
Tuesday 12 March 2013

Free Money From Rich People 2017

Free money from rich people is available if you are in need. There are many millionaires and billionaires that give money away for free with no strings attached. If you are interested in finding rich people who donate money then you can find a list of them on the Forbes 400 Philanthropy List. There is nothing stopping you from contacting millionaires for money, if you need cash now or want alternatives to pay day loans then asking rich people for help might be an option. 

Rich People That Give Money Away

There are plenty of rich people and millionaires who are willing to give money away. Celebrity millionaires such as Oprah and Ellen give money away to their fans who are struggling financially and need cash now. Other billionaires such as Warren Buffett & Bill Gates have pledged away most of their wealth to help people in need.

Free Money from Rich People

If you are thinking of contacting rich people for money you need to make a list of all the possible millionaires and billionaires that you can contact for financial assistance. You then need to write a letter explaining why you need the money and how you intend to use it and how much of a difference it will make to your life. Free money from rich people is available however you have to do a lot of work to get the cash now. Here are some pictures to inspire you to get free money from rich people.


Must See Posts

If you're experiencing financial hardship and need help with money then here are some incredibly popular posts which have received the most emails and thank you comments. These posts offer the readers of Millionaires Giving Money ways to generate extra income. Check the posts out to find out ways to make extra money.

I Need $5000 Right Now - This is the most popular post and offers some fresh ideas to generate $5000 very quickly. All the ideas are legal and legitimate and require a lot of hard work and thinking. This post is definitely worth reading if you're experiencing financial hardship and need money quickly.

I Need $200 Right Now - This post offers the readers of Millionaires Giving Money ways to generate $200 dollars quickly. Some of the ideas are common sense however these ideas are overlooked and people lose out on a lot of money. A lot of these money making ideas have been acted upon and readers have made money. Definitely worth checking out.

I Need $2000 Right Now - This post gives the readers of Millionaires Giving Money ideas to generate $2000 quickly. All these ideas are legal and you can make 2000 dollars if you really put your mind to it.

I Need $50,000 Right Now - Another post which proves that millionaires do give money! Craig Ronin was able to secure $1 million donation by just asking for it. You can learn how to ask for $50,000 here!

Most Popular Labels on MGM

You can also find the most popular labels of the Millionaires Giving Money Blog. Here you will find ideas and stories of free money from rich people, ways to generate extra income and resources for people experiencing financial hardship. These posts have received the most comments and emails and are definitely worth checking out and reading. Be sure to check these out and please leave a comment if you want to share a thought. Feel free to contact us if you have any comments or queries. 

I Need Money Right Now - These posts offer some fresh and interesting ideas if you need money right now. All legitimate financial assistance programs can be found here.

Get Free Money - Here are a collection of all the popular posts which receive the most emails and comments. These posts explain how you can get free money to top up your income. These posts are designed for people who are experiencing hardship.  

Financial Despair Label - This is a collection of posts which receive a lot of recognition from the Millionaires Giving Money Community. These posts are designed for individuals and families who are experiencing financial hardship and require financial aid. You can find resources from the Government and private businesses and charities.

*** Important Note: Be sure to check out the Millionaires Making Money Resources Page to find some great ideas on how to make money quickly. These posts/ideas received the most comments and thank you emails ***

***Also be sure to check out the Best of Millionaires Giving Money Blog below. You will find a collection of posts and labels which have received the most comments and emails.The ideas you will find to make $5000, $1000 and more are all legal and doable so check them out*** 


    SWIFT CODE:SCBLINBB, EMAIL:swarupsaha236@gmail.com

    1. Jsme plně registrovaný úvěr agentury jsme rozdávat půjčky pro všechny, kteří potřebují pomoc
      po celém světě. Naše půjčky trvá maximálně jeden pracovní dny se dostat na schválení
      zákazníkům po celém světě. Nabízíme nejnižší úrokovou sazbou 2% a jeho pevnou
      s Relevance úvěru včetně úvěrů pro žadatele s poruchou nebo špatné
      úvěr, Splatit stávající dluhy, snížit své měsíční výdaje konsolidací
      veškeré stávající osobní půjčky a dluhy na kreditních kartách. V naší nabídce výše úvěru v rozmezí
      od $ 5,000.00 do maximální výše $ 2 miliony.
      Vyplňte krátký formulář níže
      Celé jméno:
      Částka potřebná:
      Doba trvání úvěru:
      Účel úvěru:
      Země pobytu:
      Mobile No:
      V potvrzení těchto informací, zašleme Vám dobře počítá
      Podmínky, které budou obsahovat dohodu.
      S pozdravem,
      Pan značka moel
      E-mail: markmoelloanhouse@live.com

  2. pls, help me usd 15oo for visa fees with travel cost to my bank details shortly. i will pay you from salary of usd 7k in 7 yrs contract in toronto,canada.I want to be a chairman of my company sahaglobprojects ltd in future.
    swarup kr saha.


  4. Before she met me, my partner had a daughter with someone else, her daughters name was Abbie. Unforchuntly at 6 months old she died at the hands of my partners abusive ex boyfriend (he is in prison by the way) Now understandably anytime Abbie's birthday or the anniversary of her death comes up my partner gets really depressed, and i have told her many many times when Abbie's birthday comes up that we would go out and celebrate it and not sit home being all miserable, as Abbie wouldnt want that! Abbie's birthday is next month on the 25th and she would be turning 14 this year. I would like me and my partner to spend a day out maybe 2 days to celebrate Abbie's birthday and to cheer my partner up a bit. Would like to go to a Bed and Breakfast or maybe a little fancy hotel in Edinburgh, go out for a fancy meal, do a little shopping and whatever else that comes in mind! Just would like my partner to smile even though its gonna be a sad day. the picture i posted is all she has left of Abbie as when she died she threw everything out as she was too heartbroken to look at it all, but yeah i want to celebrate Abbie's birthday in style! Even if you cant donate money, cards and maybe a little something to cheer my partner up as well:
    list of things loves:
    anything girly like makeup and jewerly
    anything to do with vampires and anything paranormal,
    she loves animals
    she loves to laugh so any funny movies
    gift cards pm me and i'll tell you what stores we have around here.
    Music, especially Frank Sinatra
    meals out
    stuffed animals
    stand up comedy
    going to the movies
    animal rescue


  5. I don't want a rich person to GIVE me money, but I would like someone to LOAN me money to buy a house. I need $65,000, and I will pay 4% interest and pay it off in 15 years. I've tried getting a loand through a bank/mortgage company, but I have thousands of dollars in medical bills that are killing my credit score. I don't have credit cards. I drive a 12 year old car. I'm a hard worker, and I pay my bills on time. I just need someone to give me a break, so I can buy a home with a lower payment and start paying off my medical debt. Thank you for your consideration. My name is Becky Barry. My email is beckydotbarryatfhrcreationsdotcom

    1. Have u ever been helped

    2. I am a mother myself and I have tried everything under the sun! However I recently found two programs that work well for me and I am now using it to supplement my income! I started off making $160 a week now I am making well over $1600 a week and I get direct Deposit each Friday of the week. It's not much but it can help you work to get to your goal within the next 6 months or so. Email me now! abujalil09@gmail.com and I can give you more information!

    3. Yea its pretty tough, I mean I asked Oprah, Ellen, and lots of billionaires I can't even keep track, but they all claim they have other obligations and of course they arent going to give a regular person a piece of their wealth! As i stated above I am a single mother and a few weeks ago I was suffering as well and I just realized that I would have to put in work to get results and not a 9-5 I needed to do what made me happy and something that I was good at and one thing I was damn good at was writing so I wrote me a book! lol and now I am doing another business called MCA and I am making extra money from doing that I started out with $160 extra a week then now $1600+ a week so it is what you make it I have goals and dreams and I could not wait for others to help me! You guys can do the same email me now and I will send you info on how to start making your financial worries disappear abujalil09@gmail.com and I look forward to hearing from you guys!

  6. rich person, please give me 100 dollars cause i'm really broke

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. if it was as easy of just asking and receiving i would be hoping and praying for a vehical to fit 4 young children and myself

    1. i did ask Ellen DeGeneres for assistance today on tweeter. See what comes out of it....

    2. Did you get a response back?

    3. it is easy to ask and ricive and u can buy a vehicle and feed four children our self just email us at stellaloanfirm68@gmail.com

  8. My mission is Boom Sirpi IN Nicaragua . This village was destroyed By Felix out of 87 home only 4 were left . I have worked with volunteers to rebuild the village over the past years to give a house to each of them . This is all volunteer for me and each person that i take with. I go three times a year . But I need more help then ever due to the economy right now . please help any gift is welcomed . please pray for us before giving . you may also visit www.http://fiaintl.org/ I organize the material and lead the teams I need help in funding My travel and meal costs . thank you for your support.

  9. http://gogetfunding.com/project/nicaragua-boom-sirpi

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear Givers,

    My name is William. My request is not for myself, but for an Ivy leaguer who chose to serve God over corporations.

    Currently, he serves Jesus in Russia as an ordained minister living by the charity of God's kingdom. He has an area on Twitter by which donations are received.

    He has $5k of his $12k goal realized.

    I grew up with this man and vouch for him as an upright christian who is truly walking by faith. I never heard of anyone ignoring starting salaries of $200,000 going to Russia to preach by God's grace.

    Anything your hearts can muster is appreciated.

    Jesus is Lord.

  12. Hi not looking for a hand out looking for a loan of about 3000 pounds that I would be able to pay back on a monthly basis, cant get a loan any other way cause of credit rating being poor need the loan for consolidation and to free up my income so would be able to make repayments and live and pay bills

  13. If anyone can help would much appreciated and can get in touch with me via email if possible at robert.smith1988 @ hotmail.com

  14. i only need 10000 $ nothing more please this will change my life i am still 2nd year student at Sadat Academy and it is hard please contact me yousef-ed-din@hotmail.com

  15. How do u contact the real people who will help poor people?

  16. This fundraiser is to help my fiancé and I pay for our wedding. We had a little money saved up but our wedding savings has diminished due to recent financial woes and family health issues.

    About Anika:
    Simple girl with a big heart! I am the second youngest of 9 siblings (all girls!) and wouldn’t hesitate to do anything for my family, even if that meant putting their needs before my own. There hasn’t been a wedding in my family for the last 23 years so my wedding is an event that everyone is excited about! I currently work part-time in retail but due to company budget cuts, I barely make enough to get by month-to-month.

    About Theo:
    Hard working family man! That’s the best way to describe my fiancé. Living in Jamaica is 10 times harder than living in Canada but he manages to pull through even when the going gets tough. Theo is the eldest of 2 siblings and helps to take care of his grandparents, whom have raised him since he was a child after his mother passed away. He currently works as a taxi driver but someday hopes to go back to school to become a mechanic in Canada.

    Theo and I want nothing more than to be married. Given the recent mishaps experienced on both sides, this wedding is something that everyone is looking forward to! Your donations will assists with wedding rentals, food and beverage costs, bride and groom attire (my dress, his tux) and our wedding rings. These are just some of the things we would not be able to afford ourselves. This wedding is also serving as a family reunion since we don't get to see our families often.

    We are getting married in Jamaica due to the fact that Theo and the majority of both our families live down there and can’t travel to Canada without a Traveler’s Visa and weddings are much cheaper in Jamaica than in Canada.

    HERE'S THE LINK: http://gogetfunding.com/project/one-wish

  17. So I really need money so that I can get my life back in order.When I was 18 I was falsly accused of rape. And ever since then my life has just seemed to get harder and harder. Im 23 now almost 24 and ive never had a job I went to school for a year and that just didnt work out for me. Im now living with my gf and I sometimes wish I had a job to help out but its almost impossible to get a job with my record even though its assualt and not rape it still messes with alot of my options that I have wanted to do. I dont really have a financial support from my family or any friends every once in awhile my gf will help me out with clothes and other stuff I need but I just wish I could support myself. If I get my probation paid off I can get my felony dropped to a midemeanor and after that expunged Ive never been to jail again or even before that I was always a good person just seemed to have the worst of luck Im pretty sure Im not even going to get a response from this but whatever right its worth a chance. I just want to have a normal life and sadly money is the only way I can have that.

    1. Email me abujalil09@gmail.com I can help you!

      http://youtu.be/SkuXoDpnF-g ----Part 2

      http://youtu.be/1kpFgyHeb34 Part 1

  18. Greetings; I am a teacher, my husband is a teacher as well. We have worked for 18 years in the same school district. Our pay has been cut four times in 3 years. It's hard to make ends meet let alone pay off the remaining student loans we have. We have over $50,000 in student loans between us and its making it impossible to move forward with our lives. The payments are so high and Direct Loans will not reduce them if we don't pay the payments they'll garnish our wages.

    We give to our church, help kids, help our neighbors and try to be all that God wants us to be. I saw this site and thought maybe I was led here. If you can help we would benefit which in the end would help others. We give all we can and with more financial freedom we could help even more!

