Loans for People on Unemployment Benefits - Cash Converters
Cash Converters offer cash for your household products. If you need cash right now you can take any products such as Plasma TV, Bicycle, Games Console, Mobile Phones, Cell Phones and other gadgets and have them appraised so you can get a cash payment for the goods. The products are appraised and 50% to 75% of the value is given as cash. 100% is not given because the Cash Converters are taking on the risk of failure to sell. Cash converters offer services such as Pawnbroking, Cash for Gold, Cash Advances and Personal Loans on products. Cash Converter stores was launched in 1984 and has stores in over 21 countries.
To get started gather all your products which you no longer use which may still have value in them. These products could include unused TV's, DVD Players, Box Sets, Cell Phones, Tablets and any other gadgets. Try to appraise these products yourself by looking at the prices on eBay. Once you have an idea of the valuation you can take these over to Cash Converter Stores and then use their Pawnbroking service or Cash Advance service to get a loan. Always negotiate the APR amount so you pay less in interest payment.