntie i barrow money b4 in work in 2GO TRAVEL SHIPPING COMPANY but close the company and big charges give the company of stock damages of all my stock but not announce for not working that fastcraft and then my xpiration of all my is April 8, 2013. ma'am b4 i barrow in my auntie for 200,000.00 piso or Philippine money but now my balance is 100,000.00 Philippine money so Please ma'am/sir help for pay my credit, i dont where get that money i have no work now. I need pay this month.....Please,,,

    if like contact my number just call me: +639488847260
    Facebook add me: Rolie Panie Egonia
    Email add me: roliegonia6782@gmail.com

    more power and godbles you.

  19. Hi my name is yahaira. Im 23 years old this is the first time i visit this type of sites, idk if this will work or not but i dont want money or anything thats material all i wish is if someone can help us my husband myself im 26 weeks pregnant and my two toddler kids if anyone is willing to help us with food i would really really appreciate that .my husband is working at foodmaxme but what he gets paid its barely enough for rent pg&e water bill we dont have our cellphones activated nomore we cant afford itwe only have a house phone.we are really in need of food i went to apply for foodstamps but they say i dnt qualify :( ive told them that we dont have enough money for food. Its really sad to see our fridge empty my husband and i feel sad not for us but for my kids.i really hope there someone that would be able to help us with food at least this month .please please we would really appreciate it. Thank you for your time.i really appreciate that you took your time on us my thank you.
    My email is yahairacb@gmail.com

  20. Hello,

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  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Need food I have my mom to take care of , my 2 nieces and 2 nephews it's just me and my sister .. No ones working .. My mom can't and me and my sister are trying to get jobs no luck yet I'm 17 tryna get a job .. Reach me at lynnjae55@gmail.com

  23. There's always no food in the fridge please help ):

  24. I m a bangladesi.i facing more problems food nd medicine .please help me.my mail address sahilmahamud123@gmail.com

  25. My family is in need of food. We relocate to where we are now and can't find work. We don't have any money to buy food. If anyone can help you can reach my email huskey50@gmail.com and Thank You very much

  26. Hello, I need help. I feel so bad putting my two young children in this position. I just layer another job, and currently seeking help through charity emergency assistance with my rent. Thank God my landlord is being patient. On the other hand, we ran out of food. We are on our last meal. I Bern searching for food banks and came across this site. I pray someone helps my family. I feel horrible that I'm in this position With my boys.
    Thank you

  27. I have three kids. I take care of myself. I work fulltime and pay all the bills. I have no family to help us.I don't qualify for food stamps or any of that. I just want to make sure my kids are fed. I can go without. My email is jaramillosally48@gmail.com

  28. Hello we are in desperate need of food , my 11 year old daughter is disabled due to a babysitter. Since she was 8 months old its been a struggle and I've never had at ask for anything , however right now I don't have a choice .. Due to recent car repairs has left me behind on rent and no money for groceries.. I need the car repairs to get her to her many doctor appointments and physical therapy. God has always been good and he's awesome . pattylucas@rocketmail. com if anyone can help it would be a blessing .. Smile life is beautiful .. Thank you and bless you

  29. Hello we are in desperate need of food , my 11 year old daughter is disabled due to a babysitter. Since she was 8 months old its been a struggle and I've never had at ask for anything , however right now I don't have a choice .. Due to recent car repairs has left me behind on rent and no money for groceries.. I need the car repairs to get her to her many doctor appointments and physical therapy. God has always been good and he's awesome . pattylucas@rocketmail. com if anyone can help it would be a blessing .. Smile life is beautiful .. Thank you and bless you

  30. Hello we are in desperate need of food , my 11 year old daughter is disabled due to a babysitter. Since she was 8 months old its been a struggle and I've never had at ask for anything , however right now I don't have a choice .. Due to recent car repairs has left me behind on rent and no money for groceries.. I need the car repairs to get her to her many doctor appointments and physical therapy. God has always been good and he's awesome . pattylucas@rocketmail. com if anyone can help it would be a blessing .. Smile life is beautiful .. Thank you and bless you

