The Millionaires Giving Money blog receives emails
everyday asking the following question - How do I contact Warren Buffett. Buffett the Billionaire philanthropist
who has been under the Forbes radar for 4 decades has pledged to give almost
all of his wealth to help people in need. Most of the money will go to the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation to be distributed to worthy causes. Warren Buffett’s
contact details are very sought after because he is one generous rich billionaire. The
billionaire has always given vast amounts of money to help people in need.
In this post I will be sharing some ideas on how to
contact Warren Buffett directly. Most of these ideas on contacting Warren
Buffett are already being used today. Most people who do manage to get in touch
with the billionaire are often giving advice, mentorship and even financial
assistance on some occasions. So without further ado here are all the Warren
Buffett contact info’s I could find on the internet.
1: Warren Buffett Contact through Berkshire Hathaway Companies
Berkshire Hathaway Companies is an investment company Warren
Buffett uses to buy and sell its shares. Berkshire Hathaway was originally a
loss making textiles factory until Warren Buffett bought the controlling share
and turned the company around. You can contact Warren Buffett's email address
through Berkshire Hathaway using the following emails and address.
Warren Buffett Contact Details
3555 Farnam Street
Suite 1440
Omaha, NE 68131
Official Home Page
3555 Farnam Street
Suite 1440
Omaha, NE 68131
Official Home Page
It is a long shot
however you could try permutations of Warren Buffets name along with the
Berkshire Hathaway extension. A lot of people tried this with Bill Gates and were able to guess his email address, you could try the same process to get Warren Buffett's email. Here is an example that could work. If you can work out his email address you will know how to contact Warren Buffett directly! Just imagine how your life would change if you could reach out to the billionaire and engage in meaningful dialogue.
2: Contact Warren Buffett Foundation
As the largest wealth
donor in history Warren Buffett has decided not to create his own foundation.
Warren Buffett has chosen to give 99% of his wealth to the Susan Buffett
Foundation and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Warren has remarked that
the Gates Foundation is already scaled and doing a great job and that’s the
best place for the money. As a board member of the Foundation you could contact
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with an email addressed to Warren
Buffett. Here are the contact details below. You could also try permutations of
Warren Buffets name to see if you can guess the email address e.g.
500 Fifth Avenue North
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 709-3100
3: Warren Buffett Facebook Page
My research has revealed
Warren Buffet has a Facebook page. It is speculative whether this page belongs
to Warren Buffett however it over 610,000 likes which gives it some
credibility. You can follow the Billionaire on this page and send a friend
request. You could also leave meaningful comments after any Facebook entries the
philanthropist posts. By leaving meaningful comments there is an outside chance
that the comments could be read by the man himself and then he just might reach
out to you.
Quick Note: I have posted some of the best resources of Millionaires Giving Money at the end of this post. Be sure to check the posts which give legal ideas to make $5000, $2000 and $200 quickly.
4: Contact Warren through Twitter

5: Contact Warren Buffett as a Shareholder
The Berkshire Hathaway
annual general meeting is a great opportunity to meet Warren Buffett. Along
with Charlie Monger and the rest of the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders this AGM
is crazy and held in a Stadium in Omaha. The Oracle of Omaha loves to meet his
shareholders. If you can buy some of his Berkshire Hathaway A or B shares you will
be invited to this event and it’s the perfect opportunity to reach out.
6: Warren Buffett Contact Information Email
This is a long shot but
you could try Warren Buffets contact information using various different email
accounts. For example you could take the Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail and Outlook
extension and try permutations of his name. Some of the permutations you could
try include Warren.Buffett, W.Buffett, and Warren.B. This is an extreme long shot
however this strategy has worked when finding Bill Gates’s email address.
7: Leave a Comment on This Post
Warren Buffett enjoys
browsing the web and like everyone may do a search for his own name. If you
were the first few to leave a comment on this page and Warren was to find it
there is an outside chance that he might reach out to you. Strategies like this
have worked when people have tried to contact Oprah Winfrey. Be the first to leave
a comment along with your contact details and see if it works. This is an
outside chance but it just may work.
