
Tuesday 3 January 2017

Foundations That Help Needy Families With Money 2017 (With Contact Details)

If you're on a low income and have to support a large family there is a lot of help available if you look in the right places. One of the first places that you should visit is USA.Gov to see if you're entitled to any benefits or financial assistance packages. If you need cash now or are looking for online financial assistance you could try charitable foundations which have money to give away.

If you're looking to improve your career prospects then there are thousands of foundations which are offering scholarships, fellowships and internships to people who have little or no income. These foundations are funded by wealthy billionaires and rich millionaires who want to do their share of philanthropy. If you know where to look you could apply for these programs so that you can eventually lead a happier prosperous life.

Unfortunately there's no guarantee that you'll get any money and there might be several hoops that you have to jump through, sometimes if you're absolutely desperate and need cash now there might be immediate online financial assistance available. In this guide I have listed ten of the top one hundred American Foundations by asset size, these foundations have helped countless people in the past and continue to do so in the future. 

If you're thinking about contacting these foundations for online financial assistance then you must have a genuine need. This need might be help with bills, financial despair, homelessness, poverty, disaster, and crisis. If you're experiencing one of these hardships then it's worth contacting these foundations for money. If you need help with financial problems, debt relief, help paying the mortgage, or urgent financial assistance then it's also worth contacting these foundations for help.  

Feel free to share this guide with others that need help and please leave a comment below if you're thinking about applying to one of these foundations for help. Remember to leave a comment with your name and contact details and your request for help as these guides are sometimes picked up by rich philanthropists who want to help. Now, Without further ado here is the list.

Top 100 American Foundation (31 to 40)

(1 to 10) (11 to 20) (21 to 30)

31. Kimbell Art Foundation

32. John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

33. The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc.

34. The McKnight Foundation

35. The Simons Foundation 

36. Casey Family Programs

37. The New York Community Trust

38. Richard King Mellon Foundation

39. The Cleveland Foundation

40. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

Please remember that these requests for money take time and the best way to start is by researching into the charitable foundation above to see if there are any programs that can help you. Alternatively you could send an email or a hardship letter requesting money, make sure you explain your hardship, what help you need and how it would change your life.

If you've decided to contact these foundations for help please leave a comment below so you can share your experience with others, feel free to bookmark this page and share with others who might benefit from it. Also don't forget to leave your name and contact details with details of your request for money as these guides are sometimes read by philanthropists who want to give money.

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  1. If you're experiencing hardship please leave your name contact details and reason for requesting the money.

    If you want to help please contact these individuals direct with financial assistance.

    1. I am 47 years old i have 5 children , i became disabled in my early 20's so i am on a fixed income..but i still have three at home, a child that is 17,one that is 9 and now i have a grandchild who is almost 4. i have had him for three years now with out any help from his parents .they are not in his life at all for the last three years..so he is mine now . but my two children still at home are athletes they both qualified for the aau jr olympics track and field in mich.this year 2013 july 26 thru aug. 3rd. but we live in la. we struggle to make it with nessessities . i would like to give them this opportunity this year but would need a sponsor .my son of 17 does work to earn his own money .but most of the time it has to go to help out,he finish 2nd in the national jr olympic trails in the decathlon .1st in javelin, 2nd in discus and 4th in shotput..my daughter of 9 finished 4th in the triathlon,and 2nd in turbo javelin. for two states miss. and la. only the top 5 qualify for the jr. olympics . so what they have already done is amazing. they don't have a lot of the atvantages compared to the other children they compete against .but a GOD given talent .it would be heart breaking to see it go to waste because i am unable to finance their trip.if you would like to help please email me at rderina@live.com

    2. Dear Sir,
      My name is Nuwan Sanjeewa. I'm a poor student. I have not money to do my high
      studies ahead. My mother is a ailing women and my father is a labour. I have two
      brothers and a sister. My father's salary is not much to keep our family. I am also try
      to do some jobs to find some money for my studies, but it's not a possible thing here
      because I have missed lot of lessons, lectures and my classes. So study is a very
      difficult thing for me. I can learn well and also love to learn well. Then I hope your deeply concern for me.

      This is my contact details:
      e-mail: (nuwansanjeewa3854@yahoo.com)
      Tel: +94770627059 / +94255723846
      Address: 604/2, Kamkaru Mawatha, Mailagas Junction, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.

      Thank you.

    3. my name is katrina. ive gone threw alot of hardships in the last few years. i am a mother of 4 girls. the hardships began nov. 15, 2011 when i lost my dad. i lost a part of my heart that day. jan. 9, 2012 i found out my boyfriend and father to my now 4 yr old was molesting my oldest daughter. i still cant get over it. ive lost my 2 oldest daughters because of it. ive lost almost everything. i suffer from severe depression and anxiety. i am homeless now even though i am staying at the ronald mcdonald house of northwest ohio now because i just had my 4th baby by another man that ended getting in trouble and is in jail. i have a problem with trusting the wrong people. i was only 25weeks along. she is expected to be in the nicu untill her due date which is oct. 27 at that time i will be homeless if i cant get any help. i would like the opportunity to help mothers that have had love ones molest there children and or mothers who have had children way too early somehow. i just dont have the money but i have the experiences and the knowledge to do so. please help me help myself and others. thank you for giving me this opportunity. my phone # is 15176730273.