  31. Hello we are in desperate need of food , my 11 year old daughter is disabled due to a babysitter. Since she was 8 months old its been a struggle and I've never had at ask for anything , however right now I don't have a choice .. Due to recent car repairs has left me behind on rent and no money for groceries.. I need the car repairs to get her to her many doctor appointments and physical therapy. God has always been good and he's awesome . pattylucas@rocketmail. com if anyone can help it would be a blessing .. Smile life is beautiful .. Thank you and bless you

  32. Why isn't my letter being publishes

  33. IM A SINGLE MOTHER IN DESPERATE NEED OF HELP! Please. Anyone? I know this is probably a stretch but I'm hoping and praying to God I'm heard. I am a single mother raising one boy with another on the way. You don't know how hard this is for me.. asking for help. But we are on the verge of losing our home. I am a good woman, and I promise to pass on a good deed In return. You have my word.
    Here is my contact info:
    Eileen Curley
    708 rappolla st.
    Baltimore, MD 21224
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, whether its food items or even financial. I thank you and may God bless you.

  34. Hello to anyone who may be listening. I am currently 6 months pregnant and have two boys 7 and 2 and we are without food. I try all I can even sold some precious belongings jus to keep my kids fed. I make sure my boys eat first and its sad to say sometimes I go to bed hungry but make sure my boys dont. I really need help!!! Thanks in advance. Cecemurphy830@gmail.com

  35. We are a Government Approved/Registered Financial Company. Are you in any financial crisis? Do you need a LOAN to refinance your home, or expand your business? Do you need LOAN to settle urgent debts and stay with one lender? Do you need LOAN to pay off your bills etc? ranging from $10,000 to $150,000,000.00 ($)USD, (£)GBP, (€)Euro, or Singapore Dollars($) Get your no obligation FREE quote now! Repayments up to 54 Months. No Collateral, Money paid into your account within 24 hours after approval. If you are interested in obtaining a LOAN, do not hesitate to send your request to us via e-mail: belindaventer41@gmail.com

  36. My name is Danielle Virden i need help with food I am also short 380.00 on rent. My husband is a disabled vet. We have 5 children. My husband has just been real sick lately and I got laid off please help.
    Danielle Virden at
    Scottswife07@icloud. Com
    Or 219-427-4901

  37. My family is in need some immediate temporary help in purchasing some groceries. We are a family of 4 with two teenage children. We have hit some very hard times lately and lost our home due to the financial issues we have been facing. If you are able to help us, please contact me at sacacarlton98@gmail.com. Thank you very much!

  38. I need some help with buying groceries for my family. We are a family of four and we have hit hard times. Thank you to anyone who may respond. My email is sacacarlton98@gmail.com

  39. To whom this may concern . I hope this finds you well! My name is Geraldine have two daughters 7/3 due to horrible circumstances I have hit a bad time s can anyone please help me and my girls anything wud be so much appreciated your truly gGeraldine Ali Emma.

  40. Hi am a mother of 4 kids an struggling try to get food for the pls help me

  41. Dear sir

    This is a very difficult letter for me to write but many avenues seem to have been help a poor peple in this world so I hope you can take the time to read my story. I am a young man living in straitened circumstances and in dire need for your financial support due to the grave situation in .

    As I am the only breadwinner in the family, I have neither job nor other source of income to fend for me and my family which consists of seven persons.

    I appeal to your Excellency to extend your usual generosity to me and hope for the best to obtain your approval as you always accustomed us.
    email adress: abdou19788@hotmail.com

  42. Hi my name is amanda i have two children and we are going through a tough time right now i just need a little bit of help with some groceries. My email is mandyboo142@gmail.com please someone help us!

  43. Hi my name is amanda i have two children and we are going through a tough time right now i just need a little bit of help with some groceries. My email is mandyboo142@gmail.com please someone help us!