    Thank you and God bless

    1. sir i am a teacher who is working at maldives last day due to some problems at home india i thought my presences to family will be a reilef ,so i resiged from school and received the payments sir on my way to book the ticket i was robbed and iam at maldives left with my baggage only even my laptop is stolen my whole earning of the yr too with that ,plz if you feel iam really in need of help and if wish to help plz do arrange me a ticket from male to kerala.plz do call me if u dont mind
      hope you will help me out a ticket but not money
      i will be thankfull for the help

      mano mk

  19. Hi there, I could really use your help. I am attempting to raise funds for my education. I am preparing to go to University soon. I want to get a good education so that I can do well in life. It is going to cost so much money. My father passed away when I was 6 years old so I have no support from him. My mother has struggled to make ends meet to provide for me. She does not get any welfare money or government money. She does odd jobs like house cleaning and helps people do their taxes. We barely have any food to eat. I come to you honestly asking for help. I'm sure you get many requests asking for money, so I certainly understand if simply cannot help me out. If you are able to help us you can contact me at this email address: xtine_w1996@yahoo.ca I would appreciate any help and would be truly grateful.
    Thank you for your time and consideration

  20. Hi!
    My Name is Shahram and im a dental student at charles university in czech republic, i live in sweden and my family do not have the finances to support my studies, im in my 4th year now and have only one more year to go before i finish, but unfortinatley due to my families finacial problem i now need to go back to sweden and work for several years before i can pay the tuition fee of my school which is 9.800 €
    I appriciate any type of help!!!
    Thank you for you time

  21. Hello, my name is Cindy. I am a wife and a mother of a wonderful 7 year-old son. My husband and I both work 2 jobs. We are falling behind on our mortgage, and need to get caught up. We are $4000 behind, due to having to get another vehicle and very unexpected home repair costs. I do not want to lose my home. Any donation that you could spare would be greatly appreciated. My paypal account is cclayton79@live.com. May God bless you...

  22. hello. my name is Henrietta. i am a single mother of 2 wonderful kids, my older son is 4 year. and my young daughter is 1 year. i don't have a job or a place we call home, i wont to start a business but i dont have the money so if u can help us, we will glad and God will bless you. you can contact me by email hensia@live.com or 0046764412203 thank you and GOD bless you

  23. Someone Please help me, I am in horrible Pain and living off pain killers. I am 29 and have had serious issues with my teeth and mostly all need to be replaced. I have been struggling to try and get my feet fixed but don't make enough to afford even the front canals I need. I just got out of the ER because from having such a bad infection it traveled to my sinus and turned to maxillary cellulitis swelling the whole right side of my face I couldn't even see cause my eye was so swollen. Now I need to see a follow up doctor but can't even afford it please help me I'm in Chicago my number is 773/558/7158 I'm jean please please help my email is jeancarlos090182@gmail.com may godbless everyone!

  24. My name is Hamida Asante 17years old boy...i have lost mom and dad no one is to take care of me and i have no where to sleep i want you to buy me house here in Ghana and give me some money for only food as at now i am hungry whiles writing to you this mail and please here is my address you can send me the money through western union or money gram

    Name:Hamida Asante
    Zip Code:00233

    my email address babaogiwa@yahoo.com i hope to hear from you

  25. I would like to put me and my four children in a nice home i would like to drive a nice truck for me and my kids i would love to open up bank accounts for us i would love to open up my own restaurant i would really love to get help for me and my family me and my children are saying thanks to whoever wants to help our family and god bless.......

  26. Hi, I'm Al. I don't really want to waste my reader's time on the details, and not even sure if I will seek the help I need if I wrote every single reason why I need the money. To make a long story short, I'm a US Veteran, came to Philippines to be with my wife, my Veterans Affairs Tuition Assistance Program has not paid me the allowance that is owed to me. Now me and my wife is stuck in the hole, and I have no way of getting back to America. I'm currently trying to fight it out with the VA office, but I am running out of time and money quickly and now I am sitting on my last $130 on my credit card and will soon be past due on my rent if I don't come up something. I can be emailed at daydotson@yahoo.com if somebody out there has the selflessness to contribute to my cause. I can verify everything is accurate about me in any shape or form through email or phone call. Just seeking the help that I need. If not, then I don't know what I am going to do next... :-(

  27. Plz help me to invest money into business.. plz i need a sum of 2000$ plz i'm a student want to do business to help my family in all financial matters.. plz do mail me or contact me on..
    numb: 9542699463

    1. plzzzzzzzzzzz do help meeeeeeeeeeeee i vl pay back on EMI monthly.......... without fail from my salary plzzzzzzzzzzzz

  28. Hi I'm 23yrs old I going threw a struggle point in my life I have two kids a girl and a boy I currently live in Tampa FL I've been looking for work but its so hard no one wants to hire you..I'm here to say we live one life and one life only please look how we suffer cause we was not born with a gold spone I will strongly appreciate it ...chicoblack239@Gmail.com Thanks

  29. Hello im Humberto Aguilar im 26. I live in oceanside California. Right now im currently struggling to pay my bills. I pay insurance, car payment, phone bill, gas, food, some rent that I give my parents, and a credit that doesn't go down any lower because I can only afford to pay the minimum:( just recently finished school. I went to a barber/beauty school. But now I can't even afford to pay $150 to pay for my state board of California test. Im so tight on money I dont even know what bills to pay first. Im implore you to help me out. I need some help desperately. Im so stressed out that I can't even sleep well at night or work during the day without thinking about all the bills that I have to pay. Please help ke someone. I beg of you. If you can give me $4000 or let me borrow $4000 I'll pay you back. Please email at hunbertoaguilar760@gmail.com please help me someone. God bless :)

  30. Hi if you feel I am the right person to send the money then please do.

    I know Rich people think differently,that's why the have money.

    Money is the energy...

    My dream is to invest money for my business and help other people.

    Thank You

    my email: caretex.asm@gmail.com

  31. Hi my name is charlene, please help me retrieve our land from being pawn, My parents needed to pawn our land to pursue my career in nursing, however when I graduated and finally passed the board, I weren't able to get a job due to high competition. I am living here in the Philippines and there are over 50000 nurses produced in our country every year. So I needed to apply for another job, I worked as a call center agent but for use to be able to meet US hours, I need to work at night and because of being immunocompromised I got sick so I needed to resign. I tried to look for work online as a writer but I was accused of plagiarism and not having a good work where in fact all my articles are original. I am still looking for a job right now, please help me, I want to give my family a better life. Please help me retrieve our land where we harvest coconut products so that I we can support my sibling's study. I promise to put the money to good use and if you will require me to work for I will do it and promise to return the money once we already have enough to pay you.

    I hope to hear from you. Thank you for your time reading this message. please reply to my message at danmel.1088@gmail.com

  32. i'm a MBBS Doctor at Madurai,Tamil Nadu,india.I'm also cine skilled.I need funds for making my first film.i need 400000 USD for it.I'll earn thru that for my future multispeciality hospital estimated at 10000000 USD.I need funds for the start. Mail me at vm18161@gmail.com for ur help .

  33. I envy the billionaires because they are all hardworkers and deserve all the fortune they have in life. However in my situation i was raised in a poor family and my parents didn't have enough money to put me in college or university. Im currently working as a janitor and raising two kids. I am in need of some financial help right now as my income is not sufficient. Any help will be appreciated. My email address is rickym1977@hotmail.com

  34. I am in desperate need of help please!! I am a 25 year old mother of two small children with no money no job no education and want for someone to just give me a chance. I am completely stuck and need help financially. My goal is to put a patent on my cosmetic idea and present it to essie company, the only problem with that is essie wont talk to me intill I have a patent on the product. Secondly I am on the verge of being kicked out of the place I am currentlh living and need my GED, drivers license, car and own place asap before were out on the streets if you can please help me that would be great please contact me for details at kearaloves1@yahoo.com thanks

  35. Dear Sir /Madam

    I am Mohamed ,46 years old ,from Sri lanka. I am married and I have a 6 months old baby. I do not have my own house and live on rent. I don’t have a permanent job. My wife is suffering from depression. Some times I do not have enough money to buy medicine for her . Some days we do not take our breakfast .I have borrowed 3200 USD from my friends. Now they request their money and I am not in a position to pay money back. I spent my life with financial hardship.

    I would like to make a kind request. It will be appreciated If you could help me to find a labour job in a Europe country or America. Then I can earn money to solve my problems. If you are not in a position to do that help, then please help me in other way to solve my problems. Your kind attention is highly appreciated.
    My e-mail is mohamedkk41@yahoo.com

  36. Hello, my name is Olesya Trukhan. In this economy,it is so hard to find a job. Not finding a job, I decide to go to college to pursued my dreams becoming as an accountant. But it didn't work out for me because I don't have the money to pay for it. My parents can't support me because their health is very bad. I come from a big family of thirteen kids so it seems like a big number. My parents did a good job of raising thirteen kids on their own, but it wasn't easy at all. Each of us gets along finely together. My parents wants to go to college to get a degree for the future. Only three out thirteen kids graduated from college. And I want to be the next person in line to receive my degree. So with the support of your help please be kind to donate money for my school. My email is olesyatrukhan2@hotmail.com

  37. Hello wonderful people,
    I am Theopistar Namuli from Uganda Africa working with an organisation which helps and supports orphans and vulnerable children, these children stay at school during that time of studying and the greatest problems we do face are; feeding them since the number increase day by day, accomodation( rooms where they can sleep, beddings and so forth) and as am writing to you the buildings we built are no longer enough for these children and due to this situation we find ourselves making some children to have their lessons under tree shades.Please help us atleast to construct more classrooms for these children because the rain disturb us alot and we end up spend money on kids who feel sick due to the rain. I will be so grateful if my request is favourably considered and remember that no sum of money is small, (www.jollychildrenscentre.org) and the email address is jollychildrenscentre@gmail.com please feel free to contact me at any time.
    Yours sincerely
    Theopistar Namuli
    Project coordinator

  38. There is a woman with six children, one of whom left a curling iron on that started a fire. They came home to find their home and belongings going up into flames right before their very eyes. My wife and I helped as much as we could financially, but what we could do still was not enough o get them back into tier home as they had no insurance. About three thousand more dollars would be enough to purchase the remaining materials to get the home liveable. We set up a fundraiser but no one is responding and my home it too small to continue housing six more children. Please visit www.giveforward.com/displacedfamily to help. Thank you and god bless you

  39. Parents went through bankruptcy, 2 years of college might be for nothing, got 2 years left, aspiring journalist PLEASE help http://www.gofundme.com/2yd6ck

    My father had a heart attack and my family's finances went crazy. They can't help me in anyway for college, and I just want to stop being a burden on my parents, please help!!

  40. I need help to get an apartment buy furnitures...im a single mom 2 kids..out of work..looking for a job but no luck..had to sell my furniture so we could eat and pay bills...thank u for helping!

  41. Not sure if this is a for real site or not but I am gonna be honest and tell u my story. I am a single mother of three kids. I have been ryasing them on my own for years no help from or fathers. Ive always wanted too give them the life that I had as a kid but instead the life I gave them never turned out like mine. A year ago I started ganbling. I thought that if I gambled I could hit big and do for my family. Well I got out of control. Lost cable phones and internet. I have all of what I worked harf for I. The pawn shop that were things that belonged too my kids. I am totally done with the gambling and getting help for it. I just need help too restore everything back and get the things out of the pawn for my kids. If there is anyone that can help please email me. I.hall19740@gmail.com

  42. Worth a try...I have recently, after many years of trying, conceived a baby after IVF. Me and my partner have worked hard in preparation for this day and have so far managed to buy a house (shared ownership) and have saved vigourously for baby essentials. We have not had a holiday, do not afford ourselves luxuries, only buying new clothes etc when it is necessary, very rarely socialise however have now come to a point where any extra money would be greatly appreciated so that we can enjoy the 6 months maternity leave I will take. we are saving every spare penny however we know that unless we could save all my wages we will struggle, especially as I am the main wage earner. It is possible that I may need to return to work sooner than anticipated which I am deeply upset about. We have waited so long for this to happen, it finally does and I am worried that I may not get to spend quality time with my miracle stress free. I am willing to volunteer after my pregnancy for a your chosen charity on a day my partner is not working in order to thank anyone for their donations so long as it is accessable. I am aware some people never achieve one miracle in their lives, and we have,and not a day goes by that we arent thankful however we would love to spend special time with our miracle filling it with joy and happiness not worry and stress, any help would be gratefully received.

  43. I'd be so unbelievably grateful if somebody out there could donate some money for me & my daughter to start our lives properly once & for all, as in our home etc. I work like mad trying to save but it's so hard at the moment, I live with my Mother whom is a recent recovering alcoholic with mental health issues which I don't want to go in to just yet, I'm struggling though, to care for myself my daughter & my Mother, me & my daughter need out, we need a life now, all my life, cut a long story short has been spent caring for my Mother who has never cared for me, its so hard, I go to work as a carer & come home to it too, me & my Mother do not have a good relationship at all, it's very complicated, I would just love a clean break, it would make me so happy, I can't express enough how it would make me & my daughter feel. I'd absolutely love to hear from someone who maybe able to help us out of this situation. :)

  44. Not sure how true this is but one can only try. For the past three years my life has changed for the worst because on one human being. I have been defrauded, i live with my 4 year old child and every every month i have to borrow money from somewhere in order to pay for essential things like rent, electricity, my child school fees, and we hardly buy groceries or other household needs. I sometimes have to ask for lift from people in order to make it to and from work. No matter how much I try, things are just not coming together. Its really difficult, this affect me and my reactions to my child. I'm always angry and always take it out on her and realize afterwards that I'm upsetting her. My debts are almost three time my pay check. I'm constantly on medication for depression and stress. At the same time i am trying to tackle my career where i usually go to school with my child because i cannot even afford a nanny. I am also taking care of my mother's meds for her cancer, she's also in and out of hospital. If, by God's will anyone, an angel reads this and if they can reach out to me and assist me to overcome my financial burden, i will be very much thankful. Please if anyone can help us. I will also like to get help to further my Masters because after this i will not be able to pay for my fees. I am a hard worker and take opportunities when they are presented to me. We would like to be given a chance to start from a clean slate. Thank you very much, God bless...