8: Become a Business Expert to Meet Warren Buffett
Every year Warren
Buffett invites MBA enrolled business students to his office in Omaha Nebraska
where they discuss all the strategies to make business successful. Warren likes
to keep up to date with all things business by inviting the very best people.
This is like a mastermind session where people get together to get ahead. There
is a 90 minutes question answer session held by Warren Buffett in which he
answers all reasonable questions. This is the perfect time to reach out to him for
advice and mentorship or even investment. If you were to enrol into an MBA
course there is a good chance you could meet the Oracle of Omaha if you become
an expert in your field.
9: Warren Buffett International Contact Details
While you may not want
to complete a MBA to meet Warren Buffett International fans could contact the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through their international offices. The Bill
& Melinda Gates foundation has offices in China, India and London. You
could address a letter to Warren Buffett through these foundations and hope
that the letter is forwarded to him. You must keep your expectations in check
because Warren Buffett receives thousands of letters/emails and tweets every
day. It is impossible for Buffett to respond to everyone. Keep your messages short
and sweet and make yourself stand out from the crowd.
Bill Gates Charity Address
Europe and Middle East Office (Mailing Address)
Europe and Middle East Office (Mailing Address)
Victoria Street
(0) 207 798 6500
China Office
India Office
10: Susan Buffett Foundation
Warren Buffett’s late wife
Susan Buffett (RIP) ran her own foundation awarding outstanding teachers and awarding
college scholarships to exceptional students. While Warren Buffett does not
have direct control over this Foundation he is a part of it as it bears his
name. You could try writing a letter and address it to Warren Buffett in the
hope that the letter is forwarded to him.
Susan Buffett Foundation
222 Kiewit Plaza
Omaha, NE
Telephone: (402)
Warren Buffett Contact
Contact Warren Buffett
This is the most definitive list of all the ways to contact Warren Buffett. This list will be updated as soon as I find more ways to contact the Billionaire philanthropists. You will not find another comprehensive or accurate list like this anywhere on the internet. Feel free to like this page and share it with anyone who wants to get in contact with Warren Buffett to ask for mentorship, advice or even financial assistance. If you want to seek billionaire or millionaire help then its worth reaching out to the Oracle of Omaha. If you need immediate help and need money now its unlikely that you'll get any money, instead focus on building a long term relationship so you can get long term billionaire/millionaire help.Most Popular Posts of Millionaires Giving Money
Here are some of the most popular posts of Millionaires Giving Money. These incredibly popular posts have received the best feedback because they offer legitimate ideas to make money. All the ideas listed here are completely doable and they are completely legal. You will have to put some hard work in but you can make a lot of money.I Need $5000 Right Now - An incredible popular post offering ideas on how to make $5000 right now. Some of the ideas are risky such as going on clinical trials and selling eggs.
I Need $200 Right Now - Another popular post which offers the readers of Millionaires Giving Money no nonsense ideas on how to make $200 quickly. These ideas are common sense ideas but very effective.

I Need $2000 Right Now - Another popular post outlining all the ways to generate some extra income on the side.
I Need $50,000 Right Now - Another post which proves that millionaires do give money! Craig Ronin was able to secure $1 million donation by just asking for it. You can learn how to ask for $50,000 here!
Iam looking for a help of money since iam homeless. I need to buy a house.
ReplyDeletePlease those with money help me iam struggling and starving.
can you please just give me your old smartphones and old laptop. the only cellphone i just afford to buy is nokia 105 and the only computer i only used are those who i rent per hour for 0.30$ so please if your planning to buy all those latest model can you please just give me your old one?