  44. Hi, I never thought I would do this or this would be me but currently try I'm struggling. I just need enough food until friday. I have 3 children. I do work but I don't have food until I get paid. My money is tight right now. I'll appreciate your help. Thanks
    Email inheavens02@yahoo.com

  45. Hi my name is Sophia i receive ssi i pay $500.00 in rent and pay electric which is also heat and hot water I had to borrow money for the deposit and then they cut off my food stamps I am a diabetic and have no food at all i never asked for any thing but now i have no choice my email is collins.sophia28@yahoo.com I live alone i would appreciate any help i can get have a hard time getting places i do not drive May God Bless us all

  46. Hi my name is Linda i need food buy the time i pay my bills there is no money for food i am on ssd i have no family to ask for help my email is lindaboothby2@aol.com and my phone number is 513-843-4426 Thank you Linda

  47. Hi my name is Linda i need food buy the time i pay my bills there is no money for food i am on ssd i have no family to ask for help my email is lindaboothby2@aol.com and my phone number is 513-843-4426 Thank you Linda

  48. Hello My name is Kathleen Cole I need help with buying food. My child's father and I are not married and the bills out weigh everything. I have surgery coming up Dec 4,2015. I tried to get food stamps but they said he makes $300.00 too much. There is just 3 people in our home. And from the looks my daughter who lives in Beaumont with her grandmother and my daughter I have in my home won't have a Christmas from mom this year. I am asking for help please. I am the end of my rope and I really need the help my youngest child's father acts like he doesn't care if we eat or not. My email is kathleenbarrowcole@gmail.com

  49. Hello My name is Kathleen Cole I need help with buying food. My child's father and I are not married and the bills out weigh everything. I have surgery coming up Dec 4,2015. I tried to get food stamps but they said he makes $300.00 too much. There is just 3 people in our home. And from the looks my daughter who lives in Beaumont with her grandmother and my daughter I have in my home won't have a Christmas from mom this year. I am asking for help please. I am the end of my rope and I really need the help my youngest child's father acts like he doesn't care if we eat or not. My email is kathleenbarrowcole@gmail.com

  50. My Name is Kathleen Cole. I have 2 daughters an there father(My roommate) in the home. We can't afford to pay for food. The bills out weigh everything. I don't even see my see the girls having a christmas. There ages are 11 & 6. I am asking for help in getting food for us. I have surgery coming up Dec 04,2015. I was refused food stamps cause he makes $300.00 too much. I am asking for someone to please help me. MY email is kathleenbarrowcole@gmail.com

  51. Hi I'm Erika with 5 kids and a granddaughter. My luck has gone down I don't have money for a thanksgiving diner of for christmas and no gifts. My water well went out completely and I had to replace it with a new one. I spent 7000 dollars to get it. I spent all my savings of my rent and food money for the upcoming months. This is when work slows down and I try to have a little money saved up for this time of year when I hardly work. Can someone please help me with something. Thanks God Bless You.
    Email: erikagarcia13267@gmail.com

  52. Hello!
    My name is Ilya, and I am 13 years old.
    I live in Russia, and I write you a letter requezt help.
    We live together with my mother, my father died when I was 5 years old.
    My mother works two jobs and recently one of its cut, and the second pay very little. At work no one takes me and my mother, I really want to help, because it is very difficult to facebook odnoy.Akkaunt I created a fake because I am very ashamed to ask someone some money, but the fate of forced to do it.
    E-mail: salamon.skif@mail.ru

  53. My name is crystal I recently lost my job and my car I have 4 kids we have no food or away to get any food with a car no money to ride a bus and no possible Christmas any help would be a blessing to our family my email is crissyles12@gmail.com

  54. My name is crystal I have 4 kids single mother recently lost my job and my car we have no way to get food or help with food no bus money to get anywhere and no possible Christmas any help would be a blessing my email is crissyles12@gmail.com

  55. HI

    my name is vahini, i am pregnant(4 months) women,my husband left me 2 months back,very difficult to survive,i need some help me till delivery i need help,my parents suffering with health problems

    this is my pay-pal id(vahininarra@gmail.com)
    please help me i bag u,
    i so hungry very difficult to survive(i have an eye problem no one gives jobto me

    please help
    i am from india

  56. I havent had anything to eat in 3 days. Im completely broke and I have no one to turn to for help. Theres absolutely no food in my kitchen, not even a piecec of bread...nothing to drink either...I feel sick to my stomach, if anyone knows how I could get something as basdic a sandwich to eat please please email me..