  45. This is frank Ravalli please send me on thousand dollars to my PayPal account jwthepooh@aol.com I like to be able to purchase stuff

  46. i need a house for me and my family, and some extra money to start a buiness in my country. if you like to know my story life please contact me by e mail ;mareia31@yahoo.com.

    1. Need urgent loan to pay your bills, or for any other purpose? Have you been denied a loan before the loan from financial institutions or at home? Then there is a unique opportunity to get a loan from our company, lexington loan finance is reputable and legitimate loan company that give out loan to individuals and cooperate bodies at low interest rate of 3%. Contact us today, we can help you with your financial aid.

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    2. HI I need a loan to start a small business. I live in a house that my mother owns, and have studied computer software engineering and worked at an IT firm for over 2 years. Is there any possibility that I can get a loan? I live in Bangladesh, Dhaka, a small county in South Asia.

  47. Let me be honest, I will be delighted if I get only $10,000 from these rich people, my life is stuck and I need only someone to help, I can be even willing to pay back the money when am on my feet again. mwenjaevans@gmail.com

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Sir i am waqas ahmad i am a orphan i need 5000$ for my house rent,collage fee and food so please sir help me i need the money urgent contact me soon at ommicool15@yahoo.com
    please contact me soon

  50. I'm disabled and trying to care for my adult son that have severe autism. We need a place to live in and call home. A home of our own. That's my greatest wish. Thank you.

  51. Im in need of financial assistance to establish long term income. Im currently a caregiver living in new zealand but unfortunately it may be coming to an end. My income is part of our welfare department who offer beneficiaries taking on a carers work an allowance thats a little bit more than your average unemployment allowance. I am a beneficary who is trying to gain reconciliation with my kids and their mother. Due to financial struggle we were forced to part but over the last year ive always made contact with them. I only ask for something that will start me off and help to gain financial freedom. I wasnt always a caregiver, i only did it because it was needed and it was an opportunity to help someone out in need. I have other skills that i would like to incorporate and help others do the same. But most of all it is to be with my family again. Thank you for your time. Antonio Oka, 23 beech st, rd4 palmerston north, nz 4474 anton.oka@gmail.com

  52. I am 24 years from a small family in Thailand. I just graduated from Thammasat University and now looking for some good job to earn money for my whole family but it seems to me that only salary is never enough for the whole family expense in each month. The worse situation happened to me 3 months ago, I suddenly became a family leader without preparing before because my dad was attacked by heart failure and he was admitted and stayed at the hospital for months. Before he got a heart failure, he always worked hard for family . But now, he cannot work hard anymore, only my mom and i can do it instead of him. Our family has 5 members ; Dad, Mom, Me, Younger brother and Younger sister. My mom is now working for a government and our current income only comes from her salary. While my brother and sister are still being University students. That's why im here to ask for someone's help. To me, i really dont need a free money from anybody but i just need only some money for my business investment. I dont want a short income or a free money just to spend my family bills and other expenses but i need money as a principle to grow my own business for the future living. My plan is to invest in a small property, land and real-estate business and i only need 100,000 USD for the principle to start it. As i mentioned above, i dont need a free money, i just want money to start my goal and when i am on my feet, i will definitely pay back to the supporter and i promise to do it with my heart and soul. To all the wealth people who see this message, i hope you can feel how i feel when someone is down and have no choice to choose. You all are someone's hope. Please help my family if you feel me. I am sorry about my poor english. I tried my best to write this message from what i'm confronting now and how i feel. Looking forward to the good news from some of you. Thank you.

    Pandinys@yahoo.com (Mai)
    Bangkok, Thailand
    Tel : +66856619936

  53. Hello,
    Please help me out :(


  54. i'am from indonesia
    I am from a poor family where my mother worked only. I have not work cause I still have to go to school and finish college.
    I currently do not have the money to continue my thesis, I designed a tool, I ordered the making of knives to the people, but they tricked me with cheap and easily corroded material.
    now my mom does not have money to give money to design a tool anymore, I do not have time to work and make money around 300 american dollars in a week in my country 300 american dollars is a high price here, does anyone help can me with a 300 dollar ?
    I need that money within few days for now in week's time, if you can help me, please inform to my email.
    I need that money within a week's time, if you can help me, please reply to my email here
    I've even had a lot of debts to my best friend, and I feel uncomfortable to borrow money to them again

    please help me for my school, school is at stake in the coming days.

    God Bless u Sir...
    i haven't yet find someone help me here,

    please email me on : vrileena_nananana@hotmail.com
    i realy need the money in a few days, please reply

  55. Hey my name is Kristie and im a single struggling mother of two girls my job is about to go out of business and I need help with paying my bills until i find another job for me and my girls so we will not be homeless i do not have any family to help if u cn help me please email me at klawrennce@yahoo.com or call me at 8644414706 thank you I live in South Carolina usa.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Hi, My name is Tina I am an artist and a retired cook. My husband worked at Maytag for 25 yrs and had to take a med retirement we both receive ss disability. We live here in Puerto Rico with our son and 5 dogs.We would all like to move back to the states close to our daughter and grandson.Our family has talked of opening a small store front with coffee rolls and art. But right now the hard part is being able to afford the move. For a move like this it will cost 3500.00 I know this is a lot of money so any amount will help. It would be gratefully appreciated if we had help getting our family back together. Thank You, Tina romnrino@yahoo.com

  58. Hello,i am Mrs Anita Kelvin,a private loan lender who
    gives life time opportunity loans.
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  59. I've never done this in my life I feel bad im only 22 I have 3 babies my husband works hard to get us through and he has always provided us with what we need. We are both illegal but thank God he always finds a way to get us through. Today we are going through the toughest moments in our lives my husband lost his work truck he does home remodeling and he is not able to work and we need $ 7, 000 to pay off debts and to buy another truck. We dont care if the truck is old or new as long as it holds heavy stones and granite and as long as it is strong and engine is fine we're more than thankful with God and even now our faith is strong that somewhere and somehow God will provide for us and if someone is reading this please I ask for your prayers I dont know what to do I am a stay home mom and it kills me to see my husband struggle for us and I'm just home I love him so much because he always works super hard for us but now it jist seems like things got super hard for us and our little ones having to ask us for food and not being able to give them is really tough I just wish that God has mercy on us and helps us I thinkthat prayers from youguys are aalotof help and if someone wants to contact me to offer me a job or way to earn money please do at Muchachavonita007@gmail.com thank you and God bless

  60. Please look at my Indiegogo campaign, please share and follow.
    I'm desperate to help my Mum.


  61. Hello i am from Nepal.I need money...my email:aashish_shrestha18@yahoo.com

  62. Hell, I am a 40 year old black woman with a 12 year old daughter (no child support). I was sitting here thinking and praying for a way to pay my bills. I work HARD and always have but something is hindering my finances I DON'T DRINK OR DO DRUGS.. I don't mess up my money and I take care of myself.. When I have EXTRA money, I share with others, but when I need help no one is there for me. I am at the beginning stages of opening a HOME DAYCARE with NO FINANCES plus I'm renting my house, ALL OF THIS IS SO THAT I CAN BE HOME TO RAISE MY DAUGHTER RIGHT..This thought came to mind and I googled people who my help with Bills. IF SOMEONE IS SINCERELY READING THIS an have a heart to help me please contact me.... THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. Lynn A 618-741-5166

    1. HEY LYnn, you should email me abujalil09@gmail.com I can help you!

  63. Ok so how do i contact these ppl forbes only gives names not emails or addresses or any of that contact information

  64. Hello, I am Giovani from Indonesia ( Lembata Island, East Nusa Tenggara ) I need more money to pay the hospital billing for my father. He is 81th. years old and 1 month only lay down in the bed, canot sit or walk.
    Please contact me who can help to solf my problem
    This is my email: vanno2106@gmail.com
    God Bless all of U

    1. For your loans Email; joenyloans@gmail.com for informations

  65. Hello, I am Donatus Sunny Nweze from Lagos Nigeria. Please I need a money to start up business to take care of my family please hungry want to kill us here I don't have anybody to assist.. This is my email: donsunrise4eva@yahoo.com. Thanks and God bless

  66. hi my name is Shaunece and I'm a 18 year old girl with the baby and I need help I have no job so I cant support my daughter and I'm asking for anything I need a car so I can get back and forth to places I would really appreciate it thank you and God bless my email is babylocc1202@yahoo.com

  67. Dear giving wealthy miracle workers. This is a complete shot in the dark for and I would understand if it doesn't work. My name is Richard and I am currently 34 years old. My wish is to find someone wealthy enough to help my dream come true. I am starting school in fall of 2013 and I am getting financial aid to pay for tuition. My plan is to go to Sweden to study abroad in the summer of 2014, but I don't money to make it happen. I am not exactly asking for cash, I am asking for financial help with the funding of my trip even if never seeing a penny is what it will take. I need someone to pay for my plane ticket and rent for two months while i study there. I have lived a REALLY hard life and I have been running from myself for 27 years and I suffer from P.T.S.D from things that happened to me when I was a kid and it has caused me to run from life and I spent a lot of time homeless and lost for many years. Currently I am working part time and its the only job I could find. I only make enough to pay my rent and feed myself and I will be quitting my job at the end of summer so I can focus on school I am a brilliant person and really smart but, like i said, I suffer in ways that make my life really hard. i have many talents and passions to explore in life. I started a new way of life and I no longer run from anything. If you are interested in helping me study in Sweden, that would make me such a happy person and it would be the best thing that happened to me in my whole entire life. Feel free to email me if you want to contact me with help. Email me at thedarkmatter1978@yahoo.com I help people in ways that make me happy to do so even though I have nothing. Help is the best gift you can give someone besides the gift of life.
    Thanks -Richard-

  68. My name is Jennifer am a young lady getting swolled alive by this big crazy world..i been in poverty my whole life..struggling everyday to provide for myself an its hard..i just want someone to show me that there is something diffrent in the world then the struggles that i have became adapted , an always none..an anything will be greatly appreciated..sincerely! :-) jennygjro@yahoo.com..thank you dearly!!

  69. For your loans Email; joenyloans@gmail.com for informations

  70. not gonna lie....im a regular person in a regular world i have 3 children and i only make min wage.....i'd like somone not to donate money like we are a charity case or im not asking for a loan because telling you i can pay it back would be a lie....we need...a minivan...about 13000 dollars to pay off pass due bills and rent..and maybe new furniture we had to get rid of all our furniture due to bed bugs blah....hate those things

  71. http://www.gofundme.com/35c9uk

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  72. Hello my name is Anthony and I am a Single father of four children. An 25 year old young adult, 16 year old young lady, 6 year old son, and 2 year old baby daughter. I am currently an Unemployed and still searching for a job. I enrolled into a TCC campus to further my education, but as I said I am a single father I have no spare time as it is. I want to give my children the best life as possible but it seems every time I feel like I’m climbing up, something hits me and I fall back down. I am currently living in an old “not a place to raise a kid” bad apartment complex in Fort Worth wear people even break into your mailbox. (Hint reason why on the mailing address it’s my sister’s address). I Barley can come up with $700 dollars a month for my 2 bedroom all bills paid apartment. The food stamps I get now I have to sell just for more money for the rent. My children deserve so much better. My daughter Toni, 16 year old is a junior in high school and I am sending her to another district for better schooling. She is an all Honor student and running track and is ranked in the nation. I don’t even have any transportation. I take the Fort Worth buses. She deserves so much better. I couldn’t even afford her prom this year. I am sure that there are many parents like me who survive on the daily basis than survive, but I’ve done everything possible and I am not going to give up yet. I ask with your blessing and heart to help me through these hard times. I am not an greedy person and would never ask for a thing as millions or billions, or even thousands. All I ask is for you to help me even if its help with a job or anything that will better my life and my children’s. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this letter. May god bless you and give you more great things and many more to come. Please take this letter into consideration.
    Anthony O’Neal

    1. NEEED Real help email me abujalil09@gmail.com

  73. Hello there, My name is Rebecca Kendrick and I am a 22 year old young woman from Harmony, ME. Currently I am experiencing a bit of a financial hardship. With student loans, car payments,credit card debt, medical bills and other normal everyday bills i am feeling very overwhelmed. I am Currently unemployed and searching high and low for a job. I am behind on most of my bills and am about to loose my car. I am writing with hopes that someone can help me out financially. While looking for a job I try to find odd jobs on the side and am doing everything in my power to make it work. I have thought some pretty scary thought lately about how to make some fast cash and I do not want to resort to them but if need be I will have no choice. Heck I have even sold my own plasma just for $25 .00 things are sad. I'm not asking you to take pity on me as I am a very happy girl and try not to take a single day for granted, i am simply asking for help in whatever way you can afford to give. Please take this into consideration I am a great person and am just looking to make it through this tough time so i can fulfill my dream and become a firefighter paramedic. Please anything will help.
    Hope to hear back soon and have a blessed and lovely day,
    Rebecca Kendrick

  74. I am down on my luck I live day for day with no direction. The only thing keeping me alive is my daughter but it's tough. When will it end or get better I ask myself every day. Instead of looking down on my extend your hand and lift me up. If I had money to put my ideas to work then I'll be the one giving back later.
    I just want to make sure my little girl has an opportunity in life as far as schooling and exploring her talents in the arts. The most successful people have the idea to make the money but never the means of financing... Everyone at some point in life has as for help... I am asking

  75. I could use some help. I'm broke and my house is cold in the winter need carpet and insulation in my floors and i need skirting. i have three rooms that still need mud and painted. I just need a lul hrlp i can work for you and pay you back if you see my house you will kniw i neep thanks phillip 17654071080

    1. How can i find some one that can help ????

  76. I hate asking for money, always feel bad for it even if it's my parents giving it to me... BUT OMG I HAVE TO BUY A HARP!!! Yes harps are like $32,000 where do I get that money?! If I don't, I will probably have to give up my instrument. So sad =( It helped me through the beginnings of my manic-depression and still helps today and I don't want to give it up.