ReplyDeleteI'm in need of help with getting transportation and a home... I'm about to be homeless with my newborn baby and no where to go please help me you can contact me at thanks
ReplyDeletehello My name is Marco Egyptian live in Russia, I am 32 years old., Were all my dreams I had the wife and kids, it was difficult to do this in Egypt, I am married to a girl living in Russia, is thinking like my thinking dreams become Wife and has children, my wife was possessed little money and we took a loan from the bank in the amount of approximately $ 30 thousand for 10 years and every month 400 $, 5 time i fly in russia for visa 90 days i lost more money, my wife taked second cridet from the bank for fly every time and it is normal i was work with littel money without paper, her work not enough for eat and for bank and for fl,second cridet like 10 southand$ every month we back like 300$ for 5 year,also we have cridet card we pay like 200$ in start our life changed yes i can stay in russia and i have paperstart not have work,start cut from my wife 30% every month and if i have work with littel money not enough for any thing.start bank now say for my wife if she not pay take here in prison and what about baby inside here now!help me please.god bless number is +79202975705
ReplyDeleteGod bless you. He knows our every need. Have hope. I will pray for your you and your wife and your baby. If I had the money to help you I would. Keep praying and never give up. There is a fund raising site that helps people in need called Go Fund Me. Org. Maybe they can help you.
Deletehello first my english languge not good,i hope you understand name is marco 32 year,i'm egyption live in russia,i live with my wife,we waiting our baby will come after 5 month,all our dreams in this that we live normal without problem we want have children live with us problem that we taked 3 bank loan,we back every month around 1200$.year and have now we was can back normal but can't have money for and drink normal.start our problem really before2 month,some times have with littel money and some time not have work,also my wife start lost more then 30% from her money in the work,we start have bad life really.also my wife now she need medicine every week because she is pregnant need good eat and analyses,it's so difficult for me to ask some one for help but it is really we can't live really,the problem too all cridet at name of my wife start bank want put her in us please.god bless you,my number is email you very much
ReplyDeleteI will just be completely honest. My name is Daniel Hodges of Southern Pines, NC. In my situation, I have gotten rid of my pride and am here for help. I am a 58 year old man that found out just 7 days before Christmas that I was stolen as a 1 Year old and raised under a different last name. I found that I had not been adopted like my "Mom" told me. She was my babysitter for 2 days and took me while my mother went out on a singing engagement. My real mother died in 2005, despondent over what had happened with me. My real father died in 2003...highly decorated Korean War and Vietnam War vet. I have a total of 11 brothers and they are all scattered with strained relationships at best. This is because of a history of abuse and a lack of love since my mom could never be in a stable relationship. They all knew about me all these years but could never find me, I'd love to have enough money to be able to take the time to bring this family back together. That brings up my current situation. I have a 6 year old daughter and a 4 year old son. I am the mother and the father. Their mother and I live in the same house but I have been the only breadwinner. We will be splitting up soon and I will be keeping the children. That's what we both want. I am up for the challenge, but I need to change jobs so that I can have enough time to be with them after school. I am trying to switch over to the insurance field. That would afford me the time to make sure that they end up as productive members of society with a strong sense of self and a moral base. Since their mom doesn't work, I have had to provide all of the income. I find myself in a crisis as I am writing this. I don't know if there is enough time to help us because I have to have this money by Friday evening at 4PM. If I don't have a total of 2855.00 by then, my landlord is going to evict us and I don't have anywhere to go. This is actual and there is zero chance of us not being evicted. She has already filed paperwork. I have lived here for 4 years and have gotten into a bind which will be cleared up by the end of April. I don't want my kids to go through the trauma of being homeless. I am so embarrassed by this. I have not told them of our situation because they are just babies. All they know is love and fun and school. They are excellent students by the way. My daughter is 6 and reads at the 5th grade level. My son will be 5 on Mar, 30th and he reads at the 4th grade level. I homeschooled both of them at night after work up until September of 2014. It paid off. They are amazing. Please, somebody rescue me out of this situation. This is Mar 4th, 2015. Please help us. May God Bless whoever helps. I can be reached at or 910-528-5884. I will pay this money back. I am prepared to sign whatever I need to make this happen. I was going to do a payday loan but that is illegal in North Carolina. Please, I beg of you for my daughter and my son. If it were just me, I would take whatever the situation mandates, but they're innocent in this whole thing.
