
Tuesday 14 June 2016

I Need and Want 500 Dollars Now No Credit Check What Can I Do? I'm Desperate

I Need 500 Dollars Right Now 
I Want 500 Dollars Right Now 

Here at The Millionaires Giving Money Blog we enjoy replying to our reader emails. Recently I received 2 emails both asking similar questions. One reader asks the following question: 
I Need 500 Dollars right now. My car has broken down and I need it desperately to get to and from work. Unfortunately I don't have a emergency fund and have bad credit so its unlikely that I'll be able to apply for credit. Please HELP! Alvin 
Another readers asks the following questions: 
I Want 500 Dollars right now. I've been working hard over the last 12 months and I've managed to save some money. I have a healthy emergency fund and am slowly getting out of poverty with small baby steps. I need a holiday but don't want to eat up into my emergency fund. Is there a quick way to make 500 bucks. If I can learn how to do this I could boost my income quickly and get out of poverty earlier. Thanks Emilio 
Both questions are similar so I thought I'd answer them together. There's nothing better than killing two birds with one stone! Before I do any new readers of The Millionaires Giving Money Blog might find it strange seeing a post on making money quickly on a site that connects millionaires and rich people with people who need help. 

The reason we write so much about how to make money quickly is because there is an overwhelming demand for this type of content. We are proud to help people with their unconventional personal finance questions. If you are looking for Millionaires Who Give Money then you should go to this page. So without further ado here are 10 ways to make money if you need or want 500 dollars right now. 
I Want 500 Dollars Right Now No Credit Check 
#1: Ask Employer for a Cash Advance 
One of the best places to get 500 dollars quickly is by asking your employer for a cash advance. Every employer has a discretionary fund for emergencies. The fund isn't really spoken about for obvious reasons. The best way to ask for 500 dollars cash advance is to either go direct to your boss or if you're employed in a larger organization you need to contact the Finance Department. Explain your situation and then ask for the money. If the money is needed to get to and from work there is a strong likelihood that you'll get the money. Ask for the full 500 dollar cash advance first and then settle for whatever they offer. 
#2: Sell Your Clutter 
We all have clutter everywhere in our home. Sometimes we think that this clutter is worthless. It's worth remembering that one mans clutter is another mans treasure so try putting your clutter up for sale. Make a list of all the items you no longer need and then list it on sites like eBay. You can also have a garage sale to remove some of the useless items from your home. When I tried this exercise I was able to make 500 dollars easily and get more space in my home all at the same time. The trick is to write long and precise descriptions if you're listing on eBay. If you're having a Garage Sale make sure your entire neighborhood knows about it by advertising it on Garage Sale websites. 
#3: Get a Catering Contract 
Catering is BIG Business. If you can cook at a mass scale then you can make 500 dollars easily. Create a menu for a party for between 20 and 50 people. Advertise your Menu online and offer a competitive price. If you can get a few catering contracts you can make 500 dollars easily. The key is to offer a refreshing menu at affordable price and then offer exceptional service. The more positive review you get the more money you could make. You could even turn this into a long term business and grow it. This is a great way to rise out of poverty. 
#4: Rent Everything Out 
Another way I like to make money is to rent everything out. You can rent out a room, you can rent out your property and you could even rent out your storage space and equipment like Camera's, tools and technology. The more space or equipment you can rent the more money you could make. Start by clearing a room and renting it out either as a room or storage space. If you can rent your entire home for a few months while you stay in your vehicle you could make 500 dollars very quickly. The key is to make use of every item in your home and charge people to use it. I know people who have expensive camera equipment who regularly make 500 dollars by renting the equipment out. Just think RENT, RENT and MORE RENT. 
#5: Make Websites for Other People 
Learning to make a website is great business because its a skill that's in demand. A lot of people want to design a website but they don't have a clue how to do it. You can fill the void by learning how to make a website yourself and then offer your web building service online on sites like Fiverr.com and UpWork.Com. You can charge $100 per website for a personal service. If you can create 5 websites you can make 500 dollars quickly. Alternatively you could design an immaculate website and then put it up for sale on sites like Flippa.com. 
#6: Find a BUG 
Finding a BUG has the potential to make a lot of money. When I say bug I don't mean wildlife although some species might be very valuable. What I mean is finding bugs in software for big tech companies like Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft. If you can find security issues with banking software and offer a solution you could have a big payday. If you're a good programmer/hacker you could try and find vulnerabilities and then contact the IT department for compensation. You can also find websites which offer rewards for find a BUG for a particular software. You could make a living out of finding BUGS if you get good at it so its a great way to rise out of poverty.  
#7: Apply for a Bad Credit Credit Card 
Having bad credit does not mean you're ineligible for credit. There are bad credit Credit Cards which offer a small limit between 250 and 500 dollars. You can apply for these cards and if you're successful you can ask for a cash advance. Many credit card companies offer cash advance direct to your bank account so its worth applying. Its important not to go overboard because the more credit cards you apply for the larger the trail that will be left on your credit file. You could get a copy of your credit file and fix any small problems so you can increase your chances of getting a bad credit credit card.  
#8: Pawn Valuables 
A great way to raise money quickly is to pawn valuables. If you have a lot of expensive electrical equipment and jewelry you can raise some money by using the valuables as collateral. Make a list of all the expensive equipment and jewelry you have and then take it to a few pawn shops to see how much you can raise. One thing that you need to realize is that if you fail to make payments on time you will lose your items as it will go on sale. Find out exactly how much money you can raise from your valuables as a loan and then work out if you can make the monthly payments to pay the loan off. If you can't afford to make the payments then you should not take out the loan on the valuables. 
#9: Sell Blood/Plasma/Sperms/Eggs 
We can all raise some money quickly by selling blood and plasma. You could even take it a step further by selling your sperms and eggs to clinics. Depending on your blood type you you could make anything between 30 and 100 dollars for a blood plasma donation. Also, depending on your stature you could charge anything between 30 and 200 dollars for a sperm donation. Eggs are more expensive and you could charge anything between 5000 and 10,000 dollars. Start by visiting a donation clinic so you can get an indication of price so you can choose what is right for you. 
#10: Take Part in Clinical Trials 
With clinical trials you can make more money but it takes longer. Depending on the study you are taking part in you could make anything between 100 and 10,000 dollars. To get started get a list of approved clinical trials from clincaltrials.gov which is compiled by the Government. Suppose you take part in 4 clinical trials every year and receive 5000 dollars compensation per trail you could make 20,000 per year. This is a great way to rise out of poverty but there are risks and side effects to consider. 
I Need 500 Dollars Right Now Please Help 
If you put your mind to it generating 500 dollars quickly is possible. The 10 given above can be combined to generate 500 dollars quickly. I would advise you to sample all the ideas and see which one suits you most. The more suited you are to a particular way of making money the more naturally it will come to you. You can then use that method to rise out of poverty quickly. I really hope these ideas make a real difference and please leave a comment below if you've found the post helpful. As always please share this content with other people who might find it useful and don't forget to Plus 1 this on Google Plus. 

I Need 10,000 Dollars RIGHT NOW

I Need 5,000 Dollars RIGHT NOW

I Need 2,000 Dollars RIGHT NOW

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