    4. Hi im a 59-year-old white male i was homeless all last year i know have a job i only make 11 hr its not much i live in a weekly motel i been walking to work now my job is moving to another warehouse soon ao i had to get a car so i can get to work but i can't afford my room and car payments so i will probably be living in my car i really need some help please my email is clintom111557@gmail.com thank you for reading my story RIchard

    5. FOR YOUR REQUIRED QUICK AFFORDABLE LOAN, EMAIL dawsonlewisloancompany@yahoo.com

      Hello, I am Sandra Alice currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with two kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in June 2015 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, I was introduced to a Man of God a private loan lender who gave me a loan of $105,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment, if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral , no credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule, please contact Dawson lewis He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more.You can contact him through his email: (dawsonlewisloancompany@yahoo.com) Or TEL:+14105016847

  2. My name is Nataliya.i need help with money.i am mother with 2children.i can not find job.i have to move from apt because i split with partner.but i do not have money for deposit and month rent.i do not want to be homeless with 2 children.also money for food before i sort out all paper.3000 will give us roof.please.my phone. 00353876263914 or email natzobenko.ru@rambler.ru
    thanks i appreciate help

  3. My name is Daniel Barona and im currently working on a project to help people but I don't have enough support and funds to make it happen. If you can please help in contributing in any amount, it would really help the people. Thank You

  4. Dear Sir,
    My name is Nuwan Sanjeewa. I'm a poor student. I need your help for my high
    studies. If I try, work with studies is a very difficult thing in here. I love to study in
    abroad with a part time job for aught because I can help to my family during my
    studies also. My family live with difficulty. I hope your deeply concern for me. If you
    can do some help for me please contact me on
    Thank you.

  5. My name is seth Penigar im 26 years old, I have a corner two bed room apt with five boys, ages are 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10, two of the boys are my own and three of the other boys are my sweet and loving girlfriends, we would like to get marryed but money always gets in our way and we put the kids 1st before us. the money will be used for catching up on all our bills and for me to Get my driver Licenses back so I can get back to work at my job as a moble DJ. my adress is 3206 Brian st apt 3 Eau Claire WI 54701. my Number is 715 271 8566. Thank you for reading.

  6. My Name is Lillian Kelila, my husband n i have 3 girls, we live n a small village called Aniak in Alaska! We live in a small 1 bedroom house without runnin water n heat! My husband works but its barely gets us by! I myself am workin on gettin my GED n plannin on takin a course for business management! We dont really have any money, most if it goes to bill n things we need, mainly on bills n bank fees! Our girls always ask us why we cant by them anything or go anywhere, n its always sad too tell them we have no money for anything! So i ask please anyone who reads this to please have a kind heart n help me n my family out! My cell # is 907-676-0577, n my email is lilliank55@gmail.com! Thanks very much!

  7. Im mother of 2 boy my16yr has a heart condition and my 4yr doesn't speak and is in the spectrum of autism. In 2008 we had to move a room in to parents home because our apartment flooded and we lost everything. That summer my husband was laid off a month later our car was hit by lighten so the little we saved while he was working so we can move out of the room we to buy a used car . My husband umemployment got cut off and found job delivering for nine dollars a hour. Then our 2003 enige blows. Now he will loss the only source of income we have. If any one can send us $13,000 to move and fix the car so we can get back on our feet it will save our lives. The past few years have been hell, I pray anyone really would care at all. Thanks bwishes66@gmail.com

  8. I would like to be upfront and tell you that I provide ALL PROOF of my hardships!!

    Last year we were well on our way to getting on our feet! My husband was our only income. I actually got hired at a job that offered great hours that worked around my children's school schedules. This would have been enough to get us by and maybe even provide a little 'extra'. I was not able to start this job because of extreme behavior from my daughter when she found out about the job I was to start.
    I have no idea where to start. My daughter came to live with me 2 years ago. My ex only told me, "she wanted to live on a different planet, so your house is the best I could offer." He told me nothing else until she was on her way. My daughter has extreme emotional and mental issues that the doctors are placing blame rather than offering the help needed. I can prove this as well.
    Since she arrived after about 2 weeks, she started to 'act out'. I contacted a local mental health provider and got her involved in that system here. They tried medication, individual counseling, group therapy, intense home therapy, and a partial hospital program. NOTHING WORKED.
    The diagnosis my daughter was given before she got here was ADD, ADHD, ODD, RAD, Bipolar, and General Mood Disorder. Here she was given ADHD, ODD (that they didn't bother to tell me), General Mood Disorder, Depression, and Anxiety. No Medications or any type of therapies have helped her thus far.
    Long story shot, the State now has custody of her and she is living in a therapeutic residential care facility.

    Before the State retained custody of her she lived in my house torchering her little brother and doing everything she could to make things unlivable in our house. Her mental, emotional, and psychological warfare was completely unbelievable. All this had a very negative effect on my son, my husband, and killed our financial situation.

    We have no earthly idea what happened this past xmas break. All we know is that my son's school started calling us in regards to his behavior. He was not paying attention, getting up, etc.. ( FYI If you are thinking ADHD you are wrong. ADHD simply does not just appear like this.) We started to really listen to what was being said to him by his sister. She was saying things to him that amazed us. She told him that mommy and daddy will hurt him, that she was happy that papa is dead, and other horrible things!

    Bottom line with my son is we have to home school him this coming school year. We signed up for Connections Academy and have received all the material needed to do so. We are doing this to get him back on track with everything.

    Due to all these extreme behaviors our financial situation has become somewhere between poverty and the working poor. We DON"T qualify for government aid in any way because we literally make $70 a month too much. That means no food stamps, no medical care, no housing, no childcare, just nothing. We have had to choose between food or bills and sometimes rent. Our situation is less than paycheck to paycheck.