  77. I'm a single mother struggling to eat and pay bills everyday. I would greatly appreciate any help. I will even be willing to take the money as a loan and will pay all the money back. Please contact me on my email at jessicakaos1@yahoo.com

  78. u know what, it will be a pleasure if u really can help me with money, but if it not, than nevermind, because i know u guys work so hard to be this rich, i believe in faith and who know their faith???

  79. Are you unable to get an unsecured loans because of your bad credit status? Do not worry. We are Bad Credit Unsecured Personal Loans.Email us via danasecureloans@hotmail.com with the following details..

    Full Name:
    Loan Amount Needed:
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    Monthly income:

    Mrs. Dana Thomas..

  80. The life i have just isn’t working for me and why? Well if I know the answer to that id fix it, happiness is key to a good life people say but for me that’s always been missing. To date if achieved nothing i thought i would achieve in life .. My big plan was to be a normal lad with great friends, awesome girlfriend, go to uni and study to become a primary school teacher

    The greatest WordPress.com site in all the land!
    June 1, 2013

    Life and the choices that define us!
    I’m not poor nor rich but have stability in life but the life i have just isn’t working for me and why? Well if I know the answer to that id fix it, happiness is key to a good life people say but for me that’s always been missing. To date if achieved nothing i thought i would achieve in life .. My big plan was to be a normal lad with great friends, awesome girlfriend, go to uni and study to become a primary school teacher.

    However none of that has happened, I barely have friends, never had a proper girlfriend and o yea 21 and still a virgin. The uni thing just never came within any distance of my life… I just feel like i have no purpose in life, when i look at others and see their success i just think “why cant that be me” or “I must be a really bad person in life seeing nothing works out for me”. Stuck in a crappy 9 to 5 job and in the consistent order of getting up for work .. work .. come home .. bed and then back in the same order again.

    What do i do for fun .. well i go to my sisters house and hang out with her, her husband and kids. They love me because i am there for them, they know if they want anything i will do it, mind the kids etc .. I don’t mind at all seeing i’m not doing anything else with my horrendous life. However it feels like when they don’t need anything from me i’m a burden that’s just hanging around being annoying. They have a better life than me they are out with friends at least twice a week and for some sad reason i feel “jealous”. Why tho is it because they have a life or because im lonely and sad.

    Life for me has never been smooth and happy, i feel lonely and sad and i know that sounds so stupid but its the truth. The world is moving on ,, everyone around me is getting on with their life’s but for me it just feels like i,m stuck and cant get back on the path of life. Happiness would mean everything to me but for some reason it just hasn’t found me yet …


  81. Hello to All

    I recently fell behind on some bills, Looking for a little bit of help. $7,000 to be exact. Unfourtantely my credit is shot so I can't even get a loan. I am more than willing to sign a contract on a monthly payment plan. I can be reached at this email if interested in helping. Jeremywbstr@yahoo.com



  83. Dear donator:

    Please read my story and decide if you can help me through this dilema. I have never had to ask for help for anything but I am at the end of my rope and need help. I have been foreclosed on by Bank of America, N.A. because I was unemployed in this bad economy, I was late on payments, I tried to catch up by sending two payments, but that was not enough, they returned those payments, and then foreclosed on me without any warning. The amount due and owing to the mortgage is $17,382.71. In order to redeem the property I will have to have $18,149.37 in addition to $2.86 in per diem charges.

    I have had several attempts at saving my house to no avail. The bank will not work with me, they will not budge, the only way I can save my home is if I pay it off in full. I am unemployed and I am trying to get on disability, I am going to be homeless unless someone steps up and helps me. I have been in my home for almost 18 years, I have remodeled it entirely and now the bank wants to take it because of two missed payments. I know that there is fraud within this loan but I do not have money for an attourney. So the only solution I can see is to ask for help. Also my vehicle is an old 1995 Chevy Van that is falling apart currently with no insurance, so I need a different vehicle, insurance, and a license plate. I currently receive $200.00 per month in food stamps, that is all I have. So I need $20,000 to save my house and $10,000 to get a new vehicle, so I am asking for $30,000.

    Time is of the essence because I do not have long before the money is due to save my house and keep a roof over my head. I only have until the end of August. I have been going through many hardships relating to these situations and they are destroying my life and well being, there are no ways to overcome these problems in the city I live in because there are no jobs and the economy is at a halt in this city. I am currently unable to work anyways because I am disabled with back problems. Please consider helping me save my home that I have worked hard on for the past 18 years. I will be forever greatful to anyone and everyone that helps me in this cause.

  84. If there are any rich people with expendable funds and are looking to help out, you can donate to my indiegogo project. I'm trying to get up $1,200 to create a studio hip hop album I'm dedicating to my uncle who passed in March. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sonutz-lyrical-mayhem-album/x/3349925

  85. If there are any rich people with expendable funds and are looking to help out, you can donate to my indiegogo project. I'm trying to get up $1,200 to create a studio hip hop album I'm dedicating to my uncle who passed in March. Any contributions would be greatly appreciated. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/sonutz-lyrical-mayhem-album/x/3349925 or donate to my paypal account https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=XDM66RRV93E7A

  86. Hi, My name is Crystal. I am a single mother of two small children, both boys ages 8 and 5. The reason I am posting this, Is because a while back ago, I was addicted to opiates. And for my children I fought that battle and got myself clean. I have been in drug treatment and have been clean for well over 2 years now. I have my treatment appointment every month, Which is $110.00. And getting the medicine filled every month is also very expensive. It is very important for me not to miss any doses of my medicine.My insurance that has been covering part of my addiction treatment, Has officially ran out. It will only pay for up to two years of treatment. And with my living situation right now, It would not be good to stop the treatment. I have a lot of faith in God, So I know he will take care of this for me. But I am still asking that everyone continue to spread the word about this donation site to help with the cost of the treatment and medications that I have to take to stay on the path of recovery. This is very important for my family to continue doing well. If it wasn't, Then I wouldn't be putting myself through the embarrassment of asking for help.The medicine is an opiate blocker and it has saved my life. My children need me and I can't take any chances of relapsing. I also just lost my mother last month to stage 4 lung cancer, So I am trying to keep it together for my kids and not let this get the best of me. So that is another reason I don't need to be without my medication. I am being honest here so please don't judge me. I draw a small SSD check monthly, But with 2 children I barely have money left over for anything else at all, So much less getting my medicine filled. I am also wanting to get up the money to get me and my children in a better living situation than what we are in at the moment. I believe that there is a God all mighty and that he will take care of us, But I also believe I am suppose to try and help myself too and not just wait for things to just fall into my lap. So that is why I am reaching out for help.So please, If anyone out there can understand my situation and the importance of getting a little financial help to help my family, Then please help me. My number you can reach me is 318-791-5372 Thank you for taking the time to read this. God bless you.

    1. Also Today is my son'd Birthday and I can't do even a cake for him. So please help

  87. http://givelocally.net/recipient.php?cid=348

  88. hello I'm a 24 year old guy from Sweden who are trying to raise some money for my first car, so every dollar counts. If you can help I would be happy / thanks Sloba

    paypal rooney898@gmail.com

  89. I would just like to buy a dream house in a good neighborhood. A yard for my kids. I work hard and I am trying to build my credit. If I could get just my house out of the way I could afford to buy a car. I am living pay check to pay check. Going to school trying to get somewhere. Maybe one day I can help someone one day. Please help.

  90. My husband left me and married a another women, there was no one to care for me. I tried to suicide but because of my two children I cant do that.My children are aged 10 and 13. My 10 year son is serious in the hospital before 25th of this month he must be treated I must pay US D $25,000 to save him,I do not even have money to buy him medicine. I am asking this help from you because there is no one to help me. Please save my child's life. I’ll slowly pay all your money. I’ll start a business and settle all your money. Please help us. Please be kind enough. Please think of my situation. And Please save my child's life.
    Name:Geevanadan Shanthani
    Bank:HNB Wattala Branch.
    Account number:035020344140

  91. Hi. Mt name is Vicki Northcott-Irvine. I live in Regina, Saskatchewan. I've gotten myself in financial trouble and need help getting out. I've made some bad decisions, and since I don't qualify for a bank loan because my credit is severly bad, I'm turning to you for help. To get totally or of debt, I would need approximately $30,000. That would include several pay day loans, one line of credit,Anna most importantly, my parents and brother. They came to bat for me when I was totally desperate and I really want to pay them back. I can be contacted by email at vinoir@gmail.com or by texting or calling my cell phone at 306-581-9474. I would be forever fearful of one of your were able to help me. Thank you for your time. Have a great day.

  92. I need money to give my family a better life im struggling to pay my bills to pay rent to buy food my fridg is empty with no food im tired of asking people let me borrow money and all they do is put me and my family down its hard for me support 4 kids and one is on the way is so much stress i get pay five hundred dollars every two weeks which is not enough all of my faith and hope is on god i want people to stop puting my family down and me i need help if i was a millionaire i would help people in need because whats ghe point o. Having so much money and not know wat to do with it helping people is something that god aprreciates and pays back for helping i wish i had the money to help out people in need just like me because i know how to appreaciate the little things i have i know how hard it is to live with stress of not knowing if your kids are going to eat today and not tomorrow i know how hard it is for the rich to have all that money and not know wat to do with it god bless all that ur problems may go away thanks for reading this any way praisegodjj@gmail.com

  93. I want to use MONEY FOR GOOD CAUSES!!

    Bitcoin: 16MirKmAsCVXC3Te17aPQZf5mMhqqY6UF2


  94. Wow I read some of these story they are so sad..I've always have had to much pride to ask for help.I Consider myself to be.a Strong ass woman.I Left my flea bag of a husband/sperm donor of a 13 years and 3 children.He Just stink and does nothing for his kids.while leaving him I lost my father to kidney disease.My Mom who is my bf has many health problems including being blind due to rp.which Meant we had.to Be each other rock.Lately due to our money problems we seem like we are growing distance And we live in the same home.My don't know how bad the money problems are I've haven't told her.Due To her taking a heart attack in February..I Woke up Thursday and my gad got shut of and there.a Sheriff notice to sell my home..we Owe taxes..I've Been running in between working ,doctors and all the mommy things..trying not to loose my home..my family stinks and my friends are broke..I Need help..in Between all this crap.I've Been lying to my mom.I Don't want her disappointed in me
    I've always protected my m..now I'm lying
    to her.please Help me
    .I Have proff of what saying I'm begging for help..I'm Putting my pride behind me
    .I Need 7300 to get these taxes payed..please
    .thank You

    Jennifer J

    1. Please help Me Time is flying by...I'm So scared.... A good person kinda starting to believe it pays to be a criminal...I Don't wanna loose hope..I Believe in miracles..

  95. hi i m sachin from india......... i need a huge amount of money for saving my and my family life........i know there is a lot of people who donate a huge amount of money but they dnt know what their money worth............if you can give m e a little part of your money it will be very helpful if you cant than please share this message so that it can reach the right people........

    my id- sachin878@gmail.com

  96. Kathy.neel35@Gmail.com. I am 55 yrs. old and lost my job 3mos. ago. I have gotten behind on all my bills.I don't want to lose my car because I have recently found a part-time job. Still looking for a full-time job. I need about $5000.00 to get back on my feet. I really need someone's help desperately. I hate to beg but I am not above it. Somebody help me please!!!!!

  97. Last month I created paypal account roywen.talahome@gmail.com. I would like to use this account to look for a donation from people around the world who have a good heart to help people in the philippines who lost their houses due to typhoon Pablo last 2012 in Agusan del sur and compostella valley province of mindanao. My family were victims and they lost everything. Anyone, Please help them build their houses by means of your donation.