  57. Hi my name is Kevin my wife and I have 3 kids oldest daughter pregnant need help with food assistance asap contact me at kboswell338@yahoo.com...thank you

  58. Please help me my family and I are struggling to get by. I have 3 teenagers and two babies. Due to lack of work it is hard to buy groceries. Our fridge is bare and our water is about too get shut off. In Jesus name please someone help us. I pray for help from this sight I have no other options. God Bless and thank you

  59. I am a mom of 2 (ages 4 and 10) my husband is a seasonal worker and won't start getting unemployment until next week. We are already living in a motel, with no food and no way to pay our motel for the week. We are just looking to get by until taxes. We have no one else to help. We are looking for 300-500 that would help us pay our room and food for the next week or so. Please if someone could help please email me right away, thank you: lisa97880@gmail.com

  60. My kids and I are in need of food please help been out work on a medical leave please email jen1212@netzero.com

  61. Please i just need 5$ for food.i dont beg anywhere but today i have to...i beg...my email mitch2000020@gmail.com
    Please i beg just for food.today only

  62. pleaase help my boys!!!! i am a mother of two boys 5 years old and 9 years old. my husband is disabled, we have been together for almost 11 years and durning that time we still havent been able to get him on disability, the doctors that accept our health care plan (medi cal) are a joke! welfare has cut me and my husband due to not turning in a medical expemtion form on time, but we couldnt get an appoint.due to them being booked for 4 months inadvance.. i lost my crappy fast food job due to buissness being too slow. i have nothing NOTHING in my house to eat. i have no family to ask for help, nor my husband, im a Pround strong prideful women, but i will begg for my kids any day. please please i dont care about myself or husband (were both a bit chubby anyway and could use to loose a little wieght) but my sons need food, please help! i love in SOUTHERN California the HIgh desert area near WRIGHTWOOD. my name is Autumn. and my email is: bigmomawakka@gmail.com and my Cell is 760 314 5869

  63. pleaase help my boys!!!! i am a mother of two boys 5 years old and 9 years old. my husband is disabled, we have been together for almost 11 years and durning that time we still havent been able to get him on disability, the doctors that accept our health care plan (medi cal) are a joke! welfare has cut me and my husband due to not turning in a medical expemtion form on time, but we couldnt get an appoint.due to them being booked for 4 months inadvance.. i lost my crappy fast food job due to buissness being too slow. i have nothing NOTHING in my house to eat. i have no family to ask for help, nor my husband, im a Pround strong prideful women, but i will begg for my kids any day. please please i dont care about myself or husband (were both a bit chubby anyway and could use to loose a little wieght) but my sons need food, please help! i love in SOUTHERN California the HIgh desert area near WRIGHTWOOD. my name is Autumn. and my email is: bigmomawakka@gmail.com and my Cell is 760 314 5869

  64. pleaase help my boys!!!! i am a mother of two boys 5 years old and 9 years old. my husband is disabled, we have been together for almost 11 years and durning that time we still havent been able to get him on disability, the doctors that accept our health care plan (medi cal) are a joke! welfare has cut me and my husband due to not turning in a medical expemtion form on time, but we couldnt get an appoint.due to them being booked for 4 months inadvance.. i lost my crappy fast food job due to buissness being too slow. i have nothing NOTHING in my house to eat. i have no family to ask for help, nor my husband, im a Pround strong prideful women, but i will begg for my kids any day. please please i dont care about myself or husband (were both a bit chubby anyway and could use to loose a little wieght) but my sons need food, please help! i love in SOUTHERN California the HIgh desert area near WRIGHTWOOD. my name is Autumn. and my email is: bigmomawakka@gmail.com and my Cell is 760 314 5869

  65. Hi, I have missed a couple of weeks of work due to an illness and unfortunately my job offers no benefits or sick pay. I will not get another pay check until December 30th. I help take care of my grandmother and I'm needing help with food until then. Any ideas would be gratefully appreciated. Please contact me at joshsol99@yahoo.com. Thanks, Josh Sol