    Keep in mind, I can provide documentation to prove everything!

    We fell behind 3 months on everything. Here is a list of where we actually need:

    $1265 for rent. Our landlords are working with us but getting sick of it.
    $411 for Electric
    $187 for Gas/Heat winter is coming!
    $443 for Internet/Cable to keep it on so we can do the homeschooling ((once paid all will revert to basic!)) Note I might be off a little on this one.

    For a total of $2306

    I have set up a paypal account asydenstricker@aol.com IF anyone is interested in helping us. If you need to contact me for more details or have me provide proof of my hardships please email asydenstricker@gmail.com putting Hardship in the subject.



    Woode Financial Services is a Register/Accredited Financial Company which provides a high standard of financial (LOAN) services to private and corporate clients. Do you need funds as investors? Are you in financial mess? Do you need a loan? We offer loan from the range of $2,000 to $5,000,000 (USD, EUR, GBP,) OR its EQUIVALENT IN OTHER CURRENCIES. We offer loan at an annual basic interest rate of 3% from a duration of 1 to 35 years to serious and trustworthy clients! Clients are require to pay back our loan by monthly installment repayment after 1 year of receiving his/her loan funds. Interested borrower is advice to forward their request to us via e-mail: woodefinancialservices@gmail.com


    Woode Financial Services is a Register/Accredited Financial Company which provides a high standard of financial (LOAN) services to private and corporate clients. Do you need funds as investors? Are you in financial mess? Do you need a loan? We offer loan from the range of $2,000 to $5,000,000 (USD, EUR, GBP,) OR its EQUIVALENT IN OTHER CURRENCIES. We offer loan at an annual basic interest rate of 3% from a duration of 1 to 35 years to serious and trustworthy clients! Clients are require to pay back our loan by monthly installment repayment after 1 year of receiving his/her loan funds. Interested borrower is advice to forward their request to us via e-mail: woodefinancialservices@gmail.com

  11. I am a father of 3 2 girls and 1 baby boy. I really have fell on hardship when my wife lost her job last month and my job cut hours tremendously. I've tried looking for a 2nd job but no luck there, I'm on the verge of being evicted within 2 weeks I have a total of $500 to my name. If there is anybody out there that can help plz respond to me at thaabsolute@gmail.com if you need proof I can email you the pictures of all my proof please if there is anyone that can help..

  12. I'm a U.S.A. veteran in need as so many veterans are in this county . I have been denied service connection many times while I was still able to work but none the less with disabilities.The DVA claims they don't exist.. Despite having to prove over and over aging they do exist, they deny . I recently applied again with more proof and having spine surgeryDec,5 th related to my injuries left me unable to work for more than 12 weeks . My sister who takes care of me full time cant work either because she is taking care of my many aliments in her home. She is facing loose of her home in the mist of all this. veterans don't ask for much just help with basic bills, the home while we are still here runs completely on electricity ,if cut off I cant use my hospital bed nor the seep apnea machine I use. There is literally no help on the local level. I have called many local and national organizations who though they get donation to help veterans only offer referrals to other organizations who can't help. We are in financial hard ship and on the verge of homelessness. I m diabetic and am running out of food , car insurance is past due we need the car to get me to the hospital appointments any help is help appreciated thank you in advance. cell phone is due and without that I can't make calls for help . I have been at this for a month now with no results.

  13. Hi Im Charles from houston Tx. I am a single parent of a beautiful 12yr old girl. I worked offshore in the oil field for the last 6 years and made good money. Four years ago i got a phone call from a judge telling me to come downtown a.s.a.p..I knew it was not good because a judge dont make phone calls. When i got there the judge told me some horrible things were going on in the house my child lived in and order her to be took from the mother and given to me and at that time me and my daughter knew little about one another.1year later i was granted full custody of my daughter and on that day she said dad i have a dream for us to live in a nice house instead of our tiny apartment. 4months ago i made a choice to leave offshore work and get a job on land because she needed more of my time because i worked 4weeks offshore and 1or2 weeks off on land and also mother had her while i was at sea so mom needed a break. So i left work cashed out my 401k ,got an apartment because the home buying was a nightmare with my bad credit. I paid up 3months rent up front and 3months up of car note, enrolled in school to become a nuclear medical technologist and looked for work after school. Four months passed so quick and i still had no job. Bills were coming up so for weeks i begged to my family & every church for help but with no job they all said they cant help & some were in the same boat as me. With tears in my eyes i told my daughter we had to move out because dad was broke, and with tears forming in hers as well right then and there i was heart broken for us. The next morning were both getting ready for school and as were leaveing out the door the apartment mangt says she has to put a lock on the door. While shes saying that im looking at the parking lot for my car but it was gone!!. I called to report it stolen only to find out that a mechanic that i owed 150$ too for fixing my car had made a deal with a 3rd party for the parts that i thought he already paid for. He put my car up for collateral for parts from a third party i never !! ever!! agreed to. The police wont help me, they say its a civil matter and a lawyer cost money i dont have. My car has been in storage almost 6weeks now & is 4,500$ as of today to get out. Mechanic i owe 150$ says he wants 400$ for late fees, 3rd party wants 700$ for parts late fees, storage place wants 1,500$ for tow and paper work fees, 400 for making a new key plus tax, $1,200 for 6 weeks of storage fees & 35$ a day untill i get it out, I think i only have about 2weeks left befor they sale it, plus im behind on car notes. This feels like a bad dream, me and my daughter moved in with my sister and her kids. I feel like i have failed on showing my daughter, all she ever wanted was for us to live in a house and be a family. I always told my daughter never to begg from anyone!!!! but i have no choice today but to begg. Im embarrassed as a man & father to be doing this. I think of al the things i did good in life like feeding the homeless because i wanted to, not because people were looking. Good things like not killing the man who hurt my daughter, good things like finding a wallet and re turning it to the owner. Why me?? i done good things.Sometimes i feel like i can't go another day. But i remember to Never!! doubt in the dark what GOD told me in the light. someone help us! if not with money then help with a prayer. I just wanna get 4,500 to get my car back and 1.500 for late car notes.. I just want to finish school and find a job ,All i want is our dream again, Contact c.ranson27@yahoo.com and please no scams,all im getting from people on this site is scams who want all my info like my ss# please no scams it hurt to get emails from some of you who scam, one so called pastor sent me a fraud check :( how could you play with my freedom after I already told you Im a single parent.