ReplyDeleteGod knows you are desperate. Turn to him. He has inspired me to reach out for help in asking for money to start an orphanage for foster children.It is my dream to have a house full of children. I want to cook for them and teach them chores and do home work with them and read to them and sing them lullabies. I have no idea whether any of these billionaires ever hear our hearts deepest wishes but God hears our deepest cried when we lose hope. Turn to him. Knock and it shall be opened and ye shall find..Ask and it shall be given unto you.
DeleteAnyone who reads this my family and I are in desperate need of assistance. We are struggling to make ends meet and my grandmother was forced to file for bankruptcy. Anything will help but as much as possible would be so much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteI can be reached by email at:
We often turn to the rich before we turn to God. We think "philanthropy" is the only way. I will pray for you and your grandmother.
DeleteMr. Vincent. Perhaps you could consult with a business consultant and give Mr. Buffet a plan on what you intend to do with such a large donation. Since you don't have a job maybe you could start a non-profit organization and dedicate the rest of your life working to feed the hungry, build homes for the homeless. Maybe you should not be so concerned with your personal financial debt as we should all be concerned on how we could use such a large gift to change the lives of millions of others. The best place to start looking for help is to reach out to others first. Sometimes we feel helpless, look for someone in a hospital, a child perhaps and you will see your debt isn't the biggest problem with our society. Dig deep into your heart instead of your wallet and you will see how much treasure you really have access to. I will be praying for you. Sometimes we can do more good with $1 can help more than $19,000.00. Miracles can start with one dollar.
DeleteI am needing money to start my own business. I have worked a job
ReplyDeletefor years and still in poverty. I have a place to lease and ready to get started but I don't have the money. Please can you help me? I think 750,000 will cover me for the first year. Jacqueline Arwood. 865-438-2104 2501 East 5th ave Knoxville Tennessee 37914
I am in need of school fees very urgently. this my Number+231770218631
ReplyDeleteDear Warren Buffett .I Roger Vincent would like to ask nicely if you live in the UNITED STATES .IF you live in NEW YORK .I Roger Vincent would like to ask you if I could quest a $1,million or $19,000.00 casfund donation to help me clear my personal bill headache.I SERIOUSLY need it this coming monday or week .I,M unemployed worker looking for cash fund donation to help me git my personal bills clear out &be able to git my self my very owen vehicle to git me back to a new employment life&indepindint living apartment.I would seriously be able to reopen a new bank account with bank midwest in my town Excelsior Springs .Missouri.Please quest me this cash fund tuwwishin.I,M asking nicely.SIND Roger Vincent
ReplyDeleteGood Afternoon! I'm a 29 year old woman who has had a rough financial past and struggling to save for not only my future but my future family's as well. I graduated from college at the start of the economic recession, and finding a job period was a challenge. I had over $20000 in school debt, and working in a part time customer service position was not getting me anywhere. After several years of working two and at times three jobs at a time, I was able to get that debt cleared. Recently I was let go from my full-time position and was unable to receive unemployment benefits. To make it by, I used up all I had saved to at least take care of rent, but had little money for anything else. There were days I didn't eat because I didn't have any money that week. My family was able to help some, but still struggling. Now I'm fully employed, but all my bills that had to be put on hold are calling me non-stop, and when trying to get financial assistance, I was turned down because of my suffering credit. At this moment, I have only $25 to my name, my 401(K), gone, savings, gone. Money i had saved up to buy a newer car and for my wedding next year, gone. All my paychecks have been going to help these bills, but hardly making a debt. If I was given some help in paying back my creditors, landlord, and my family, I would be eternally grateful. I also wish to have some help building up my 401(K) and set up funds for my future children's education. If I could get your help, I will be forever grateful to you. Thank you for your time, and God bless you!! I can be contacted at
ReplyDeleteIf your debt was cleared by a philanthropist, what would you do to change the world. Pray about that question.
