This blog is about how people ask millionaires, billionaires, and philanthropists for financial assistance. However, from time to time I get emails asking whether there are any other ways of getting free money for hardships. This post looks at how to get free unclaimed money from the Government as well as other sources. I would urge you to read How to Get Free Money from the Government 2018 - The Definitive Guide if you want a list of all the helps that's available to you.
If the Government owes you money and you don't take it then its unclaimed money which is set aside. This can happen with Government benefits, banks, credit unions, pensions and so many other sources of income that you might have forgotten about.
Fortunately, there are ways to check if you have unclaimed money. It's important to be aware of scams and tricks where agencies ask you for an upfront fee for money they claim to be yours. 99% of the time these agencies are con artists so tell them where to get off.
The First step is to check State by State to see if you have any unclaimed money. You can also check this for your parents and siblings in one go if they permit it. If you've lived in multiple states be sure to check. You can check State by State for unclaimed Money on the bookmark below.
Unclaimed Government Money State by State Search
If the Government owes you money and you don't take it then its unclaimed money which is set aside. This can happen with Government benefits, banks, credit unions, pensions and so many other sources of income that you might have forgotten about.
Fortunately, there are ways to check if you have unclaimed money. It's important to be aware of scams and tricks where agencies ask you for an upfront fee for money they claim to be yours. 99% of the time these agencies are con artists so tell them where to get off.
The First step is to check State by State to see if you have any unclaimed money. You can also check this for your parents and siblings in one go if they permit it. If you've lived in multiple states be sure to check. You can check State by State for unclaimed Money on the bookmark below.
Unclaimed Government Money State by State Search

If you're retired and remember contributing to different pension schemes at different jobs then you could have an unclaimed pension somewhere. Given that the stock market is at an all time high there your pension pot could be quite significant. You can check to see if you have unclaimed pension money even if the company went out of business or ended the defined plan on the bookmark below.

If you've overpaid your taxes then the Government doesn't have to tell you. It is your responsibility to find out if you've been overtaxed and then claim any extra money you've given. You can check to see if the IRS owes any money if your tax refund was unclaimed or undelivered. You can also check to see if you've filed a tax return which was more that what was required on the bookmarks below.

Major Banks and Credit Unions failed where deposits that were insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) failed between 2007 to 2011. There are billions of dollars worth of unclaimed money that people just did not bother with. You can check to see if you have any unclaimed money with Banks and Credit unions on the bookmarks below. You can also check to see if a Securities and Exchange Listed Company which failed owes you any money below.
![[Logo: Homes and Communities: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development]](
FHA-Insured mortgages have been under the spotlight, consequently, there is a change that you might be eligible for a refund if you had an FHA Insured mortgage, this refund will come from the Department of Housing and Urban Development and you can check on the bookmark below.

If you saved money in Treasury Bonds and forgot all about it, you can use the Treasury Hunt which allows you to look for bonds issued after the 70's which have matured and no longer pay interest, you can work out the value and then make a formal request for the unclaimed money on the bookmarks below.
Finally, if you've been around the world and lived in different countries and opened Bank Accounts everywhere you can check to see if you have any unclaimed money on the bookmark below. US Nationals can find unclaimed money from Foreign Governments, Foreign Banks and even loss of property below.
Looking for unclaimed money takes time and patience, you must be organized and disciplined to see the process through to its conclusion. If you're experiencing hardship then it's worth taking the time to check these services to see if you have any unclaimed money.
I can't work I'm disabled need help please .Hello.My name is Jarvis Ettinger .I used to be a land surveyer.Back in 2007 I got hurt at work.Im not able to work.I haven'n been able to give my 2 daughters a birthday gift or christmas gift in years.Years ago I let my daughters friends live with us when they were having troubles at home.I let them stay months at a time .I treated them as my own.I spoiled them all:).We saved animals too, but can no longer aford to feed them.1 of my daughters took vetranaian .Id love to have a place to save animals.Now I have a granddaughter.I feel really bad I can't give her things that money buys.She is going on 6.1 of my daughters is a stewerdess.I don't like to borrow money from her , but at times I have to. I meet the love of my life last summer .This past winter she was in a car accident,her car is no longer driveable.
ReplyDeleteWe are getting married july of this year.I could'nt afford an engagement ring or wedding ring.Its so hard barly getting by , Im asking if u can help me in some way. Id love to be able to buy her a new car ,a home,and have a place to save animals.My email is If you have any questions. Please contact me. god bless
I can't work I'm disabled need help please .Hello.My name is Jarvis Ettinger .I used to be a land surveyer.Back in 2007 I got hurt at work.Im not able to work.I haven'n been able to give my 2 daughters a birthday gift or christmas gift in years.Years ago I let my daughters friends live with us when they were having troubles at home.I let them stay months at a time .I treated them as my own.I spoiled them all:).We saved animals too, but can no longer aford to feed them.1 of my daughters took vetranaian .Id love to have a place to save animals.Now I have a granddaughter.I feel really bad I can't give her things that money buys.She is going on 6.1 of my daughters is a stewerdess.I don't like to borrow money from her , but at times I have to. I meet the love of my life last summer .This past winter she was in a car accident,her car is no longer driveable.
ReplyDeleteWe are getting married july of this year.I could'nt afford an engagement ring or wedding ring.Its so hard barly getting by , Im asking if u can help me in some way. Id love to be able to buy her a new car ,a home,and have a place to save animals.My email is If you have any questions. Please contact me. god bless