  14. request for money to save my totak earning of the life.
    Respected Madam / Sir,

    Firstly I give you my small introduction .I am 43 Years old Salaried Person My income is very low my salary is this time is only 8,000/- (Indian Rupees )per month .I live In Ropar (Punjab)( India) Since last eight years. My life is going to be simple & good but from last three months I had in deep trouble. At 20.11.2013 I take decision that now I plan for small own Home for this purpose I made an agreement with Mr.Ranjit singh Who is owner of that house whom I decided to purchase it. This decision not good for me According this Agreement I give Two Lac.(Indian Rupees) on same day & want three months time to pay rest of money Eight Lac (Indian Rupees) whom I planned to borrow from bank. But that Person did not disclose that this house is in under redline(The Property Which Have No Legal Records In Registry Department). Bank refused to pay me any type of loan against this house due to under redline property. Now I am frustrated because my all saving is now going to be vanish.

    I request you Kindly help me for facing this great trouble .Kindly give me financial help to sort-out this problem.

    Your’s Faithfully

    Gurvinder Singh

  15. Dear Investors/Financial Seekers.

    We are a Registered Private Investors/Loan Lender! Do you need FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? Are you in financial mess OR debts? We offer loan at 3% interest rate within 1 year to 30 years repayment duration period to Individual and Companies that are in need of financial assistance and to any part of the world.

    We give out loans ranging from $5,000.00 to $500,000,000.00, CURRENCIES: USD, CAD, KWD, OMR, SGD, RUB, GBP, AUD, MYR, ZAR, IDR, UAH, PHP, EURO.

    Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Are you losing sleep at night worrying how to get a legit loan lender? Are you in poverty? Do you need financial assistance to set-up a business? We can assist you financially. We'll help you get over those financial obstacles.

    Interested Individual OR Companies should contact us via:



    Lin Poh Loan Firm Team.

  16. Good, Day
    Are you a business man or woman? Are you in any financial stress or do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills ? Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain a loan from local banks and other financial institutes? i wish to inform you that we offer loan at low interest rate of 2%, if interested to obtain a loan from us, contact us via e-mail: kelly_financehome001@webadicta.org

    1. Name Of Applicant:.......
    2. Age:......................
    3. Location:.................
    4. Amount Needed........
    5. Duration:.................
    6. Phone Number.............
    7. Fax Number...............

    Contact Email: kelly_financehome001@webadicta.org
    Mr John Kelly
    John Kelly loan investment

    1. Daryoosh R.
      fourty four years old
      two years
      Email address: dariyoosh66@gmail.com
      I have no fax number.

    2. hi my name is Kim Shelby I have 5kids and 3grandbaby's I have 4kids and 1grandbaby at home I can't work at this time because my right side is not working to well so I use my left we need a car because it's to hard for me to get on and off the bus so please can someone help us please thank you God bless Evansville Indiana 8124010469 $8000 I have no fax number

  17. My name is Kelly, I'm a single mother of a 16 year old and a 6 year old. I am currently on the out of work list with the Grocery Union due to no car. My car was recently stolen and totaled. I only had liability insurgence because my car was 20 years old. My children go to 2 different schools and currently struggling to get them there on time. I had to take my daughter out of her regular activities due to no transportation. I have very little funds to be able to get our family a reliable car, so I am reaching out for help to save me and my kids from being prisoners of our home. Please if there is somebody out there that is willing to sponsor us during our time of need please help me and my children get back on track. Thank You. kellykelbellz@gmail.com

  18. My name is Marcus Dsouza and I am from India and am looking for someone who can financially help me for 50000 US $, bcos my family condition is very very worst, if you can help please do email me at (marcus69_ahd@rediffmail.com) I am from a very very poor family and we are all in 6 members and I hardly earn 100 $, if you can help me I shall be highly grateful and thankful to you.