DeleteI've been a paraplegic since age 15. I was never angry about my injury, just determined to make something out of my life. I obtained my Masters degree in Deaf Education and planned to enjoy those everyday adventures until retirement age. In 2005 I fell getting ready for work which caused a large puncture that needed surgery. unfortunately the surgeon messed up. I had 3 different specialists try to fix the wound with no avail. I've seen many specialists and all have told me the same thing, that there is nothing more that can be done. No doctor will clear me to return to work. My long-term disability was cut significantly in in 2012, so I had to return my car to the bank. Since returning my car, my health has been declining exponentially. I am truly frightened, as I have fought so many health issues so I could continue to be a productive part of society. I have no means to get to al the specialist's I need to see to at least get my health back, and don't want to die at 46. I have always been a happy-go-lucky, spunky and upbeat person with a giving heart. I've just had very bad luck in my life, but that doesn't stop me from trying. I have tried everything I can think of to raise money for a vehicle; fundraising, crowd funding, non-profit organizations, all with no avail. I have never been one to ask for help because I've always been able to do it on my own. Now I have no choice but to hope you see this and get in contact with me. I was always active in wheelchair activities, like skiing, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair racing, and volunteering at rehab hospitals for the newly injured. It has taken a toll on my body with arthritis in my shoulders and neck, chronic pain, and many other conditions. I really need a ramp van like a Toyota Sienna or Dodge Caravan. It would get me to the doctor's I need, give me my freedom and my independence back. Can you help me live? My name is Kelley Green and my main email address is God Bless.
ReplyDeleteDear Sir, I am Jolly and I am from India, Kerala and I am married to Vinodh, having two kids Kevin Michael, 6 years, studying 1st standard and Jovina Mary, 1-1/2 years old. My husband is working as a medical transcriptionist for the past 16 years. In 2009, he had a brain tumor operation (operative report attached) and after the operation, he could not make enough income, as he is having headache problem and can’t hear too much of time, even unable to pay the rent, school fees, etc. My husband is looking for a non-voice job for years, but not able to get any. We are trying to buy an own house, but in vain, we are not able to make our day to day expenses. Sir, we request you to help us in this regard to buy a house as we are facing difficult situation, so the main burden will be solved and the rest we can adjust with the mere income. Sir, if not able to help through donation, we request you to help us by getting non-voice jobs like data entry, form filling, etc. and it will be of great help for this poor family.
ReplyDeleteAm paschal Charles from TANZANIA , please help me $ 3000 to pursue studies in BIO PROCESS AND POST HARVEST ENGINEERING DEGREE IN TANZANIA.
ReplyDeleteDear Warren Buffett, there's nothing particularly special nor am I more worthy of help than any asking. Yes we are struggling but we have had good times aswell. I'm searching for our lotto win. Just enough to pay our house and keep our family safe. We are good, very good hard working Honest Reliable people going through some hardships.. We have pleaded with the banks for help. Now we are searching for alternative means of help. We are happy to repay any and all monies or donate the same over time to charities... Please help us. We are a family of 6 amazing people... Please Mr Buffett hear our plea from Australia... Yours sincerely
ReplyDeleteMelanie Burge with the amazing James, Connor, Liam, Airlie and Sera... Thank you
Dear Warren Buffett, there's nothing particularly special nor am I more worthy of help than any asking. Yes we are struggling but we have had good times aswell. I'm searching for our lotto win. Just enough to pay our house and keep our family safe. We are good, very good hard working Honest Reliable people going through some hardships.. We have pleaded with the banks for help. Now we are searching for alternative means of help. We are happy to repay any and all monies or donate the same over time to charities... Please help us. We are a family of 6 amazing people... Please Mr Buffett hear our plea from Australia... Yours sincerely
ReplyDeleteMelanie Burge with the amazing James, Connor, Liam, Airlie and Sera... Thank you
Dear Mr. Warren Buffett,
ReplyDeleteMy name is Lindsey Prince, and me and my husband recently got married last week. We have been placed in a very difficult situation recently. I have been unable to work, due to my health problems. I am anemic and have kidney failure. I have been able to keep these issues in check for the most part, but they have all started getting worse because I cannot afford proper care or food right now. A transplant might be in my near future. I recently moved to South Carolina to marry my husband, and we were planning on getting our own place and I was going to join the Air Force. I was able to work a part-time job at a local cafe called Cafe Strudel as a server/hostess. My husband works construction with SLOAN. The schedule worked out well for us at first, because I was able to drop him off at 6:30am, then go into work during the day and pick him up at night. Our truck that we've been making payments on broke down on us, and is going to cost us upwards of 1,400 to fix that. I have been unable to work because I no longer have a way to get to work. He is able to make it to his job still because a coworker of his has graciously been giving him rides to and from. The flooding we had here recently put him out of work for a couple weeks, digging our financial situation deeper. We are having to stay with friends and pay a steep rent, plus utilities, along with all the other payments we are trying to make. We are in a rut, and can't seem to catch a break. With all we're having to cover already, we haven't been able to keep anything aside for the truck or my medical needs. We're needing an estimate of about $10,000 right now. This is not at all how we envisioned the beginning of our marriage to go. We need help for the truck, an apartment, and for my medical care. We would be eternally grateful to any help we can get. Thank you so much.