  66. Hi. My name is Amy Irving I am praying and hoping someone out can help me and my family out. I am a single mother raising two kids a boy 7 and a girl who is 11 months and also taking care of my disable father. We are going through hard times and now are without food. We barely have enough for are bills let alone food. I hate to see my family suffer like this. Especially the kids who cry for something sweet to eat. Any donations whatever the amount would be very appreciated please someone answer are prayers you will be forever blessed god bless you email office928girl26@Gmail.com or txt 9283580490

  67. Hello. I read your guide above and it's very good. A little background on me, I have raised 6 children, and there have been times when the kids ate first and if there was anything left my husband and I would split it. Well, my kids are all grown, but I'm helping to raise my 2 grandsons. I did have a monthly net income of $3900 but our company was sold and I lost my job. My husband had the same thing happen where he worked. So now my income is $2500. I'm losing my house as we speak. My car is in danger of being repossessed. I'm helping my daughter, 2 grandsons, son and his fiance who were all living with me to get a place of thier own. I now have issues on my credit report, so renting something is next to impossible. I'm out every day looking for work, but at 50 with a disability makes it a bit of challenge. We have food in the house but everyone knows that's for the kids, they are 2 and 3. We all save what we can and the adults eat once every 3 days. Tonight we are having lasagna! I see all these people saying they want help, but not how they got into the situation they are in. I'm more concerned with getting my kids and grandchildren into a place, and making sure they have what they need. My stuff is all going into a storage shed and I'll be living in my car or tent or something. Of course my kids said I can go with them, but that would require me going on thier lease and they would get denied, or it would be staying there without landlord approval and they get evicted. I won't do either. I've been through hard times, clawed my way out on my own, and now I am at the very bottom just hoping to survive.


  68. Someone please help I'm diabetic and have a 9 year old were starving I'm thinking about stealing I'm so hungry I ate the last of the ramen and left my son starved because my sugar was low is this real can someone please help soon I can't afford any more loss hope.please help contact msbhaven.mt@gmail.com

  69. I neead help 4 my mom
    I am 10 year old plz help me

  70. I need help form my mom
    Plz help I am 9 year old

  71. My name is Christopher Conley I'm a single father of three my wife died three years ago of cancer I been struggling at jobs for past year I'm behind on everything will do whatever is needed to sign papers shine your shoes every aday but need 3000 to catch up bills and fix car please someone help contact me 8285651277

  72. Hi,my name is Tina and I've lost my job,due to surgical problems!l don't have money for food,all the time so I try to get food from others so can someone please help.My email is tinavalentine413@Yahoo.com.


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  74. No one will probably see this, but I have to try.

    Im Jessica. I'm 30 and single, live with my 62 year old mother, and I'm on dialysis for kidney failure. As of this posting, we have no food to eat, and do not get our next payment until the 3rd. Please, if anyone who sees this could help contact me at Jessrlupin@gmail.com

  75. Hi my name is russell i am currently homeless sleeping in my truck with my girlfriend and we well today we have no food we haven't ate in two days is there any chance that i can get help with food thx cardin.russell1@gmail.com

  76. Please help my Storage is due for auction in two days! About five hundred is what it needs so I can access it to change Storage companies. It got saved 2 months ago & broken into & robbed a year ago. Right now I'm also homeless with my 4 year old daughter & my friend. We wouldn't be dealing with this if it wasn't for her dad stealing more than $2,000 of money from us & over $1,500 in food stamps. I'm a great person to know. I'm respectful as well. Get to know me… put some happy days in my life that could change the remainder of them as well. I'm Annissa (on-eh-sa) *hugs* my story is a bit of a long one & i wasn't the reason why this happened. rivetingmspowder@gmail.com i have pay pal

  77. Please help my Storage is due for auction in two days! About five hundred is what it needs so I can access it to change Storage companies. It got saved 2 months ago & broken into & robbed a year ago. Right now I'm also homeless with my 4 year old daughter & my friend. We wouldn't be dealing with this if it wasn't for her dad stealing more than $2,000 of money from us & over $1,500 in food stamps. I'm a great person to know. I'm respectful as well. Get to know me… put some happy days in my life that could change the remainder of them as well. I'm Annissa (on-eh-sa) *hugs* my story is a bit of a long one & i wasn't the reason why this happened. rivetingmspowder@gmail.com i have pay pal


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