
Tuesday 3 January 2017

Foundations That Help Low Income Families in 2017

If you need help and you're on a low income and need to support a big family there are a number of assistance programs for low-income families that you could explore. Your first port of call should be public assistance, the government offers financial assistance programs for people who need money now. These assistance programs sometimes also referred to as online financial assistance come in the form of unemployment benefits, food stamps, rental assistance and energy assistance programs like LIHEAP.

If you're eligible for these programs then that is a great step forward to improve the quality of your life and standard of living. Another option that you could explore is charitable foundations. Whether you're experiencing hardship or want to further your education you could apply for hardships money, scholarships, bursaries, grants, fellowships, internships and even 990's.

Assistance for Low Income Families

One of the best places to go to if you need cash now or online financial assistance is the Foundation Center. This database contains over 100,000 foundations, corporate donors and grantmaking public charities. This site also offers resources on online financial assistance and helps low-income individuals and families find the right foundation to ask for help, they also offer guidance on proposal writing and.

One important point to bear in mind is that these charitable foundations which offer online financial assistance give no guarantees that you'll get money. If you have a qualifying hardship then there is a chance but unfortunately, there are no guarantees. If you're experiencing a genuine hardship like help with medical bills, help with education, financial despair, homelessness, poverty or disaster recovery then there is a good chance you could get help even if it's just advice.

I have taken the liberty of adding ten charitable foundations that you can contact for help. The information is from Foundation Center which is one of the most reputable grantmaking organizations. If you're thinking about contacting these foundations for money please leave a comment below and forward this article to anyone who might benefit from it. Also feel free to add a comment asking these foundations, millionaires, billionaires for money as these articles sometimes go viral and are picked up by people who want to help.

Top 100 American Foundation (41 to 50)

(1 to 10) (11 to 20) (21 to 30) (31 to 40)

41. Walton Family Foundation, Inc.

42. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

43. Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

44. The Chicago Community Trust

45. Eli & Edythe Broad Foundation 

46. The James Irvine Foundation 

47. Annenberg Foundation

48. Houston Endowment Inc. 

49. The Heinz Endowments

50. Marin Community Foundation

The best way to contact these foundation for online financial assistance is to check their sites and the programs on offer, you can also send a hardship letter or email asking then for help, it's rare to get cash now however if you're experiencing extreme financial hardship then there might be a chance.

If you're planning to contact any one of these foundations then please leave a comment to share your experience, also please forward this guide to anyone who will benefit from the information. Finally feel free to leave a comment below asking for financial assistance as these guides are sometimes picked up by philanthropists who want to offer financial assistance online.

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  1. Please leave a comment here if you're experiencing financial hardship and need money. Don't forget to include your hardship details.

    If you're a philanthropists or someone who wants to help please contact these people direct on the contact details provided.

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