    Looking forward towards your positive response from your side


  19. My name is Daisy mother of three Boys, working in a reputed school as a teacher. My husband was working in a company as supply chain officer. we are married since 15yrs, from that time we are facing our hardship towards financially. we struggled so much to bring up our kids but every time we fail, not able to pay the fees in proper time always late payment. because of this my sons are under frustration, on seeing this we are also totally frustrated. now after all this my husband lost his job, we are shattered,we even decided to take our lives thinking unfit parents but Gods grace and the faith on him has kept us alive,our children future also triggered in us. its admission time we need to pay for our kids education before 2nd week of may 2014. we tried every were no one is to help us. i want my sons to gain proper education, because of us i dont want them to suffer, feel ashamed..my husband is a very talented person,his communication talent is excellent, he is also looking for job (anywhere in the world) why i say this is because we ready to move anywhere and do anything for the sake of our kids.if any one can help my husband to get a permanent job (supply chain and logistics) we as family will be very grateful to you. now in urgent need of money for admission for 9th grade son and 3rd grade twins (Rs.1.5 lakhs) please help us.. looking forward for kind hearted people to mail me (dschristina1225@gmail.com)

  20. Hi we really need your help to get our home back ASAP we were promised funds from a couple in the USA and we sent them £2700 as proof that we were genuine and they were sending us £41, 000 but the lady died last week and we are desperate now as we have 3 young boys and have been living in a tent since February and nationwide building society want £30, 000 tomorrow morning or we lose everything please help us now as a matter of urgency!! Thanks for taking time to read this message and we hope you can help us today to get our family home back immediately!!! Xx


  21. I am Emil Bouchard,I want to say thank to Dr Agumagu for everything he did in my life. To everyone who doesn't believe in spell, I was one like you at first. I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to do this since I've tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read so many testimonials of Dr Agumagu how he help people to get back their ex lover. Dr Agumagu answered all my questions and was very nice about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my ex girlfriend back. So my story is that I was at my office when the girl I suppose to marry told me that she wasn't in love with me and never will it be and that she didn't want to speak or see me again, especially since she was talking to this other guy. i email Dr Agumagu and tell him everything.he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the one that was to get her back to me and stay with me and to marry me.As soon as he finish the spells, my girlfriend came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful to him, that is why i am sharing this testimony to those who need his help. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr Agumagu said would happen. I’m very happy for the love spell Dr Agumagu have done for me, my ex girlfriend is now back to me and we are living so happy. if you asked me or my friends if I would have anticipated how things were right now…no one would believe it! contact is email address (agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com tell +2348158847627) Emil Bouchard


  22. I am Emil Bouchard,I want to say thank to Dr Agumagu for everything he did in my life. To everyone who doesn't believe in spell, I was one like you at first. I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to do this since I've tried others so-called spells casters and they did not work and was a waste of my time and money. However, when I read so many testimonials of Dr Agumagu how he help people to get back their ex lover. Dr Agumagu answered all my questions and was very nice about everything, I decided to give it a try. I figured it would be my last try to get my ex girlfriend back. So my story is that I was at my office when the girl I suppose to marry told me that she wasn't in love with me and never will it be and that she didn't want to speak or see me again, especially since she was talking to this other guy. i email Dr Agumagu and tell him everything.he let me know which spells would be most appropriate for me and I chose the one that was to get her back to me and stay with me and to marry me.As soon as he finish the spells, my girlfriend came back into my life! It was a miracle to me and I’m so thankful to him, that is why i am sharing this testimony to those who need his help. Things have been going well, and pretty much according to what Dr Agumagu said would happen. I’m very happy for the love spell Dr Agumagu have done for me, my ex girlfriend is now back to me and we are living so happy. if you asked me or my friends if I would have anticipated how things were right now…no one would believe it! contact is email address (agumaguspelltemple@gmail.com tell +2348158847627) Emil Bouchard

  23. I lost 200 lbs I'm freezing this winter anything below 80°, and all I want is some footsie jammies and a winter coat!!!! Jappyhoy@gmail.com.

  24. Me my husband and 3 kids are being evicted for his grandmothers home that we have lived in for 7 years to take care of granny and pawpaw. We are being kicked out due to me getting the police involved when my mother-in-law tried to poison me again. We didn't qualify for any loans because our credit is so bad due to my husband's student loans and my medical bills. We were trying to find a rent house but my husband got laid off. So we tried our last option which was hud but they said there is at least a year waiting list. We are out of options and desperately need help. Any amount helps.here's our go fund me link http://www.gofundme.com/uxjp7c
    God bless y'all.

  25. Hi my name is Stephanie,

    I'm a new mom and in great need of help. I have been a victim of fraud and have lost most of my pay. I am losing my home due to not being able to pay my bills because of the debit someone has cause me. I really need someone's help today . I have 5 days to come up with 10,000 for my debit with my home people. Please please please help me , I have an infant and it's hard to provide for her with everything that's going on. I'm also in school and don't want to have to leave. I am trying to better myself for my daughter to make sure she can live a life of security as well as help families like myself in need in the future. If you can find it in your heart to help me withing these 5 days. Please email me Beatrice031476@gmail.Com . Me and my child would like to thank anyone who is reading this and possibly thinking about turning our lives around. God bless you all

  26. Hey my name is Sherice....and I am a single mother of two.it will be a blessing if I can afford transportation to get back-and-forth to school into work...I use my savings minutes in and bought a used car they always put me down and I'll always have start all back over . thank you for your time at the dates read my reply may god bless you.! SHERICEF123@gmail.com


    Hello everyone, My name is Mrs Amal Danny and i am talking as the happiest person in the whole wide world today and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will tell the name to the whole wild world and i am so happy to say that my family is back for good because i was in need a loan of $ 100,000 USD to start my life all over as i am a single mum with 4 kids and the whole world seemed like it was hanging on me until i met the GOD sent loan lender that changed my life and that of my family, a GOD fearing lender, Mr Alvin Williams, he was the Savior GOD sent to rescue my family and at first i thought it was not going to be possible until i received my loan of $ 100,000 USD on the 5th/september/2015,i invited him over to my family get-together party which he did not decline and i will advise any one who is in genuine need of a loan to contact Mr.Alvin Williams via email at Alvinloanfirm@yahoo.com because he is the most understanding and kind hearten lender..........................


