Note: Rich people who give away money DO EXIST - If you have a genuine reason then there is a Good Chance YOU will get money.
Which is the Best List of Philanthropist?
By far the most comprehensive list is the GivingPledge.Org list which contains information on billionaires that are preparing to give away more than half of their wealth to help people in need. These people giving money away are by far the most generous people around. From the list you can find information on the programs the billionaires support and all the details of the Foundation or charity that they run. All in all it is an indispensable list which will help you if you’re planning on asking millionaires and billionaires for financial assistance.How Shall I Use The List?
You need to go through the profile of every millionaire to see if there are any which will support your cause. The people who give money away concentrate on certain good causes. For example Oprah Winfrey concentrates most of her efforts in the USA through scholarship opportunities. You need to then find details of their foundation or charity that they run and make a note of the contact details. Once you’re armed with the best billionaires who are likely to support your cause you can begin writing a hardship letter. This is one of the most important stages, by reading all the profiles of the billionaires you’ll be able to pinpoint the ones that are most likely to help and not waste your time contacting rich people who will refuse you financial assistance.What Shall I Write in the Hardship Letter?

One Hundred Billionaires Who Give Money Away

The people who give away money for free are all around us and we only need to find these people who give donations so we can live a better life. The best list is the Giving Pledge Charity Pledge list which contains all the rich people giving money.
Choosing Philanthropists Giving Away Money
The process of choosing philanthropists giving away money is simple. First identify a legitimate need, this need might be to further your education, it might be to get your business off your ground or it might be to help you through transition. Once you've identified your need/hardship all you need to do is sift through all the organisations run by these millionaires and billionaires so you can match your need to a program they are offering. Most of the assistance programs on offer include scholarships, business grants, help with financial despair, help for low income families and much more.
Proper Way to Contact Rich People Who Donate Money