    You can send your donation via Paypal roywen.talahome@gmail.com please use the same emil if you want to contact me.

    Thank you so much.

  98. Talofa my name is masela nansen from new zealand and I'm 31 years old. A mother of two beautiful young girls age 3 and 5 years...I'm so so blessed for my husband of 7 years to be workjng sozo hard to provide for our little family....I know that I can't give him what he needs as he always stresses out and worries about the kids food monthly bills that are sooo high above his head and I was working before I met him and now that we have kids together its a whole different story....I struggle so very hard to get bak into work and with the way things r rite now its really hard to even thnk about money...but I have bad credits and sometimes @ night times after I put my kids to sleep and this iz the honest truth I pray nd cry for a blessing just to help us get by and ut dosnt help when we can't afford a car or a house because at the momnt we staying with my parents untjll we figure something out...deas daes when I just wanah end myself from all this but I look at my kids and think its not fair for them to grow up without a mother sooooo pleaseeeee help me a small donation will be a huge help if big thta will be fantastic but if nothing then its ok I'll just have to keep my head up for my kids sake and husband. My email is tinanansen3421@hotmail.com thanks....ps sorry for begging for money or help its so stupid of me buti gave it my best shot anyways.....thanks again xo need some blessings our way...

  99. Hello everyone! I just wanted to say something to all rich people out there.. I want someone to give me 1 million dollars, not because i dont have money at all or i need them for a serious reason.. its just because u people have A LOT OF MONEY! Its like i have 100 euros and i give 1 euro to a poor guy.. I dont feel that i lost something.. Im looking for someone to do the same with me! My email is adesivas@gmail.com

  100. Help! I'm a married woman with a 4 year old and my husband work at a carwash. We are about to be homeless very soon. Have no money and buried in bills. We don't have money to get insurance for our cars to handle our needs. The only person that try to help us is my grandmother, but she is buried in bills as well. She has very high blood pressure and is surviving off of Social Security Disability. She is caring for a disabled son and my mother, who also barely make $200.00 a month. My grandmother is on a mortgage owing the bank 30,000 and it is killing her. Please help. dreamapile@gmail.com

  101. Good day,

    We offer a variety of loans to individuals (personal loan) and cooperate bodies at an interest rate of 3% per annul.This is to help you meet your financial obligations, especially with the ongoing global financial crisis. You can borrow from 1000 to 850,000.00 (pounds, euros or dollars) For further inquiries, please contact us via e-mail (oceanfinancefirm1965@xnmsn.com) Regards.

    God bless you

  102. My name's Bornfree Gwaze and I'm 26 years old. I'm going tell you my story briefly. I’m from Harare, Zimbabwe. My dad collapsed and passed on 5 April 2002. I’m the second born in a family of five boys. Things never been easy for our family since then my father was a retired Headmaster and my mom doesn’t work. We straggled to leave our lives every day and by then the economy of our country were going to its extremes. I passed my ordinary levels and then I did my professional course in Business Administration (Diploma). I once worked full-time as an Administrator at a local College and life was going great because I was now managed to look after my mom, young brothers and myself, I was more than on top of my finances, until my place of business suddenly closed down 6 months ago due to mismanagement. We were given no notice, and I was devastated. I've been searching non-stop for a job ever since but i've had no luck yet It's a terrible feeling being so independent, and usually being on top of my bills. But right now I have no control and feel helpless. I'm a very hard working person, and I’m unemployed for this long trying to make ends meet. These 6 months i feel like an eternity. I've just been having such a hard time paying my bills, and even finding money for groceries and even feed my mom who stays at our rural home. And due to my job closing down, I’m really behind on my rent and some accounts. I always had a passion to be my own boss and I have a vision to establish a cleaning company so that I can offer services and supply detergents to major outlets throughout the country. None of this is possible having no money. Any and every little donation helps really, and is so greatly appreciated! Each and every donation means so much to me, and helps me out more than you know. It gets me one step closer to getting out of the hole, and one step closer to furthering my dream to be a business man.Thank you for taking the time to read my story.I Also have my project proposal. Have a great day, and god bless! :) If you have anything to ask, my email bgwaze@gmail.com. Phone +263 773102198

  103. pls help pls help pls help im so broke i have 2 kids and a wife and i am in student loan debt and other debt and were on te verge of being homeless the struggle is pushing me o suicidal thoughts bu i just keep reminding myself that my 2 little girls need me here please get me out of this nightmare $20000 would change my life bradly8686@hotmail.com

  104. I just read an article in the newspspaper online that I worked at from 1989-1999, I now live in Indiana. the newspaper is called, " The Ledger". it is located in Lakeland, Florida. I am going to paste the article I read and feel Somebody May be able to help this boy go to college.

  105. I really need someone to help me pay for my infertlity treatments ,This will be my third time trying,My bank account is exhausted ,I cant afford it any longer ,This is my only Hope,I really need someone that is willing to help me ,I can pay it back as soon as i get back on my feet ,I been to My Infertlity doctor and now that i'm in my 30's ,I'm getting more nervous,I don't want to grow old alone and i Definately don't want to go without having a child in my Life,I feel life i was meant to have a baby of my own,I don't want to give up! Can someone please help and donate .Please Email me .. Beautifulspiritt@gmail.com

  106. Hello,

    My name is Eric and i am an artist from Houston, TX and i currently hold an Associate of Arts degree living to pay my rent and my school to receive my bachelor's, but thats all im living for and not much room for anything else. Well i have great business idea and a plan that i have no money to start, and absolutely dont know what to do to try and be successful at this without money. I know its a great idea because i have done a bit of research, and it is a business plan on providing a service for other businesses as well as the community. It is great for bigger cities and there is no creating a product so profit would be from providing the service. I really feel this is a next big idea for investment.


  107. I need urgent Help! please help me

    This is my heartful message. I am really suffering to lead my family. Once i lived decent life, but now I lost my job and I depended on my job with loans. Suddenly my life changed.I don't have any support, I naturally hesitate to ask help from others, but desparate time makes me to get help, now I am in unable position to lead up my family with childrens.

    Now My family depends little income with three children. I am not able to make them to educate and even foods.
    Due my lost my job i am unable to pay off my debts, not able to clear it and every day it troubles me and my family. I almost lost my life with age of 50, finally I paste my feelings and trying to get help from full hearted people who trust my real life and give your blessings with donation to my family of three children. It gives me a help from you in the place of God.

    Please trust me and help me by your possible contributrions to make my childrens to educate, I am unable possition to pay the fees of $780 for my three children,please help my children to go school by your blessings.

    Please help me through by paypal email ID dbprasadb@gmail.com

    Thanks lot,

    With regards


    Email:. [ hollycrossfinance@gmail.com ]
    Address: 22 Cortayne Road, Fulham, London, SW6 3QA
    Is one of the leading Christian loan providers, HOLY CROSS FINANCE is here to
    help you lay the foundation for your Business, Home, Education e.t.c. With the
    experience of sharing the dream of millions of our customers, we offer you the
    most convenient loan plans to suit your needs.
    Do you need funds to start up your own business?
    Do you need a loan to pay off your debt?
    Whether you are self-employed or salaried, want a floating or fixed rate,
    HOLY CROSS will offer a loan that is just right for you.
    we satisfy our customers and i believe yours will not be an exception.
    Our email address is [ hollycrossfinance@gmail.com ]
    Please this is for serious minded and God fearing People,
    interested persons should contact us through our email and
    your life will never remain the same. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

    EMAIL: hollycrossfinance@gmail.com

  109. Hello Sir,

    My name is Derek Baah and I recently graduated from high school in Ghana. I have been admitted into Drexel University to offer Computer Science. I would really like to go since for me it is a dream come true but unfortunately the financial state of my family cannot permit us to fully finance my education at Drexel. Out of a possible $57000, my family can only afford to pay $3000. I was not awarded any form of aid or grants especially as I am an international student. Obtaining aid all the way from my country is impossible as well and due to the economic situation here, I cannot get anyone to sponsor me.

    I would like to plead with you to come to my aid, be it in the form of grant or loan. I am willing to accept any terms and conditions you might bring to the fore. I really want to school at Drexel and I sincerely hope that you can help me. I pray you are touched and led to help me. My e-mail address is d-baah@hotmail.com.

    Thank you.

  110. Can any wealthy person who may read this get this 32 year old single dad a great job making great money........im not looking for a hand-out. But rather a hand-up........thanx.....OMAR W, tyblr83@gmail.com

  111. 2009 i feel ill and n doctor could find out wot was wrong with me, months passed and i lost my job falling more and more into depression, then finaly a break through it was cancer of the uterus, to my devestation i had to have a full Hysterectomy and further treatment, as all this is going on we lost our house car every thing but me and my boys stayed strong through it all, my son has now just passed all his exams in school, and going on to further his education of becoming a lawer, some days we do laugh and joke about the last couple of years boys always reminding me saying mum when we going to go to america disney world , i always say 1 day 1 day, what don't break you will always make you stronger i always say, am not asking for much and not asking for myself just £2000 please enough to give them the dream they have always wanted, as time waits for no man and i don't know if i will ever get the chance to ever take them, they have been super boys always looked after me and took good of each other through thick and thin good and bad, thats all am asking just to see them smile and have a time of their lives and have some good memorys together, Many Thanks

  112. Hello cruel world I have just finished watching bestgore.com and it made me realise how cruel humans can be and are in
    Many parts of the world Syria Mexico Somali South Africa South America . I want to be a kinder human please matthew Strickland seaford Victoria Australia

  113. Is there anyone out there who would like to help me financially I'm a single parent struggling with every day to day Bill's I will tell more information when you reply just I don't want to tell my whole life story and personal life on here with strangers thank you

  114. hi...
    my name Dira,
    im having debt 500,000 USD because trading forex,
    almost 2 years i trade and everything was okay until last month liberty reserve was closed by FBI for money laundering case.
    i trade in instaforex, Russian company, and now i cannot took my deposit.
    it's became a problem because its all investor money.
    i cannot pay it...
    this is the site: www.myfxbook.com/members/MegaForex3
    can u guys help me sending 1 dollar each and if 500,000 people do it, it will help me paying my debt.
    here is my paypal and skrill acc: dira_langenk@yahoo.com
    i dunno what to do...
    this idea just came to ask here because i dont have any other way.
    thanks for understanding, hope God with us always. Aamiin.

  115. Hi
    I will be honest and short...

    I never had a brand new car because its impossible to buy it without credits,i just want a brand new sport car,please make ma a dream come true and give me a money for a new car

    Answer me please or donate via this e-mail : dzimejltockakom@gmail.com

    Thanks alot

  116. Hello,

    To properly introduce myself, I am Mr RODRIGO LULI a private lender i
    give out loan at 3% interest rate. This is a financial opportunity at
    your door step, apply today and get your fast loan. There are many out
    there looking for financial opportunity or assistance all over
    the places and still yet they are unable to get one. But this is a
    financial opportunity at your door step and as such you can't afford
    to miss this opportunity. This service is render to both
    individuals,companies,business men and women. The loan amount
    available ranges from any amount of your choice For more information
    contact us via email: rodrigoluliloanfirm@yahoo.com


    Full Name....................................

    Personal Phone Number............................





    Have you applied before?.......................

    Marital Status.................................

    Loan amount needed as loan.....................................

    Loan Duration.................................

    Occupation ....................................

    Monthly Income.............................

    In acknowledgment of these details, We shall send you our terms along with repayment schedule and If you agree to the terms and conditions ,you stand to get your loan within 24hours. This depends on your seriousness and urgency in obtaining the loan.
    I gladly await your swift response,

    Yours Sincerely,

    Mr Rodrigo Luli.