  28. Do you need any Financial Help such as LOAN?If yes email us at brent.timmons@Ymail.com with the below details.
    Full Name:
    Phone Number:
    Loan Amount:

  29. Hello friends!!! My name is Jeff Chandler. i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 3 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay alot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 4,560,000USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony woman who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Lynn Vannessa Loan Company and email (lynnvannessaloancompany@yahoo.com ) where she finally got her loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 3 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and to my shock I was given a loan amount of $60,000.00 Dollars by this great Company (Lynn Vannessa Loan Company} managed by Mrs Lynn Vannessa a God fearing woman and here i am today happy because this company has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your loan via email: lynnvannessaloancompany@yahoo.com she is kind hearten.

    i remain Jeff Chandler............


  30. Hello everyone, My name is Hilda Clifton ,a citizen of USA; am 40 years of age..I am married,with three kids I want to inform you all about the goodness of the lord,i was struck in a financial situation,and i needed to pay off my bills,I tried seeking for loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never wih success,and most banks declined my credit. but finally i want to Thank God Almighty for leading me to a real and Legit loan lender name Aliton Bernard Jones, the CEO of BernardInvestmentLimited after been scammed the sum of $9,850 by fake lenders,i was hopeless and didn't know who to trust while he came and put a great smile on my face By lendering me the sum of $450,000.00USD at my greatest surprise,So dear,if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan with low interest rate of 2% and better repayment plans andschedule,please contact {Bernardinvestmentlimited@hotmail.com} And also if you have been victim of Scam,you should worry no more because,i have brought you good news,and the only lender you can trust,just contact him now via (Bernardinvestmentlimited@hotmail.com)for more information on how to get your loan. he does not know am doing this i pray God bless him Abundantly for putting a smile on my face and that of my family.


  31. Hello friends!!! My name is Jeff Chandler. i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 3 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay alot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 4,560,000USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony woman who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Lynn Vannessa Loan Company and email (lynnvannessaloancompany@yahoo.com ) where she finally got her loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 3 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and to my shock I was given a loan amount of $60,000.00 Dollars by this great Company (Lynn Vannessa Loan Company} managed by Mrs Lynn Vannessa a God fearing woman and here i am today happy because this company has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your loan via email: lynnvannessaloancompany@yahoo.com she is kind hearten.

    i remain Jeff Chandler............


  32. Hello friends!!! My name is Jeff Chandler. i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 3 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay alot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 4,560,000USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony woman who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Lynn Vannessa Loan Company and email (lynnvannessaloancompany@yahoo.com ) where she finally got her loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 3 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and to my shock I was given a loan amount of $60,000.00 Dollars by this great Company (Lynn Vannessa Loan Company} managed by Mrs Lynn Vannessa a God fearing woman and here i am today happy because this company has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your loan via email: lynnvannessaloancompany@yahoo.com she is kind hearten.

    i remain Jeff Chandler............

  33. Hello Everyone, I am Rita Britney a single mom from Gorgia USA,i will like to share this great testimony on how i got my loan from Gordy's Loans when we were driven out of our home when i couldn't pay my bills anymore, After been scammed by various companies online and denied a loan by my bank and other some other credit union i visited. my children were taken by the foster care, i was all alone in the street. Until a day i shamefully walked into an old school mate who introduced me to this God fearing loan company ( Ani Bentley Loan Company ). At first i told her that i am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore, but she assured me that i will received my loan from them. On a second thought i took due to my homelessness i took a trial and applied for the loan,i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me luckily for me i given a loan of $120,000.00 which i applied for from this loan company(aniblentleyloancompany@yahoo.com) and i am happy i took the risk and applied for the loan. my kids have been given back to me and now i own a home and a business of my own. All gratitude goes to Mrs Ani Bentley a God sent Loan Lender for giving a meaning to my life when i had lost all hope so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your loan via email: aniblentleyloancompany@yahoo.com she is kind hearten.

    I remain Rita Britney

  34. Hello Everyone, I am Rita Britney a single mom from Gorgia USA,i will like to share this great testimony on how i got my loan from Gordy's Loans when we were driven out of our home when i couldn't pay my bills anymore, After been scammed by various companies online and denied a loan by my bank and other some other credit union i visited. my children were taken by the foster care, i was all alone in the street. Until a day i shamefully walked into an old school mate who introduced me to this God fearing loan company ( Ani Bentley Loan Company ). At first i told her that i am not ready to take any risk of requesting a loan online anymore, but she assured me that i will received my loan from them. On a second thought i took due to my homelessness i took a trial and applied for the loan,i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me luckily for me i given a loan of $120,000.00 which i applied for from this loan company(aniblentleyloancompany@yahoo.com) and i am happy i took the risk and applied for the loan. my kids have been given back to me and now i own a home and a business of my own. All gratitude goes to Mrs Ani Bentley a God sent Loan Lender for giving a meaning to my life when i had lost all hope so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your loan via email: aniblentleyloancompany@yahoo.com she is kind hearten.

