
Friday 18 September 2015

Top 10 Millionaires Giving Money Away

Top 10 Millionaires Giving Money Away

Millionaires are often defined by how much money they make.  However, many millionaires are very philanthropic and give away more money than they keep for their personal endeavors.  Below you will find a list of the top 10 best millionaires who want to give away money for financial assistance. I've also included a list from the UK.

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#1: Oprah Winfrey: Millionaires Who Help People in Need

Oprah Winfrey earned her millions becoming one of the most successful daytime talk show host in history.  She is also the CEO of the OWN Network and is the chairperson of Harpo Productions.

Ms. Winfrey donates close to $50 million each year to improve education, to assist individuals in need and to sponsor youth facilities, she is one of the most generous philanthropists ever. Oprah’s Angel Network funds scholarships, women’s shelters and other charitable causes.  She has contributed over $303 million over the last five years.

#2: Thomas Monaghan: People Who Give Money Away

I need financial help immediately is a request Thomas Monaghan can answer! Thomas Monaghan founded Domino’s Pizza, which has turned him into a multi-millionaire.  He has sold it gradually in pieces and has recently devoted much of his effort to philanthropic work.  He is a devout Catholic, which funds Catholic community projects and other Catholic media and charities.  Additionally, his personal foundation helps fight disparities in South and Central America.  Furthermore, he finances a $250 million school in Michigan, called Ava Maria University. You can contact Thomas Monaghan via the charitable foundation if you need help.


#3: Warren Buffett: Wealthy People Who Lend Money

It's worth knowing how to ask rich people for money especially to someone as generous as Warren Buffett. Warren Buffet is a very successful businessman who is currently the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. Warren Buffett made his fortune after studying value investing at Columbia University where at the time Benjamin Graham was his lecturer.  Warren is one of the World’s richest men and worth billions, he made this fortune by investing in the stock market and achieving compound returns in excess of 15% every year for the past 40 years . Buffet made a pledge of $31 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to help improve education, healthcare and standards of living.

Additionally, he has pledged billions to the Howard G. Buffet Foundation, NoVo Foundation and Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation, supporting a myriad of efforts ranging from conservation to reproduction.

#4: Bernard Osher: Ask Rich People for Financial Assistance

Bernard Osher co-founded Golden West Financial company with his sister.  He started the Bernard Osher Foundation in which he has contributed well over $700 million to help people in need all over the world.  This foundation supports educational endeavors, integrative medicine and the arts.  Additionally, he oversees a scholarship fund that has awarded more than 50 scholarships to older learners who want learn for the joy and satisfaction of gaining knowledge.

#5: Jeff Skoll: Dot Com Millionaires That Give Money Away

Jeff Skoll, the president of eBay, has an estimated worth of over $5 billion.  Jeff is a well-established philanthropist encouraging entrepreneurial endeavors by donating monies to social entrepreneurship at Oxford University.  Additionally, he started the Skoll Foundation in which he gave $250 million in eBay stock, the foundation has awarded $30 million in grants each year.  He also gave $7.5 million to Toronto University to help support a dual degree program for gifted individuals majoring in Engineering and Business.

#6: Thomas Boone Pickens, Jr.: Billionaires Wanting to Help Needy

Thomas Boone Pickens, Jr. is the chair of BP Capital Management, a hedge fund and takeover operation.  Thomas is an avid sports fan and donated over $165 million to athletics at Oklahoma State University. Other charitable efforts include giving to Meals on Wheels, the Red Cross and Children’s Hospitals. This past year Mr. Pickens gave $100 million to academics at his alma mater, Oklahoma State University, and donated a total of $700 million to charity. 

#7: George Soros: Investment Bankers Who Give Financial Assistance

George Soros became a global financier after graduating from the London School of Economics in the United Kingdom.  George has founded and chaired a myriad of organizations and foundations that provides financial support to the needy.  He strongly believes in an open democratic society with a market-based economy to encourage entrepreneurial spirit.  Mr. Soros has personally donated more than $6 billion where more than $700 million were targeted at projects within the United States.

#8: Bill and Melinda Gates: Wealthy People Who Give Money Away

Bill Gates earned his billions by creating Microsoft products while CEO at Microsoft Corporation. Bill and his wife started the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has donated more than $40 billion to charity.  Additionally, Bill Gates have pledged to give away more than 50 percent of his net worth to charity upon their death or sooner. Along with Warren Buffet Bill Gates is undoubtedly the most philanthropic millionaires/billionaires on the planet.  

#9: Ted Turner: Billionaires That Give Money to Help

Ted Turner is the founder of CNN, the highly popular cable news station. Additionally, Ted Turner is the biggest single landowner in the United States, owning more land than any other person. Mr. Turner recently pledged to give over $1 billion to the UN.  He also founded the Turner Foundation, the Turner Endangered Species Fund and the Capital Planet Foundation.

#10: Michael Bloomberg: Ask The Mayor of New York For Money

Michael Bloomberg is most notably known for becoming the 108th Mayor of New York City.  After attending Johns Hopkins and Harvard, Bloomberg created Bloomberg LP.  As a result of this successful endeavor, Bloomberg donates over $140 million each year to education, healthcare, social services and the arts.  He primarily focuses on donating this money in the New York City area, he is another great millionaire who gives money for financial assistance.

Top 10 Millionaires Giving Money Away

You can contact all these billionaires and millionaires giving money away through their charitable foundation. You can inquire about all the charities they support so you can contact the charities direct. You can also inquire about all the projects and programs on offer to help underprivileged children and adults. Millionaires and billionaires are really willing to help people in need so all you have to do is find the right charities and programs and if you have a genuine need you will get help.

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