God Bless,
Lindsey Prince
ReplyDeleteI am Jesaja Simon i live in Namibia,otjiwarongo I am 19 years . I live with my jobless mom and my siblings in a zinc hut which is very small. My mother raised us up alone non of our fathers ever help and we dnt know where they are . She is now growing old so taking care of us is becoming difficult so i decided to ask for anyone who is really willing to take us out of this situation we will all be very very great full you will be the first person to help us and create joy in our life's everseens for me myself I will be very happy to have a house for I have never been in nice house than our zinc hut which tends to wet everything when it's raining. If there is anyone out the please hear our cry we need money to improve our life's style any one who is willing please cantact or cellphone number 0817514683/0813002101
ReplyDelete(Ukraine) Good day! very uncomfortable to ask for help, but something like this goes Esteemed, well-off people, I'm a simple man with a low income, please help me and my family to Help out of the debt hole, where am I after came to the ATO .work very hard, score only enough for food for the kids,
ReplyDeleteIf there willing to help Although I think this is just a shout into the void. If suddenly a miracle happens, any amount of help, For earlier thanks a lot you happiness and love.
I am not the type of person who can take from one another and that is why I am not going to ask for a hand out but I Am willing to work for everything I have so this was probably a waste of your time and I apologize for the inconvenience. If there's anything I can do for you my name is Gerald G Jr from Portland Oregon 9715067054 hope that everyone out there has a good day. Thank you
ReplyDeleteplease help me.....i dont need million pounds.but i need financial help please.i need 8000 pounds.
ReplyDeletemy email address is
Dear mr Warren Buffett
ReplyDeleteHow are you and how is your health.
i need a help.please help me out if you have alot of money and you are a rich man.i dont want to be a millionair and i dont need too much money.i can email you directly that why i am asking for a help but i dont want write on this website.please if you can reply me on my email address is
thank alot
Good Afternoon:
ReplyDeleteI am in need of $10,000.00 My son needs a newer car for work. His present car needs lots of repairs. I would like to be able to get a amount of $10,000.00 for car. Also left over money would be used to pay off bills, and start a home based business. Thank you for your time and may you be blessed for helping me.
david lynch380 cell 608-513-6266
Добрый день.Меня зовут Олеся.Пишу впервые-так как попала в затруднительное положение и очень нужна материальная поддержка.Разошлись с мужем-остались с сыном одни.Вы не подумайте,что сижу дома и попрашайничаю...нет!!!Я работаю,зар.плата конечно не великая-но всё же..Ситуация такая-в связи с праздниками задерживают заработную плату-сидим на полных нулях,уже вдолги залезли,а вчера у сына порвался рюкзак.В школу сегодня ходил с пакетом-думали протянем.Вернулся со школы и чуть не плачет-всё,говорит,не пойду туда больше..Дети засмеяли...Господи-стыдно то как...Ненавижу себя-за своё бессилие,верчусь-кручусь-а толку ноль.Очень хочется,что бы мой сын был не хуже других.Прошу помощи..много нам не нужно.Буду очень благодарна!!!!номер карты Visa 4890 4942 8730 5973 Заранее огромное спасибо всем кто откликнется!