    I remain Rita Britney

  35. Hello friends am Mrs Nancy a single Mom with two kids from Virginia USA,i want to testify on how i got my Xmas loan from a real and legit loan company after being scammed recently by several Fake Companies who pretend to be Legit loan companies ,i was stuck in a financial situation in October 2015 and needed to pay off bills and also seeking for an Xmas loan ,and all banks declined my credit card ,until i met a friend who i Explained my problems to, and to my superise she told me that she just got a loan from Legit company online called Henry Howard Finance Plc ,that she can introduce me to the company,first i was skeptical in acquiring loan online because of how i was scammed of my hard earned money, so i decided to give it a trial,and i applied for a loan of 150,000.00 US D at 2% interest rate ,and did accordingly what the company asked me to do,and to my greatest superise i got the loan of 150,000.00 USD in my bank account within 24 hours and i said i wont keep this to my self i was going to Testify about the good things the company is doing,so if you were worry about how you were going to get loan of any kind, worry no more kindly contact the company via email :(henryhowardfinanceplc@hotmail.com)or (henryhowardinvestmentslimited@yahoo.com) God bless you......


  36. Good-Day I am Greg Jaxson, A reputable & accredited private loan lender who gives life time opportunity loans. We give out all kinds of LOAN in a very fast and easy way, Personal Loan, Car Loan, Home Loan, Student Loan, Business Loan, Investment Loan, Debt Consolidation, Xmas Loan And MORE. Have you been rejected by banks and other financial agencies? Do you need a consolidation loan or a mortgage? Search no more as we are here to make all your financial problems a thing of the past. We loan funds out to individuals & company in need of financial assistance at a rate of 2%. No social security Number required and no credit check required, 100% Guaranteed. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable and beneficiary assistance and we will be glad to offer you a loan. So email us today at: jaxsonloancompany@yahoo.com to apply for a loan now.


    Attention To The World,

    If you need a genuine and reliable loan help,and don’t want to be a scam victim,I think this is for you.This is a testimony on how,I was ripped off by some idiot that calls themselves lenders,and how I finally got my financial freedom through a God sent helper that finally gave my life a meaning,with the least cheapest rates as to 2% interest and little TOKEN other requirements and they don’t give a damn to your credit score… For more info on how to reach this great man just email him now and tell him that Mark Shores testify about him on the internet his email address is: slivinumarko@yahoo.com ... CONTACT THIS GREAT LOAN LENDER TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS:slivinumarko@yahoo.com and my everyday prayer to this great man is that GOD WILL NEVER STOP BLESSING AND PROTECTING HIS FAMILY because he put an endless smile on my faces and am 100% DEBT FREE TODAY.......


  38. My husband is back!!! I had a problem with my husband 2 months ago,which lead to us apart. When he broke up with me,I was no longer myself,I felt so empty inside .Until a friend of mine told me about one of her spells that helped her in same problem too that she found on a television program. i emailed the spell caster and I told him my problem and I did what he asked me. To cut the story short,Before I knew what was happening,not up to 48 hours,my husband gave me a call and he come back to me and told me he was sorry about what has happened, I'm so grateful to this spell caster and i will not stop publishing his name on the internet just for the good work he has done for me.If you need his help,you can email him at (obasispelltemple@gmail.com)or tel +2348071223911 and he will also help you.

  39. Hi my names is Tifanni and im 26 years old. I have three children and im married to an amazing man. He works very hard to try and support out family. We cant afford childcare for our children so im a stay at home mom. Money is very tight and the bills keep racking up. I want to give my children am amazing life. We are wanting to buy a house that we can stay in forever and raise our kids in a stable home. We went to talk ro someone about our credit to see about getting a home loan but with my husbamd having pending student loans and with us falling behind occationally with bills our credit is not where we need it to be to buy a home. It would be much easier if we could buy a home as it would be cheaper than renting we currently pay 800 a month for our rental home, our house is a good size for us but is poorly maintained by our landlords so the windows are drafty causeing a rise in bills making it even more hard to not fall behind on bills when the price is never constant. Im just reaching out hoping that someone somewhere can help us. Anything would help. Thank you and god bless. My email is tifannisfitzgerald@gmail.com feel free to email me with anymore questions.



    Hello friends!!! My name is Karen Louise. i want to testify of the good Loan Lender who showed light to me after been scammed by 2 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay alot of fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 7,280.00USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet looking frustrated when i came across a testimony woman who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Claudia Crayton Loan Company and email (claudiacraytonloancompany@yahoo.com ) where she finally got her loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 2 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and to my shock I was given a loan amount of $50,000.00US Dollars by this great Company (Claudia Crayton Loan Company) managed by Mrs Claudia Crayton a God fearing woman and here i am today happy because this company has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently? kindly and quickly contact This great company now for your loan via email: claudiacraytonloancompany@yahoo.com she is kind hearten.

    i remain Karen Louise............

  41. my name is abdulwali khan and I am studying medicine, I belong to a poor family, my father is old to work and have no other source of income, I am living as a war affectee since 2009.i have passed my 1st and 2nd prof exams with flying colors and currently stand 2nd in my university. but due to financial hardship I have to put stop to my education which I don't want, so please help me.
    contact no: 00923149532932 my email address is Abdulwalikhan801@yahoo.com
    feel free to ask me any detail.thanks


    Hello my dear people , I am Anita Frank, currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit ,do not full prey to those hoodlums at there that call them self money lender they are all scam , all they want is your money and you well not hear from them again they have done it to me twice before I met Mr. Wilson Edwards the most interesting part of it is that my loan was transfer to me within 74hours so I will advice you to contact Mr. Edwards if you are interested in getting loan and you are sure you can pay him back on time you can contact him via email……… (wilsonedwardsloancompany@gmail.com) No credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral then contact Mr. Wilson Edwards today for your loan
    They offer all kind of categories of loan they
    Short term loan (5_10years)
    Long term loan (20_40)
    Media term loan(10_20)
    They offer loan like
    Home loan............., Business loan........ Debt loan .......
    Student loan..........,Business start up loan
    Business loan....... , Company loan.............. etc
    Email..........(wilsonedwardsloancompany@gmail.com )
    When it comes to financial crisis and loan then Wilson Edwards loan financial is the place to go please just tell him I Mrs. Anita Frank direct you Good Luck.......................