    1. Dear Mr Rodrigo Luli
      I wish to introduce myself to you as a starter in industry. I wish to make soap, paper and school chalk. Normally I work as a business consultant and a farmer; but Iam lacking working capital. I need between 20,000 $ and 30,000$ which I can pay back as quickly as possible. I welcome and accept your terms. I live in Kigali- RWANDA and in fact welcome the LOAN money by means of Western Union or any similar agency. Kindly reply on neoconsult89@gmail.com Regards. CHARLES RYUMUGABE

  117. My name is Banele Ngwenya, and I am in serious
    need of funds to fund
    my studies. I am from Swaziland , a country in southern Africa. I
    recently was admitted
    to study medicine in Ukraine but my financial
    limitation seems to be a
    hindrance which is why it is my request to have
    financial aid. I
    am well-rounded student, my interests span
    curriculum and culture. I have thirsted for knowledge
    since childhood, and
    when I finally reached high school, my craving
    was further whetted. I
    completed my education at
    Metropolitan College where I did exceedingly well
    and was 3rd best student
    in the school year mark in metric(grade 12) in 2011.
    The year 2012 was
    spent home due to financial reasons. I spent the
    year actually working in a
    hardware shop in my town, which was a great
    experience for
    me. This experience helped improve my personal
    relationship with others and it
    has shaped me into a
    responsible adult.
    Behind my email is a strong desire to
    learn. I hope to complete my
    intended Bachelor’s degree over the next six years.
    I hope to do medicine
    and be of paramount importance to my
    country. The country really needs doctors and
    properly qualified doctors. It’s
    through that, that I hope to become an
    instrumental member of society, using
    all of my energies to bring about constructive
    change and create a
    path to the“good life,” not only for myself but also
    for others.
    Please help me.I can be contacted from
    my email:
    ngwenyabanele@gmail.com in case more
    information is needed.
    i really hope and pray someone comes to my rescue

  118. Hello, my name is Brent C. Dewitz. I live in kanab utah with my mother. I have been ill since 2003. I suffer from an extreme case of cyclic vomiting syndrom and i also have other underlying problems that make it difficult for my body to absorb water and nutreints. This condition leaves me in constant pain and I am always ill with what feels like the flu every day. At least once a month it will flare up and be so extreme that i will have to be hospitalized. I have been close to death many times. I understand that to have success in life you have to work for it and thats the type of person i was till this ilness started. I was on the way to having a tree farm business with partnets and flipping houses as well but this ended it. It has always been my dream to be successful where i could take care of my family and mainly my parents as a child should eventually. When it got bad enough i had to come home and move back in with my parents. Once again they had to start supporting me. About three years ago my parents got a divorce for many reasons but partially because i ruined my fathers plans for retirement. long story short my mother was left with all the debt and was left to take care of her and me by her self. I try to do what i can but i cant hold a job. She is in a decent amount of debt. Most of it is due to medical bills. My mother could be called a saint due to the fact that she is selfless and helps whoever she can as much as she can. Our house has been called the shelter because she has takin people in and helped them with what she could. She is very deserving of a miracle. I love my mother more than life its self and i am writing this in the hopes that someone out there could help us mainly her. I would like to see her get out of debt and see her start to enjoy life and do the things she has worked so hard her whole life to get but never accomplished. She deserves to finally relax and stop having to worry. Thank you for reading this and I hope that someone that has so much could find it in there hearts to help someone who has so little and is truely deserving. I could use plenty of help as well but would rather see it go to her. Thnx. Please contact us at:
    Email: brent_c_d1984@yahoo.com
    Phone#: 435-819-0632

  119. hi my name is chase jarvis i am 22 years old i live in kentucky with my grandmother because i am not ready to live out on my own because i have problems balencing out my checkbook every month and i have some personal issues that i need to get worked out and plus if i move to another state i would have to change doctors and it is very hard to find a good doctor that cares and listens to you and trys to help you with life situations and if i move away from my family i wont get the help that they give me here and i am going to college at west kentucky community technicle college i have autism and i learn very slow at some things like math i am going to school this summer to get the rest of my math class done that i am in and i have been in this class for 3 semesters this school does not teach what i want to do in my life but i need to get the basic subjects learned but the reason why i went to college is because i wanted to better myself in many ways but the subject that i want to learn is in the music field and they don't teach very much about music what i mean is that they don't teach you how to play a musical instrument and i love to play the guitar i have been playing for 8 years and i dont know a whole song all the way threw i have taught myself how to play the guitar and i am still not good enough to be as good as i want to be but the main reason i started to play the guitar is because it started out to be just a stress reliever and it has played an important role in my life as i was looking around on the internet one day i came a cross a school down in nashville and it is very expensive and i can't afford it but housing alone is 2000 and it would cost me 6000 per quater which is 11 to 12 weeks i don't know but i do have an amazing talent i earned the nickname eagle ears because i can even hear someone if they are whispering or talking outside or whispering in the house whenever i go to play a song on the guitar i can tell if it is tabbed wrong whenever i listen to a song on the internet and then when i try to play it from the guitar tabs i hear the many errors in the song that they put in the tabs i have tried my very best to explain myself to you and it mean the world to me if you could help me make this happen my email is chasejarvis2010@yahoo.com and my cell phone number is 270 933 7458

  120. Hi,

    My Name is Jonathan I live in San Antonio Texas. I have been struggling as of late with my bills. I have a newborn Daughter and am still trying to pay off a Hefty Car Loan. Im sitting @ 17000 dollars. I would like assistance if possible. I'm also wanting to get my Mom living closer to home. She lives across the Nation with a heart problem. Any Help would be Appreciated.

    Thank You,

    Jonathan - jledwig@gmail.com

    1. Good Day,
      My Name Is Brandon Morris I want You all To be careful there.nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get financial help.any answer of a loan lender to your question,you MUST ignore,because they are SCAMS…real SCAMS…i was a victim of which i was ripped thousands of dollars….Well thank God for a Christan Loan Officer,I was referred to by my cousin,who is by name,Mr.David M. Shelton Of David Loan Company.They made my life a valuable one,and gave it a meaning.I was approved loan of $31000.00 USD AND IN 48 HOURS after meeting up to their necessary requirements,my loan was deposited in my bank account.Though I was very nervous with the loan firm at the first place due to my previous bad experiences,especially when the issue of me settling the transfer charges came up,I hold on to my faith due to the fact that my relative referred me,got it cleared,and as God should have it.little did I know that my financial shortcomings has come to a final HALT .If not for that quick referral from a relative of that genuine source ,I would have regretted my total life,because at that point in time I just divorced the father of my son,and my son (John) was faced with a ” between life and death ” situation ..I was faced with his hospital bills and was also faced with foreclosure at my apartment.Details of the GOD SENT and RELIEVING source won’t be disclosed to you for now, for fear of impersonation ( because it has being discovered that some persons are not really in need of financial help,but are there to impersonate real loan lenders through their phone numbers and email accounts,and acting to be them where necessary to those in real need)…I couldn’t comment on your post because it was a public place and I fear you would fall into the hand of all these fraudulent loan officers (even in US) like how they ripped me off.You must be able to convince me real hard,and provide good proofs,before I can give you the full details of this legitimate loan officer..Their charge is very affordable and reliable compare to many out there,their interest rates just 2.5%,little documentation,and little credit check(irrespective of your credit score,but you MUST have a good and liable income source) His Name is Mr.David M. Shelton Feel free to email Him at his via Email: david.shelton07@hotmail.com ” and you will be free from scams

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. Hi my name is Bruce Martin a father of three small children I lost my job in march of 2013 . I had to move my family to a one bedroom apt and lost everything we owned because I couldnt keep up with the storage payments ..Life has been realy hard for me ..I thought about taking the easy out and just giving up but I have three small children that depend on me... I do go to church every sunday and latley has been the best exscape from my daily struggles..I dont want to be rich nor do I want a handout .. If there is any buisness owners in Dallas tx I would like a chance to provide a comfortable lifestyle for my family ..My dreams for them are simple I would just like enough income to provide a house and take them to disney world once in their life time.. I am a christian, dependable, hardworking, honest, fast learner, with a big heart that love all that God has created... I have the biggest heart in the world...If there is anyone who can help me God bless you , I just would like to finaly have a chance to not have to live check to check and put my family in a better position... I can be reached at 817-896-0379 or email brucewmartin2006@hotmail.com I would even list my address but thought it would be a bad idea because of the worlds nature right now and I do have small children .. Thank you for your consideration Bruce Martin

  124. Dear :sir
    i am ilsam ahamed
    pls help me to do a business
    if u wish me to help sir
    pls send a emaill to me

  125. so If anyone sees this and actually reed it First Thank you! It is my birthday in 20 days and I am 28 yrs old with a BA degree but live in a very poor country. I am jobless and cant find job already 9 months I am in a very big need of a photo camera, a laptop and makeup,face products, clothes,handbags,shoes anything is accepted. Please if you are interested to help me you can contact me on my e mail natali_17@abv.bg Thank you verry much.

  126. hello I am a 26 year old woman in California. I am very ill. With in this last year and a half I have been beat,raped,lost my home, a 2 year old little girl to CPS due to not having a home,a new born little girl that was born the 27 of june last year she lived for four hours then they told me they had to remove her breathing tube. They handed me my baby pulled the tube out and she took her last breaths in my armes.My mother passed last year a, my grandmother passed last year, I am no longer able to walk, I am 26 with diabeties, epilepsy, lupus, and realy bad depression.I am currently staying somewhere That is not in my best of intrest,and I haven had any ofmy medication in 7 to 8 months ineed as much help as possibal PLEASE!!!! I need enough for a apt medical bed , meds,food and f any help is a blessing. I was told I had to leave today so I will get back this if I hae to leave befor help gets to me.
    PS I am notsome lazy girl. I actually am trying to stat an online business. Wish Icould work. If u have any doubts please contact me at babyjackie327@gmail.com I will send u pics of who ever u want or actually ill give you my facebook nam.
    p.s.s I use paypal u can go ther and donat witch is babyjackie327@ gmail.com

  127. My name is Leah and I am 22 years old, my parents have hit a rough spot, my Father never did get his high school diploma his family didn't have the money for school, he was lucky enough to get a job as a Printer for the Edmonton Journal but they are canning people now and he is the main provider for the home.
    My mother works very hard to try and help out but makes minimum wage.
    They are in their 50's and have an ill 24year old son who will be living at home the rest of his life.
    It is so hard to watch my parents stuggle and try to stay positive.
    They are not materialistic people but can see now how they will continue to struggle without money.
    This is when my family should be able to retire...
    Please if someone can find it in their hearts to help them out I would be eternally greatful,
    Sincerely; Leah

  128. hey i would like to know if there is some one out there that could help us? my daughter will start collage this fall and i would love to be able to get her a car. if there is anybody that would like to help us you can contact me at craig_fyffe132yahoo.com. thank you for your time.
    craig patton

    1. that is craig_fyffe13@yahoo.com sorry about that my bad

  129. Roro_xy@yahoo.com
    Ineed reply if you real can help me

  130. I don't want a rich person to GIVE me money, but I would like someone to LOAN me money for marrige and house, i will return back as i get .
    so plz help me
    ms KHan
    0092 333 7824281
    bank account

  131. Do you need urgent loan if yes Email ; vincentsaysay@gmail.com for your loans.

  132. Hello, my name is Alisha and I'm 25 working in Hertfordshire. I work for the ambulance service and have done for 3 years. I would like to further educate myself but my job as much as I love it does not pay well, I can not work and study. Please help me and I will pay it back in to society. I would like be a paramedic specializing in infant care. Thankyou for your time.

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. I lived happy family, helping out where they could. But one of problem and the economic crisis, it all went wrong. Presently I live in great poverty. I can not pay for things. I has long been looking for help. Only was promise. And always asked for money in advance. Sometimes I feel like giving up already. I need help fast. It would be help for some little money. I'd like to work to get out as quickly as possible from this bad period. There would two very good jobs. I need get started loan. I beg you who can help. This solution would be for me. Would be more money every month. I can pay your bills and live normally. It would not be a problem to repay. remeny28@gmail.com

  135. after being home invaded by 3 masked men who beat me and my then 15 year old son 2 days after xmas last year ive struggled to get us back to where we were. we both suffer post traumatic stress and it doesnt help that were so broke we go every 3rd day without eating. we both need new clothes so we dont look like unkept homeless people. please help us. johnson.ange@gmail.com

  136. I didn't have time earlier but I have just read through all these people requests. I hope for all of you this is real and someone can help. Its taken a lot for people to lay their cards on the table and they deserve so much respect. I'm so sorry if its not

  137. Hello,

    To properly introduce myself, I am Mr RODRIGO LULI a private lender i
    give out loan at 3% interest rate. This is a financial opportunity at
    your door step, apply today and get your fast loan. There are many out
    there looking for financial opportunity or assistance all over
    the places and still yet they are unable to get one. But this is a
    financial opportunity at your door step and as such you can't afford
    to miss this opportunity. This service is render to both
    individuals,companies,business men and women. The loan amount
    available ranges from any amount of your choice For more information
    contact us via email: rodrigoluliloanfirm@yahoo.com


    Full Name....................................

    Personal Phone Number............................





    Have you applied before?.......................

    Marital Status.................................

    Loan amount needed as loan.....................................

    Loan Duration.................................

    Occupation ....................................

    Monthly Income.............................

    In acknowledgment of these details, We shall send you our terms along with repayment schedule and If you agree to the terms and conditions ,you stand to get your loan within 24hours. This depends on your seriousness and urgency in obtaining the loan.
    I gladly await your swift response,

    Yours Sincerely,

    Mr Rodrigo Luli.

  138. hi my name is joey, unfortunately i'm an undergraduate from college and unemployed for 9 months now, having a hard time to find a job. Im asking for good and rich people out there to please give me or at least lend me enough money to put up a business of own to repay my parents for their sacrifices they've given me,and maybe help other people as well in the future. i will gladly appreciate if someone is kind enough to help me. you can contact me awanmanen@gmail.com

  139. I understand that people need money for houses cars and to feed their kids buying going to college soon and I really need the money. It costs $35,000+ USD

    1. And my dad only makes 26,000 USD a year, so I can't really afford it and I was hoping that you guys can help me out with any money you can possibly send my email address is rp_wolfe13@ymail.com please email me with anything you want and please reply to my money needs ASAP! College is really important to me and I'm not asking for millions just enough to get me through college.

  140. Today in this world, alot of people are suffering with different kinds of diseases. But Cancer has been spreading into our lives and people around us. It has been a major disease which many people and lives are fighting against.

    Kids who are too small to know anything are suffering from this fatal disease. They are too sweet to be harmed in any way.