ReplyDeleteHello my name is Tadas and I am from Lithuania then live with dad very difficult to live after the death of the mother is not enough money to help us if you can
ReplyDeleteHello my name is Tadas and I am from Lithuania then live with dad very difficult to live after the death of the mother is not enough money to help us if you can.
ReplyDeleteYES ! ...........I AM A PERSON IN NEED ! .......... A ONE TIME DONATION HAS BEEN ASKED FOR ............ .
ReplyDeleteI Also Need Help In A Business/Project :
Please Go Too :
Hello Mr Warren,my name is Rita Drake,i have a cystic disease called hidradenitis supportive I've had 63 surgeries in the last 7 years,i draw disability and I'm 39 yrs old.i draw 741.00 monthly that's all,i just need some help to pay a loan I got back of this to live it's 4.268 is what o owe ,I would love to be able to pay that off and have enough to get my car fixed ,the transmission is out and I need it to go back and forth to the doctors,its a very serious disease I have and it's very important. That I get back and forth please if you could help me in any way and also pray for me that would be great ,I have all the proof to send to you about myself if you need it ,you wouldn't even have to send me the money I would give you the name and address of my loan company so you could do it your self that way you would know its real.thank yiu so much for your kindness and God bless you sir...8593141989
ReplyDeleteHi, my name is Justin Walker. I had a
ReplyDeleteStumbled across your website as a blessing, I wanted to email you directly to your foundation hoping I can get threw to you out of desperation and hope. God willing you get to this email and I can reach out to you with open arms. I'm currently in a position in witch I never imagined I would be, I just recently lost both my parents to a reck about a week ago and I am currently now stuck at the age of 25 with everything this world will throw at me by myself and with no further guidance. This was a complete disater to my life. Neither of my parents had a life insurance policy and left me with over 45,000$ in debt. I've currently been working on getting there funerals paid for but have been struggling to do so as far as car washes and lemonade stands it seems as if I may never get thers. I'm really lost and confused and sad at this time and don't have anyone else I can ask for help now, witch I'm not one to do so but I've came to the point of a deep depression In witch I can not move. I'm currently 8,000$ short on funding to funral home I'm extremely worried and sad about not laying them to rest in a proper way so I can say my good bye. I just wanted to reach out to you and see if there is anything you might be able to help me with at this point. God knows I need the help right now and I promise to you Mr Gates I will do anything and everything to repay you for your time and help, not sure what I can do to repay you for considering my request if you will. But I will most definitely pay it forward and this will be a blessing I will always and forever remember for eternity. Well I wish to hear from you soon god bless you and your family and foundation Mr Gates your a wonderful man and have a great aspect of life. Thanks agian sir, Justin Walker.
If my bank account information is needed it's hear for you god bless. Account#99910200338726453
Bank Name: Green Dot Bank
Justin Walker
2300 Stern Dr Apt#215
Las Cruces NM 88005
This is hard for me, because I never thought I would be in the spot I am in right now. On 09/11/1996, an irresponsible co-worker failed to use proper OSHA standards for putting up a scaffolding on ladder supports and he was told what he did was improper. Before the supports could be adjusted, shortly thereafter the scaffolding collapsed, hitting my neck and causing serious injuries to my neck and back, which began a long dragged out nightmare in my life. A federal judge in Buffalo ruled in 1997 that I am 100 percent disabled and can no longer work for a living. This incident was the beginning of many health issues that seem to follow all over my body.
ReplyDeleteFast forward to 2010 - 1016, the health issues continued to compile and a bite from the poisonous brown Recluse spider in 2015 laid me up in the hospital for a month.
At this point, I have exhausted the money I put aside to secure my retirement. Due to paying down medical bills, so my doctor will continue to see me for ongoing care – I’ve got behind on a few mortgage payments. I’m now threatened with a foreclosure on my home. Once I get current on my mortgage, everything should level off for me financially.
This is one of the toughest things that I’ve ever had to do in my life: ask for help from others and it pains me to do it. I have caught up on my medical bills to keep my primary doctor, but not other lingering medical bills incurred outside of my primary care physicians office and my mortgage is behind by 3 payments. I have other residual bills that have accrued, as well. I am in the process of selling everything I can sell to get other bills and my mortgage caught up. My social security disability income brings in enough to pay my mortgage currently, but I cannot make up the 3 payments on my mortgage that are currently past due.