  43. Hi to all how can i share my life problem. i am in hard life everything is finished, I have old mother, father, wife and two small daughter. My family is in trap of debt, every day going with scarey and fear. How can out from debt. They abouse us and daily fight with us. My life is finished, i dont know how i pay my debt because i am only one person in house who work. Now every months paying of debt i have no mony for even food and daily use item like shop, school free every thing so please help us, sometime i feel quite from life sometimes fight with problem but how please help us i will always thankful of u

  44. I'm fahima I live in south Africa I request assistance without judgement from anyone who may have the heart tolerance and patience. I'm 31 I live at home with my mum and I'm diagnosed schizophrenic bipolar and major depression.ive been sustained with social grant since I can remember and I haven't been employed for the past 11 years. We lost our home in court and the appeal where we have resided for 18 years and we face eviction. Please don't give me money buy me a place I can call home because the thought of being on the street is terrifying not only for but my mum I don't know if I'd survive that. Thanks for reading this kindly contact me on fahimapillay@gmail.com I estimate it would be 40000 USD or 400000 Rands . God bless

  45. https://www.gofundme.com/babyDee

  46. I have been abused since a child and I am now 50 years old and struggling so bad in life I am living in a mold infested home and my landlord does not care on how ill it is making me. I have raised my children on my own and even to this day their father still has not paid his child support I have no family and I need the help to be able to live in a home that is not going yo cause me to become more ill. I have been in and out of doctors for over three months and I have no where to turn.

    thank you

  47. FOR YOUR REQUIRED QUICK AFFORDABLE LOAN, EMAIL dawsonlewisloancompany@yahoo.com

    Hello, I am Sandra Alice currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with two kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in June 2015 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, I was introduced to a Man of God a private loan lender who gave me a loan of $105,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment, if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral , no credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule, please contact Dawson lewis He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more.You can contact him through his email: (dawsonlewisloancompany@yahoo.com) Or TEL:+14105016847

  48. Dear Sir/Madam,

    Do you need funds to start up your own business, Do you need a loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills.Or do you need funds to finance your project? We offer a wide range of financial services which includes:( Mortgages loan, Bad credit, Business Loans, Private loans,car loans, hotel loans, student loans, personal loans,and with low interest rate of 2% per annul for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. know that we also offer, Payday loans,and also offer loans to Investors. We Offers services of any amount and to any country in the world,for Individuals, Companies, Realtor and Corporate Bodies) within 1 to 20 years repayment duration period. We give out loans within the range of $1,000 to $50,000,000 USD. Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority.
    For application and more information send replies to the following:

    Company Name: (wilfredbrownfinancialhome@aol.com )

    C.E.O Wilfred Brown

    For more information CALL

    Tell: +1 (906)662-0480)

  49. Hi. I am a single mother if two. Recently separated and facing hardship. I have two girl's ages 1&2. I am fughting for ssi. We live in Baltimore city Maryland. We are facing eviction, bge turn off. I want to move my children out of the dangerous city into Baltimore county. My email is maryash255@gmail.com. phone is 443-452-8463. Please anything would be a blessing to us right now. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.


    Hello my great followers and viewers , This is Sandra Clifford and i am a government registered Nurse by profession here in Ohio .
    I just wanna share this little experience i got online while trying to get a loan funds so that every single persons on here can learn from my stories and my experience too .
    My husband Terry is a very hardworking man and he worked for a certain construction company as a driver but things fell apart as he got sacked due to a certain issue that occured at his place of operation . he was home for 6 months and my job could not only put food on our table and also pay the tuition fees of our kids . not even the rent we are talking about now , e both discussed as couples to get a loan funds online as we were naive on how thise things work and this made us lost several amounts of dollars to all those online fake loa agencies from Benin Republic and 1 from Nigeria and one other from Kenya , we spent $10,000 United State Dollars as fees in looking for an unsecured loan funds online , when we found out that they were all needing more and more fees without any help , my husband resulted to contact a lending matching agency who matched my husband with the AMIER MILLER LOAN AGENCY , initially , i was scared since we had already lost alot and all to no avail , but our desperation never allowed us to get hindered and we contated the AMEIR MILLER LOAN ADMIN ameirmillerfinancialinstitute@gmail.com , ameirmillerclassicloaninstitute@yahoo.com . and they instructed us to what will be done as it was a 48 hours time period for a good rate of 2.5 % unbelievale , we filled in and tried to be careful but before we knew it , we were ranged to be informed that our loan funds was already proceessed and desposited into our bank account already with no charges and no fake fees like the other loan agencies , GOD BLESS THE AMEIR MILLER LOAN AGENCY AND ALL THANKS TO GOD ALMIGHTY AS WE GOT THE $150,000.000 United State Dollars without been scammed or delayed , incase you want to also reach them , you can text them up at +1 252-585-5014
    ameirmillerapprovedloans@usa.com , ameirmillerfinancialinstitute@gmail.com , ameirmillerclassicloaninstitute@yahoo.com



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