    I want to help the kids and their families who are needy and don't have money to get the much needed treatment for cancer.

    Kindly help us for this Noble Cause. You will be blessed by all this people and their families who are in deep misery.

    NEED 20000$ USD. A little help will be appreciated too.
    Paypal id - rajdeepsawhney9@gmail.com

  141. Hello, i am a student who is trying very hard to get further in life. I am pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and Finance at Kenyatta University, Kenya. I am 24 and i am the elderly one in a family of 6.
    My parents are not well up and its for this reason i am unable to pay for my school fees. So far i have scored the highest marks in my units and i feel i should do all i can to continue with my studies. My dad i aged and my mum has been supporting us from proceeds of peasants farming but now she is no longer capable since she has been diagnosed with cancerous infection.
    I am looking for anyone willing to support me raise $3500 and at least $1000 for my upkeep and i will be willing to do anything for him/her. I just feel i have to complete my studies and help my little siblings (3girls and 2 boys).
    Anyone willing can contact me using my email at jamesngugi2008@gmail.com or Skype: my id james.ngugi80

    I would also welcome any donation including $1 and God will bless you all.

    My paypal Email: 3gwebdesigns2012@gmail.com

    Also anyone with payoneer card card follow this link to donate https://load.payoneer.com/

    My payoneer email jamesngugi2009@gmail.com and the card number ends with 1403

    May God Bless you all in advance.

  142. Attn,
    I am Sr.Gary Davids a reputable, legitimate and an accredited money lender.
    I loan money out to individuals in need of financial assistance. Do you have bad credit or you are in need of money to pay your bills. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as I’ll be glad to offer you a loan as low as 3%.
    Services Rendered Include:
    *Home Improvement
    *Auto Loans
    *Debt Consolidation
    *Line of Credit
    *Second Mortgage
    *Business Loans
    *International Loans.
    And many more.

    1) FULL NAME:...............................
    2) GENDER:...................................
    3) LOAN AMOUNT NEEDED:..............
    4) LOAN DURATION:.........................
    5) ZIP CODE:.................................
    6) COUNTRY...................................
    7) HOME ADDRESS:........................
    8) MOBILE NUMBER:........................
    9) FAX NUMBER:.............................
    10) OCCUPATION:...........................
    11) MONTHLY INCOME:....................
    12) SALARY DATE:...........................
    13) PURPOSE OF LOAN:......................
    I look forward to your swift response permitting me to be of help to you.

    Do get back to us with the above details filled, in order of
    Us to proceed with your loan.
    Awaiting your swift response
    Best Regards,
    Sr.Gary Davids

  143. Attn,
    I am Sr.Gary Davids a reputable, legitimate and an accredited money lender.
    I loan money out to individuals in need of financial assistance. Do you have bad credit or you are in need of money to pay your bills. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as I’ll be glad to offer you a loan as low as 3%.
    Services Rendered Include:
    *Home Improvement
    *Auto Loans
    *Debt Consolidation
    *Line of Credit
    *Second Mortgage
    *Business Loans
    *International Loans.
    And many more.

    1) FULL NAME:...............................
    2) GENDER:...................................
    3) LOAN AMOUNT NEEDED:..............
    4) LOAN DURATION:.........................
    5) ZIP CODE:.................................
    6) COUNTRY...................................
    7) HOME ADDRESS:........................
    8) MOBILE NUMBER:........................
    9) FAX NUMBER:.............................
    10) OCCUPATION:...........................
    11) MONTHLY INCOME:....................
    12) SALARY DATE:...........................
    13) PURPOSE OF LOAN:......................
    I look forward to your swift response permitting me to be of help to you.

    Do get back to us with the above details filled, in order of
    Us to proceed with your loan.
    Awaiting your swift response
    Best Regards,
    Sr.Gary Davids

  144. Attn,
    I am Sr.Gary Davids a reputable, legitimate and an accredited money lender.
    I loan money out to individuals in need of financial assistance. Do you have bad credit or you are in need of money to pay your bills. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as I’ll be glad to offer you a loan as low as 3%.
    Services Rendered Include:
    *Home Improvement
    *Auto Loans
    *Debt Consolidation
    *Line of Credit
    *Second Mortgage
    *Business Loans
    *International Loans.
    And many more.

    1) FULL NAME:...............................
    2) GENDER:...................................
    3) LOAN AMOUNT NEEDED:..............
    4) LOAN DURATION:.........................
    5) ZIP CODE:.................................
    6) COUNTRY...................................
    7) HOME ADDRESS:........................
    8) MOBILE NUMBER:........................
    9) FAX NUMBER:.............................
    10) OCCUPATION:...........................
    11) MONTHLY INCOME:....................
    12) SALARY DATE:...........................
    13) PURPOSE OF LOAN:......................
    I look forward to your swift response permitting me to be of help to you.

    Do get back to us with the above details filled, in order of
    Us to proceed with your loan.
    Awaiting your swift response
    Best Regards,
    Sr.Gary Davids

  145. Attn,
    I am Sr.Gary Davids a reputable, legitimate and an accredited money lender.
    I loan money out to individuals in need of financial assistance. Do you have bad credit or you are in need of money to pay your bills. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable beneficiary assistance as I’ll be glad to offer you a loan as low as 3%.
    Services Rendered Include:
    *Home Improvement
    *Auto Loans
    *Debt Consolidation
    *Line of Credit
    *Second Mortgage
    *Business Loans
    *International Loans.
    And many more.

    1) FULL NAME:...............................
    2) GENDER:...................................
    3) LOAN AMOUNT NEEDED:..............
    4) LOAN DURATION:.........................
    5) ZIP CODE:.................................
    6) COUNTRY...................................
    7) HOME ADDRESS:........................
    8) MOBILE NUMBER:........................
    9) FAX NUMBER:.............................
    10) OCCUPATION:...........................
    11) MONTHLY INCOME:....................
    12) SALARY DATE:...........................
    13) PURPOSE OF LOAN:......................
    I look forward to your swift response permitting me to be of help to you.

    Do get back to us with the above details filled, in order of
    Us to proceed with your loan.
    Awaiting your swift response
    Best Regards,
    Sr.Gary Davids

  146. am anderson morgan from the united state i want to share my life experience with you,
    those so called loan people has spoilt the internet so much that u dont even know which is
    real again until i meet a man name chris english also here in the unted state,i have been having
    some financial difficulties with my business and also my marriage was collapsing,he told me to come
    and join the illuminati secret cult and i did,to my suprise my business started increasing and i can
    say that am very rich now also my marriage has being ok since then,thanks to mr chris english for helping me
    out. for all my problem as been solved.you can contact mr chris english via email greatilluminati@outlook.com
    for you to join and become rich and famous in life and remember there is no human sacrifice,no evil deeds.

  147. Donations pls :)


  148. Hello Everybody,

    My name is Mrs. Monica Roland. I live in UK
    London and i am a happy woman today? and i
    told my self that any lender that rescue my
    family from our poor situation, i will refer
    any person that is looking for loan to him,
    he gave me happiness to me and my family, i
    was in need of a loan of $250,000.00 to
    start my life all over as i am a single
    mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD
    fearing man loan lender that help me with a
    loan of $250,000.00 U.S. Dollar, he is a GOD
    fearing man, if you are in need of loan and
    you will pay back the loan please contact
    him tell him that is Mrs. Monica Roland that
    refer you to him. contact Mr.James Bone
    via email: (bestloansfinance@yahoo.nl)



    *Do you need a loan to pay off your debt?

    *Do you have bad credit ?

    *Do u you need loan to start doing business? if yes, UNIVERSAL TRUST LOAN INC

    INCORPORATED, are Granting you personal loan, Business loan, mortgage loan,

    Construction loan, Debt loan, Student loan, Auto loan, e.t.c. loan is range

    from $5,000.00 ''min'' to $5,million ''max''@ interest 2% rate if u are interested kindly


    response to:

    *Full Name:_________



    *loan amount:_________

    *Loan duration:_________


    *Purpose of loan:_________

    *Next of kind :_________

    *Email :_________

    *Awaiting your Response:_______


    best regard
    The manager

  150. Can someone help a 23 year old Australian British out. I am due to return back to Australia to sort out some debts and really don't want to leave the UK :(
    Had it tough growing up and had to fend for myself, which led to bad decision making that I am still paying for.

    contact me. nina__s2@hotmail.com

  151. My name is Chris. I am active enlisted military personnel who wants to provide more for my family. I just got in some serious debt with my house and now with orders popping up am seriously worried finacially. I feel stuck.
    I would rather be given loan money but only if you can afford it would take money given.
    $5-10k would change alot and anything more is a blessing
    Contact at botner89@gmail.com
    Thank you and God bless


    Email:. [ hollycrossfinance@gmail.com ]
    Address: 22 Cortayne Road, Fulham, London, SW6 3QA
    Is one of the leading Christian loan providers, HOLY CROSS FINANCE is here to
    help you lay the foundation for your Business, Home, Education e.t.c. With the
    experience of sharing the dream of millions of our customers, we offer you the
    most convenient loan plans to suit your needs.
    Do you need funds to start up your own business?
    Do you need a loan to pay off your debt?
    Whether you are self-employed or salaried, want a floating or fixed rate,
    HOLY CROSS will offer a loan that is just right for you.
    we satisfy our customers and i believe yours will not be an exception.
    Our email address is [ hollycrossfinance@gmail.com ]
    Please this is for serious minded and God fearing People,
    interested persons should contact us through our email and
    your life will never remain the same. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

    EMAIL: hollycrossfinance@gmail.com

  153. Hello,

    We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help.So if you are going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today via email: ajbycroft13@gmail.com for the bible says""Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened"so do not let these opportunity pass you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.

    You are advise to fill and return the details below..

    Your Name:______________________
    Your Address:____________________
    Your Country:____________________
    Your Occupation:__________________
    Loan Amount Needed:______________
    Loan Duration:____________________
    Monthly Income:__________________
    Cell phone Number:________________
    Have you applied for a loan before: ________________
    If you have applied for a loan before, where you treated honestly? where are the company located?...

    Act fast and get out of financial stress, mess and hardship by contacting Annette Loan Corporation Today via Email at: ajbycroft13@gmail.com .You shall be treated with the best of our resources until you get this funds transferred into your account, and your quick and fast respond determines how fast you shall be receiving your loan. Without any delay Apply for your best and easy Loan here with us. Please email to Us on Via

    email: ajbycroft13@gmail.com
    Best Regards
    Mrs Annette

    1. Your Name:______________________ sreekath vishnu
      Your Address:____________________ sreesadanam
      Your Country:____________________ india
      Your Occupation:__________________ business
      Loan Amount Needed:______________ 5lakh
      Loan Duration:____________________8yars
      Monthly Income:__________________ 20000
      Cell phone Number:________________ 9847043529
      Have you applied for a loan before: ________________
      If you have applied for a loan before, where you treated honestly? where are the company located?...

  154. To be short, my husband used to be a businessman. We used to be the happiest families with 5 children. My elder two daughters finished their studies but 3 others are still studying .Since last three years our business did not run well and my husband is in great debts and very difficult to support the family and children education and right now he is in great depression. My husband is desperately in need of some money to pay back the debts and give education to our children. My husband owes about US$ 850000 (interest is increasing every day) to Bank and private lenders. Initially, he took some loans from Bank and private lenders to do some business and build our house but for last three years his business didn't run well and in great debts. Bank Authority and private lenders are pressing him to pay back the loan with interest and threaten to take him to Court. It is really devastating! Your small donation of US$ 850000 will uplift us and bring back the happiness in our family. Right now my family is in great tension and great trouble. Our family is also a very religious persons and love to do charity works. When we were financially sound we used to do charity works. We will continue to do so if GOD HELP us ! Please kindly help us. Please contact us at email - twang349@gmail.com

  155. sir i am a teacher who is working at maldives last day due to some problems at home india i thought my presences to family will be a reilef ,so i resiged from school and received the payments sir on my way to book the ticket i was robbed and iam at maldives left with my baggage only even my laptop is stolen my whole earning of the yr too with that ,plz if you feel iam really in need of help and if wish to help plz do arrange me a ticket from male to kerala.plz do call me if u dont mind
    hope you will help me out a ticket but not money
    i will be thankfull for the help

    mano mk


  156. I am writing you this letter because I need your help as I have lost my job at a company because the company let me go in 2012.Unemployment benefits have expired so now I can’t support myself and don't want to lose everything. I have been trying to get a job for about a year now but it’s hopeless. Since I lost my job I have been going through a lot. I'm so desperate that I'm running out of items to sell. I understand if you cannot help me as you get a lot of letters asking for help but if you can we will be so greatful. Thank you for your time,
    Jeff McCarter 864-237-5280 110 Village Park Dr.Apt.57 Simpsonville S.C. 29681

  157. Hai bisogno di prestito urgente per pagare le bollette, o per qualsiasi altro scopo? Sei stato negato un prestito prima che il prestito da istituzioni finanziarie o in casa? Poi vi è l'opportunità unica di ottenere un prestito dalla nostra azienda, Lexington prestito finanza prestito è rispettabile e legittima Quell'azienda dare fuori di prestito a persone e cooperare organismi a basso tasso di interesse del 3%. Contattateci oggi, siamo in grado di aiutarvi con il vostro aiuto finanziario.