The injuries I sustained happen to me at such a young age, I did not have enough working hours/credits paid into the social security system to get full SSD. I was tested and diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus diseases in March 2016, Barrett's esophagus can lead to dysplasia and esophageal cancer. People with Barrett’s esophagus are more likely to develop a rare type of cancer called esophageal adenocarcinoma.
As many of you know, I’m a photographer by hobby and have attempted to sell pictures here and there, but many simple don’t want to pay for the photographs. I do make a small amount of money selling pictures which I’ve customized for people, but it’s not much money. I’m hoping this hobby will turn into a real payday for me someday.
At this point, I am asking respectfully asking for donations, to help pay some of my medical bills and help me get current on my mortgage. The bank will not help, I tried to reach out to them and they turned me away. I do not meet certain income guidelines for their programs regarding mortgage arrears. I applied for assistance from local and public assistance programs for food and help with my utility bills. This is the only help I am receiving at this time.
I have no other option but to ask for your help, I will have no place to live soon because the bank is now promising foreclosing on my home, me and my two Shetland Shelties will become homeless. Your donation is greatly appreciated, I pray to God every day in hope of a solution to make everything better.
Update, I fell and injured my neck and back on 06-21-2016. And now the insurance company will not pay for the tests, doctors, or medications because they say it is from a work related injury from 1996. The Affordable Care Act law does not apply to people who have work related injuries sustained prior to the law going into effect. Even though there were broad sweeping promises prior to the law going into effect stating: you cannot be turned down due to a previous illness or injury.
God bless all of you, please do your best to remain healthy and to not allow co-workers to act irresponsibly which could cause future nightmares for you. Thank you for reading, Please help if you can.
ReplyDeleteMy name is Wilfredo Moreta I am from the Dominican Republic, San Juan province, city of the woods of Farfán, section Yabonico, Sector of the Derramaderos # 8,
I am writing to you in order to remedy my distress.
I have a small house in live with my wife and my three children the biggest is 3 years the second has 2 and the third has 1 where he had a small business of cheese making, only means of subsistence that he had, but came the And finished with everything, we have sold the furniture and household goods to survive. So we have nothing left.
I have dedicated myself to look for work and I have not found anywhere. We have not counted on the support of anyone alone with God, at this moment we are very badly economic since we must like $ 208,702 pesos Dominican, that in US dollars makes this amount ($ 4,537 dollars) of mortgage and other debts we owe two months of $ 8924 pesos and that in dollars are ($ 194 dollars) and we do not have where to obtain that money.
Help us please since there are days that we can not even eat so I have no work, no food, no medicine ....... (there are days I come to the house and I lock myself in and yy cry when I watch my children cry for hunger and I do not have to give it). I am in a painful situation and at the same time desperate, so I need urgent help (the situation I am in is much worse than I express in this line).
I do not have savings because I already spend it in full. Or relatives who can help me.
I do not want free money I am a hard worker but at the moment I am sunk, if someone can help me I promise to return all the money.
If someone helped me with $ 5,500 to pay the debt of the mortgage and buy a motorcycle taxi to be able to get the support to feed my family. If someone reads these lines I ask you to help me please. For help please call 8298607051 or send an email to: Dominican Republic, San Juan Province, City of Farfán Woods, Yabonico Section, Los Derramaderos Sector # 8, Name Wilfredo Moreta, O Chico.aneury @ or the account 744-258-922 in the Dominican popular bank.
Please Mr. Warren Buffett,
ReplyDeleteI need $4400.00 by April l5 2017 or I will have to leave my home of 13 years. I lost my partner about 2 years ago. He died in my arms(heart attack) after taking care of him for over l4 years. I am 75 years old, in poor health, had a stroke a mouth ago. His pension from the Navy was 70% of our income. I could use more to help me rehabilitate, and try to get a job. Please help me if you can. Mark Sanger 619-467-7623 7605 Seton Hall St. La Mesa Ca. 91942