
Thursday 10 July 2014

I Need More Money (Part 16) - Please Help Me

This Post is Part 16 of the 20 Part Mini Series on How to earn more money. I always receive emails from the great readers of the Millionaires Giving Money Blog. Two of the most popular questions that are asked are (1) I Need More Money What Can I DO, and, (2) What is a Quick Way to Make Money. After responding to a handful of these emails I was inspired to think of and share 20 short sweet ideas to make large amounts of money. All these ideas are legal and legitimate ways to make money. Using all 20 ideas you can build quick money making business systems which have the potential to earn more money. There are many individuals and businesses that earn six to seven figure monthly income using these strategies. Depending on how much effort, thinking, time, and strategy you put in you could earn anything between $100 and $10,000 per month. So without further ado here is IDEA 16 of 20.

IDEA 16: Sell Popular Items on eBay: Earn 10,000 Per Month

Whenever I need to make more money I turn to eBay. There are many ways to earn quick cash on eBay and top eBay sellers make 6 figure incomes per month. eBay is one of the most popular commercial sites in the world that sells almost anything anyone can desire. Along with Amazon it is an online retail giant that will be around for decades. There are so many eBay millionaires who made their fortune just selling popular items online. 

How You Can Make Money on eBay

To get started you need to do your research. Find ten products which are extremely popular. Once you've found the items look for suppliers who are willing to supply the products. Alibaba.com is a great place to find supplies for cheap. 

Once you've got your supplies you need to put post the products on eBay during zero insertion fee dates. You also need to produce highly informative and creative eBay sales pages which are much better than the competition. These pages must be search engine optimised. Try to promote these pages using white hat search engine optimisation techniques as most traffic to eBay comes from search engines. 

Once you've set your system up it is just a matter of service to get your business off the road. Make sure you send your products out on time and always receive feedback from the customer to improve your reputation as a seller. Suppose you sell 1000 products per month with a margin of $10 you could easily earn 10,000 Dollars per month. It is entirely possible because other people are doing it right now.

Scaling Your System to Make More Money

Once you know how you can make money on eBay it is only a matter of scaling your business so you can optimise and maximise your profits. Through selling your items you fill find a few popular items that sell incredibly well. You need to expand that line of item and then offer more variety. You should also look at your competitors inventory to find popular lines that you can sell too. eBay is a great way to make money now. Once you know how to make more money by scaling you could easily earn 6 figure incomes every month. There are people earning over $10,000 per month so what is stopping you from doing the same?

Make Money Now Using eBay

I love selling on eBay whenever I need more money. Selling on eBay is one of my preferred quick money making business system. You can earn more money as time goes on once you understand what sells well and what doesn't. This method is definitely a quick way to make money but requires patience to build the system into something big. It is possible and it all depends on how hungry you are to make more money.

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