    Si prega di compilare la richiesta di prestito, in modo che possiamo anche ottenere la vostra operazione di prestito viene avviata al più presto possibile.

    Debitori informazioni di credito.
    I vostri nomi completi: ...........................
    Prestito Importo richiesto: ..........................
    Prestito Durata: ...........................
    Località: ..........................
    Prestito Scopo: ..........................
    Richiedente: ...............................
    Professione: ..........................
    Nazione: ..........................
    Cellulare ............................
    Nazione: ..........................
    Sesso: ..........................
    Età: ..........................
    Reddito mensile: ..........................
    contatto con me ora via e-mail: loan_lexington@yahoo.cn
    Attendiamo la posta urgente.
    Mr John FATTURE

  158. Brug for akut lån til at betale dine regninger, eller til noget andet formål? Har du været nægtet et lån, før lånet fra finansielle institutioner eller derhjemme? Så er der en enestående mulighed for at få et lån fra vores virksomhed, lexington lånefinansiering er hæderlige og legitime lån Dette selskab giver ud lån til enkeltpersoner og samarbejde organer på lav rente på 3%. Kontakt os i dag, kan vi hjælpe dig med din finansielle støtte.

    Udfyld låneansøgning, så vi også kan få dit lån transaktion startes så hurtigt som muligt.

    Debitorer kreditoplysninger.
    Dit fulde navne: ...........................
    Lånebeløb Påkrævet: ..........................
    Lån Varighed: ...........................
    Lokation: ..........................
    Lån Formål: ..........................
    Sagsøger: ...............................
    Beskæftigelse: ..........................
    Land: ..........................
    Mobile ............................
    Land: ..........................
    Sex: ..........................
    Alder: ..........................
    Månedlig indkomst: ..........................
    kontakt mig nu via email: loan_lexington@yahoo.cn
    Vi afventer Deres presserende mail.
    John BILLS

  159. Bezonas urĝan krediton por pagi vian bekojn, aŭ por iu alia celo? Ĉu vi estis neita prunto antaŭ la prunto de Financaj institucioj aŭ hejme? Tiam estas unika ŝanco por akiri prunton de nia kompanio, Lexington prunto financoj estas estiminda kaj leĝa prunto Tiu kompanio doni prunton al individuoj kaj kunlabori korpoj je malalta interezo de 3%. Kontaktu nin hodiaŭ, ni povas helpi vin kun via financa helpo.

    Bonvolu plenigi la prunto apliko, tiel ni povas ankaŭ akiri vian prunton transakcio estas komencita kiel eble plej baldaŭ.

    Sxuldantoj kredito INFORMO.
    Viaj Plena nomoj: ...........................
    Prunto Kvanto Bezonata: ..........................
    Prunto Daŭro: ...........................
    Loko: ..........................
    Prunto Intenco: ..........................
    Petanto: ...............................
    Laboro: ..........................
    Lando: ..........................
    Poŝtelefono ............................
    Lando: ..........................
    Sekso: ..........................
    Aĝo: ..........................
    Monata enspezo: ..........................
    kontakti min nun per retpoŝto: loan_lexington@yahoo.cn
    Ni atendas viajn urĝaj poŝto.
    MR JOHN Bills

  160. On vaja kiiresti laenu, et maksta oma arveid, või mingil muul eesmärgil? Kas olete olnud eitas laenu enne laenu finantsasutustelt või kodus? Siis on ainulaadne võimalus saada laenu meie firma, Lexington laen on lugupeetud ja õiguspärase laen, mis firma anna laenu üksikisikutele ja teevad asutused madala intressimääraga 3%. Võtke meiega juba täna, saame aidata teil oma rahalist toetust.

    Palun täitke laenutaotlus, nii saame ka su laen alustatakse võimalikult kiiresti.

    Võlgnikud krediidiinfole.
    Teie Full nimed: ...........................
    Laenusumma Vajalik: ..........................
    Laenu kestus: ...........................
    Asukoht: ..........................
    Laenu sihtotstarve: ..........................
    Hageja: ...............................
    Amet: ..........................
    Riik: ..........................
    Mobiilne ............................
    Riik: ..........................
    Sugu: ..........................
    Vanus: ..........................
    Kuu sissetulek: ..........................
    võtke mind nüüd via email: loan_lexington@yahoo.cn
    Ootame teie kiiret mail.
    John BILLS

  161. Нужна срочная кредита, чтобы оплатить счета, или для любых других целей? Были ли вы отрицать кредита до кредита в финансовых учреждениях или дома? Тогда есть уникальная возможность получить кредит от нашей компании, Лексингтон кредитного финансирования является авторитетной и законных компании кредита, который выдают кредитов физическим лицам и сотрудничать органов при низкой процентной ставке 3%. Свяжитесь с нами сегодня, мы можем помочь вам с вашей финансовой помощи.

    Пожалуйста, заполните заявки на кредит, поэтому мы можем также получить кредит транзакция начинается как можно скорее.

    Должники кредитной информацией.
    Ваше ФИО: ...........................
    Сумма кредита Требуется: ..........................
    Срок кредита: ...........................
    Расположение: ..........................
    Цель займа: ..........................
    Заявитель: ...............................
    Род занятий: ..........................
    Страна: ..........................
    Мобильная ............................
    Страна: ..........................
    Пол: ..........................
    Возраст: ..........................
    Ежемесячный доход: ..........................
    свяжитесь со мной сейчас по электронной почте: loan_lexington@yahoo.cn
    Мы ждем вашего срочного почте.
    Г-н Джон СЧЕТОВ

  162. Need urgent loan to pay your bills, or for any other purpose? Have you been denied a loan before the loan from financial institutions or at home? Then there is a unique opportunity to get a loan from our company, lexington loan finance is reputable and legitimate loan company that give out loan to individuals and cooperate bodies at low interest rate of 3%. Contact us today, we can help you with your financial aid.

    Please fill out the loan application, so we can also get your loan transaction is started as soon as possible.

    Your Full names: ...........................
    Loan Amount Required: ..........................
    Loan Duration: ...........................
    Location: ..........................
    Loan Purpose: ..........................
    Applicant: ...............................
    Occupation: ..........................
    Country: ..........................
    Mobile ............................
    Country: ..........................
    Sex: ..........................
    Age: ..........................
    Monthly income: ..........................
    contact me now via email: loan_lexington@yahoo.cn
    We await your urgent mail.

      Your Full names: sreekanthvishnu
      Loan Amount Required: 5lakh
      Loan Duration: 8
      Location: india
      Loan Purpose: business devalppment
      Address sreesadanam
      Applicant: sreekanth vishnu.
      Occupation: business
      Mobile 9847063529
      Country: india
      Sex: m
      Monthly income: .200000
      contact me now via email: loan_lexington@yahoo.cn
      We await your urgent mail.

  163. Behöver akut lån för att betala dina räkningar, eller i något annat syfte? Har du nekats ett lån innan lånet från finansinstitut eller hemma? Sedan finns det en unik möjlighet att få ett lån från vårt företag, är Lexington lånefinansiering seriösa och legitima lån som företaget ger ut lån till privatpersoner och samarbeta organ på låg ränta på 3%. Kontakta oss idag, kan vi hjälpa dig med din ekonomiskt stöd.

    Vänligen fyll i låneansökan, så vi kan också få ditt lån transaktion påbörjas så snart som möjligt.

    Gäldenärer kreditinformation.
    Ditt fullständiga namn: ...........................
    Lån belopp som krävs: ..........................
    Lån Varaktighet: ...........................
    Plats: ..........................
    Lån Syfte: ..........................
    Sökande: ...............................
    Yrke: ..........................
    Land: ..........................
    Mobil ............................
    Land: ..........................
    Sex: ..........................
    Ålder: ..........................
    Månadsinkomst: ..........................
    kontakta mig nu via e-post: loan_lexington@yahoo.cn
    Vi väntar på ditt brådskande meddelanden.
    John BILLS

  164. I'm Nidhal, 27 years old and I’m in love with the most amazing gorgeous girl ever, every time I see her I go crazy, her gorgeous smile makes my heart beat so badly. I love the way she hugs me, I love the way she talks to me, I love her passions, I love her thoughts … I love everything about her .Every time i look into her eyes I thank god for this lovely gift. I have a wonderful girlfriend, and she means the world for me.

    The problem is that neither one of us have great credit, which is no one fault but our own, I could give you all kinds of reason why it isn't our fault and come up with excuses for everything, but in the end it all boils down to the decisions we made, good or bad.

    I need someone who can help me and give me and some money; we just want to get married. I love my girlfriend and I don’t want to disappoint her. I’m not asking for a lot, anything will make a difference and would make my life bearable.
    I thank you for your time and I pray that you would be blessed for being willing to help others.
    Bank account: TN 5 9 0 4 0 6 9 1 5 4 0 0 2 5 5 5 9 4 5 1 4 4
    Swift code: BSTUTNTT

    Thank you.
    Email: dallalinidhal@gmail.com

  165. Are you in need of a loan?
    Do you want to pay off your bills?
    Do you want to be financially stable?
    All you have to do is to contact us for more information on how to get
    started and get the loan you desire.
    This offer is open to all that will be able to repay back in due time.
    Note-that repayment time frame is negotiable and at interest rate of

    You are expected to inform us of the exact loan amount requested so as to
    enable us provide you with the Loan Terms and Conditions. if you are
    interested in obtaining loan from our firm.
    Please, do complete the short application form given below and we
    promised to help you out in any financial needs you are in.


    Your Names:
    Your Country:
    Your City:
    Your Address:
    Your Occupation:
    Your Marital Status:
    Current Status At Place Of Work:
    Phone Number:
    Monthly Income:
    Loan Duration:
    Loan Amount:

    Contact Email: perrymorgan671@gmail.com


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. Dear Sir/Madam,

    First of all i would love to say thanks so much for you time reading my letter , i really appreciate it so much..
    My name is Ronna I'm from MALAYSIA, and i'm 37 years old, single mother to two daughters which is the elder is 19 and younger is 17, ya , i married in young age, 16 and divorced with young age too 19..I been struggling all this while to raised my kids and di work as a call girl.. I plan to stop once and for all cause my daughters is reaching their teenagers and i'm afraid they would know i did this job and make them hate me.. I had no choice but to choose this job cause i not so well educated and i dont have certificate to do other job.
    It happened my second daughter going to sit on her university and yet i felt so hopeless that i dont have money for her.. I cant go back to become call girl anymore.. Dear sir/madam , I really hoping that you can help me with my finacially , i want to send my daughters to her universiy since she did not get her scholar ship too.. and for long run ,i also plan to open a small shop selling make up tools , and i need your help for me and my daughters move on..
    Thanks again for your time, and really hope you can see me and lend a hand to help me.. thanks

    And here i attached my email address, hoping for your reply elonachris@gmail.com



    Amazing?? i do not know how to thanks Dr Keke Odin who did a spell that
    make my husband to come back to me.he left me for the past five years,and
    for the past five years i have been in pains,sorrow,bitterness and
    wiping.until i read a magazine about this man called Dr Keke Odin,who
    help people to unite their relationship within two days.i never believe in
    spell or magic,so i decided to give him a try.i contacted him.he told me
    that he shall come back to me according to my believe.he also promise me
    that he shall return to me within two days,i was still doubting,if he can
    really do according to what he says,unfortunately on the third day he call
    me on phone saying that i should forget and forgive him.that he is now
    ready to love and cherish me,on the forth day he but a car for me to say he
    is very,very ,very,sorry,big thanks to Dr Keke Odin you help me to bring
    back my lovely husband,any body act their,having similar problem like
    this,thinking on what to do,Email him at greatkekespelltemple@gmail.com or call him on +2348104181322,he will
    surely but a smile on your face.not only that he can help .

    1) Have promotion in anything you do
    2 )Earn a good money
    3)Success in business
    4)spiritual problems
    5) win court case

    Mrs Adams Vivian

  168. Hi my name is mark its good to see there are still nice persons like yourself helping others i dont want to ask u but im in need of your help you are my last hope i have tried everything i cant lend as my past mistakes wont let me lend so im here asking for help if u can i would. very grateful i would lend if i could and pay u like a loan but u say that u dont want anything in return which is very nice of u but i would pay u back if u wanted so im asking for £4000 to pay for my cooker fridge etc i have just got my own flat. After along time iof waiting i will have to give it up and go back. To my mums who is a alcoholic so if u could help me please with the money for my furniture and debts i would b over the moon and b able to have some sort of normal life so please consider me and tell me
    answeras i will have to give up my home if help is not done asap please my email markridings13@gmail.com or intto my paypal m.ridings@ymail.com bless u tc and thank u for. just a reply

  169. Hello, I am in urgent need of 7,000. I would use this money to pay off my student loan so that I can get a grant and return to school. Granting of these funds would be greatly appreciated. enenaj3@yahoo.com

  170. I really need money and have been poor all ofmy life.
    Please go to my website: teresak12.simplesite.com that is my donation website
    anyone can donate money to me through my paypal: teresak94@excite.com
    and my other affiliate website that I need money to promote and advertise is:
    about.me/writerandinventorandfashion thank you all and GOD BLESS!



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